shifting script template: bnha - - I have infinite money on a bank account credit card. - Day 2: September 4th: Opening Ceremonies occur. The first and only original app LIFA for all reality shifters LIFA is an app for shifters. Most of the time is fighting in our hero outfits and studying how to be a hero. I know how writing a shifting script can be difficult, especially if you start from scratch. Here is my BNHA script! : r/shiftingrealities - Reddit Here you have one app that is organized for all your scripts, scenarios, and characters of your desired. - I have nails that are immune to breaking or getting dirt under them. - I am part of the Bakusquad (Mina Ashido, Katherine Wilkinson, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan), Hanta Sero and sometimes Kyoko Jiro). - I will shift realities to My Hero Academia. People find me entertaining and despite my many flaws, most people I meet like me. Also this is rly long idk if yall wanna read it. You can't edit the characters, no custom pictures, and the UI is horrid. - August 30th: I take the Licensing Exam and pass. My shifting script to the bnha/mha universe, feel free to use it as an example. Read more . Hi! . They updated the app. I promise, the rush of putting your whole life's value on the line is like nothing you will ever feel. I had really high hopes for this app, and they clearly were too high. - I never met Izukus dad and Inko raised me and Izuku alone. I made a free shifting template on Notion :] : r/shiftingrealities - Reddit 58. However the amount of features that are locked on the android version are really annoying so, im hoping, in the near future it would be amazing to see them available. shadow hunters shifting script. Yep, it's me! My Hero Academia Shifting Script - YouTube - I believe I have succeeded at shifting to my desired reality. Have a great day. - All the makeup and items I need is in my bathroom or somewhere in my dorm. - July 21st: Me and Class 1-A get on a bus to go to the summer camp. Make a copy of it and edit It from there! - Its full of plants, fairy lights, drawings, flags, posters and stickers. - Im immune to forgetting my passwords or pins. - I have succeeded at shifting to my desired reality. - All Might visits my house to discuss moving into the dorms. Dont directly edit the file, please. I envision it as a thick, jet black poison. - I will smell lavender and/or peppermint before opening my eyes. Yep, it's me! Hello and welcome! 33 6. dr script template. This subreddit is currently restricted; please use mod-mail to become approved! - We rarely do academic education. Read more . I have broken it down into "basics" "personal info" "recommended" and "necessary". - I am academically talented but I just never study so my grades appear bad. My drawback is that I can only lift certain weights of earth at a time. this book will be about Shifting Reality as the title says. - My cats litter is in the bathroom and I store his food, litter bag, frog stuff and garbage in my wardrobe too. Click me, Click me!! - Sometimes Bakugou even lets me study with him and Kirishima. I'd trust her with my life, but not because i want her to save me- I'd want her to ruin me. See more Featured Posts. - I have successfully shifted to my desired reality because I deserve it. The only way i can put it is like looking into a part of the universe that nobody else can see. (dOnT jUdGe Me). - There is no racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and ableism. Kat comes along with me on the same terms. ; BNHA - GOJOSSUNGLASSES. - Wattpad Mhashifting Stories - Wattpad "Really is a bummer, because I like this app a lot and the potential behind it is really nice." - I struggle socially (and sometimes academically) a lot because of my Autism and ADHD. Im opening my eyes and Im lying on my bed in my CR. When a big/important/traumatic/special event happens I get a notification and I can decide whether its important enough for me to shift back or not. On my app, I can check a timetable of what my clone had to do. They are white tree frogs and they are both female. So I posted this on the scripting flair and some post comments but it hasn't been getting as much attention as I would like so here it is! - Day 6: I have the day off while Deku goes to meet Nighteye and becomes his intern and Kacchan and Todoroki go to Provisional License Exam make-up classes. The world looks like anime, including me. - I can shift realities to My Hero Academia easily. - My clone gets over my trichotillomania and we have all our eyelashes back. The Bakusquad becomes best friends. Detailed scripting template | Wiki | desired reality Amino She makes me wants to collapse on my knees and follow her, like a dog. - I am immune to pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or ingrown hairs. *POV you pick up a book covered in doodles and tears. It reminds me what my safeword is and other important information about my DR and CR. my name is Ichikachan Ashido (i made myself to be Mina's sister) my quirk is the 4 elements and the downside is that i can only use one at a time or they both. So yeah! The creators are real too but anime-alized. Template for scripting! : r/shiftingrealities - Reddit Im now free to control the rest of my day and what I do. - I have my phone on me or around me at all times so that I can access my Lifa app. - I like to wear my school uniform sloppy. - Me, Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya start Middle school at Aldera Junior High in Musutafu, Japan at age 12. hair, arm hair, mustache hair, sideburns or unibrow) except for my eyebrows, eyelashes and head hair. - I officially become part of the Bakusquad and friends with most of Class 1-A. It's even worse than before. - I have pictures of my friends all over my walls. I thought they were like writing sentence by sentence what was going to happen. - Deku gets attacked by the sludge villain and meets All Might who gives him One for All. You can't rename them either. By. Next thing too talk about is what some shifting terms mean: CR= current reality (where you are right now) DR= desired reality (where you want to go) Clone: Since during shifting you only shift your mind, your body stays here and your clone is pretty much what you leave behind. - Term 2 of school starts on September 3rd but we dont actually go. - Before starting school I ask Kirishima out and he says yes. I'm the link! (Celebrities and stuff). - In my DR, I can go on my phone to the Lifa app. I have beautiful pictures/paintings in my bathroom. Oh, and Yumeko is just as indescribable as gambling. So. You peer inside, and this is what it says* //TW :gambling, self destructive behavior// My addiction grows. people always looking for cool shifting script templates for google slides | I understood the assignment | IT'S THE FIRST LINK IN MY LINK TREENetflix Google Slides . Fixed a bug that causes the app to crash on Android 13, He tells me about it. - I have successfully shifted to my desired reality. - My desired reality will follow my script. I made a scripting template that think is quite good. Chapter 3. - I am in Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture, Musutafu. I remember everything from my DR when I come back. I have almost the lowest grades in the class but I still pass well. - I teamed up with Mezo (octo-arms guy) against Snipe the Pro Hero. Im so tired, Ive been doing this all week. I make it past the obstacle race and end up in Hitoshi Shinos group with Mashirao Ojiro (tail guy) and Yuga Ayoama (laser guy). Nice talking! - Me, Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya start school at age 6. - Inko Midoriya signs the legal papers to adopt me. I'm the link! TikTok video from maryyyyyy (@rosebud.shifter): "google slides shifting script template #shifttok#realityshifting#shiftingrealities#shiftingscript#shiftingscripttemplate#googleslides#mcu#harrypotter". - I am immune to Trichotillomania, nail biting, skin picking, lip picking, and scarring. - Endeavor and Hawks get attacked by High End (smart Nomu) who then gets picked up by Dabi. I call her Mom and I call Izuku my brother. - I stay in the dorms. After seeing this I'm considering writing a script, they seem like they might help. All you need to know about Methods + How To Shift. - I know I have successfully shifted realities. - Everyone from my CR is in my DR but anime-alized. Here is the 2nd shifting script out of the idk how many I plan to make and I really enjoyed getting to make this one. Read scripting template: bnha reality from the story desired reality {shifting} by dreamywoelkchen (kai) with 39,432 reads. THIS OBVIOUSLY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR MY HERO ACADEMIA ANIME AND BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA MANGA!!!! Im in my dorm and its 11am. I will always have access to this and I will be able to see what my clone is doing. - I am immune to bumpy, flakey/dry, or inflamed skin. (Izuku Midoriya/Deku is 5 months and 28 days old). Deleting a DR doesn't work as well. - All of Gen z understands our humour and we have Tik Tok. Nighteye dies and Overhaul gets defeated. I'm Georgina and I'm trying to shift to My Hero Academia/Boku No Hero Academia. - School starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm. Published: Nov 5, 2020. - Aizawa Sensei and All Might Sensei support me and help me. Im wearing my fanta shirt and gray sweatpants. I added in the Lifa App which is extremely important and I didn't add it last time, I used the same 'template' as before however made it fit my MHA reality. - I have a printer, speaker, xbox and laptop on my desk and shelves. - The 3 of us had always been friends since birth but Kacchan bullies Deku. - Justin Trudeau is the president of Japan and Canada, and he is supportive of LGBTQ+ and all other positive subjects. Time in my CR moves at the same rate as my DR. (also nice handwriting) I thought so too! - I sit at the front, furthest away from the door and in front of Bakugou. I pass easily without a second thought. Discover bnha shifting script template 's popular videos | TikTok - That means all the songs and movies from my CR are already released in my DR. Your beloved friend, the scripting template! I chose Gunhead with Ochaco Uraraka and Katherine Wilkinson. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Oh and the dark theme only works when you're in the DR folder. Anything else you want to add e.g - my hair always smells good- i have the perfect eyesight- my lips are always soft and pinky- i have a white clean teeth- i always have a clear skin- i dont get acnes- my body always smells good(Or) - my body looks like my body in my cr. - July 22nd + 23rd: We train really hard through all sorts of torture. I have my phone on my or around me 24/7. kaminarisimp. 0 Reply 01/22/21. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. - I always smell like peppermint and roses. greys anatomy shifting script. Reality Shifting Script Template (Map Your Desired Reality) - Were allowed sleepovers at each others rooms. My laptop has the same apps on it as my CR too. - i have my lifa app/journal to tell my clone to edit my script- i have a (any object you want in your dr) to show me what is my clone doing, How to comeback to this reality- i get back to my current reality by (saying a safe word or safe action), Time passes ____ of my current reality is equal to ___ in my desired reality. my name is Ichikachan Ashido(i made myself to be Mina's sister), my quirk is the 4 elements and the downside is that i can only use one at a time or they both, i'm best friends with Mina, tenya and jiro, Deku hates me(maybe bc i stole his place as main character lol hehe). Favourites. When Im not in my DR, time is paused and will resume when I get back. Im pretty lazy and like to lie around in bed all day. Although the appearance part sounds horrifying. Watch popular content from the following creators: FEETI(@f33ti), stand with ukraine(@3shifters), yezishift(@yezishift), pixii, zan, jolie & hed(@shiftedaway), stand with ukraine(@3shifters) . I change something, and open the app back up, what do you know! -I can manipulate the movement of solids on the Periodic Table as well as natural made substances, including dirt, rock, untreated wood and plants (though I cant make them grow so most of the time that part is useless.) Skills : (run fast, climb a tree, solves riddles, this could include your hobbies too etc. ), Your details of who you are in your dr (e.g if you go to Hogwarts, add your house, patronus, wand etc. curator applications - spring 2023 . I can mold mud into certain shapes, use small rocks as bullets (has damage of a pistol), lift the ground to push me off to travel faster, can only keep water away from me so not to carry it, I can feel where everything I can pick up is so I have a mental image of underground (good for finding people in rescue missions), and I can hold down opponents by piling earth on top of them. - The Sports Festival Happens. This is a lot of fun! I'll be including pictures and copy pasting my text here. - The day after, Kacchan and Todorki go to the License Exam with the kids. Also, I will be fixing the fact that my End screen doesn't match up because it annoys me, but I really don't wanna have to recreate the entire video so please don't get upset about this tiny annoying thingScript: Used: Main Song: Music by Public Library Commute - Moonlight - Music by frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling - you read this far, as always feel free to request any content you'd like to see and any ideas :) (I ARRIVE IN MY DR 3 DAYS BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS: SEPTEMBER 1ST). - Global warming, animal extinction, and wars are under control. The developer provided this information and may update it over time. - I have two pet frogs in my dorm too called Kiri (after Kirishima and meaning fog in Japanese) and Mizu (meaning water in Japanese). Its logo is green and looks a lot like the Shortcuts app. My cat is sleeping on his cat tree. my BNHA shifting script (use for inspo) Add to Favourites. 44.9K Likes, 318 Comments. - Inko Midoriya found me a few hours after I was put there and took me home to care for me in her apartment in Musutafu, Japan. Additional - i cannot die- i have a high pain tolerance- i cannot incur any major harm- i cannot get trauma in my dr- i don't get tired easily- i can control my emotions/abilities- i cannot hurt anyone- i have unlimited money- I'm good at any subject- i have unlimited clothes- i don't have allergies- i don't need to shave- i don't get my periods- any additional infos that needs pictures look the exact same as i want them to be- if i sleep in my dr, i will wake up in my dr- I'm kind to everyone and everyone's kind to me- i can talk to animals- i remember my friends' birthdays- anything you want actually! - Me, Izuku Midoriya (Deku) and Katsuki Bakugou (Kacchan) grew up living close together and we went to the same schools since birth. Here is the 2nd shifting script out of the idk how many I plan to make and I really enjoyed getting to make this one. I don't try to stop it. - July 24th: The LoV attack and Bakugou is kidnapped. (unlike in my CR) and he does what I say. - All Might fights One for All and gets imprisoned while All Might's true form is revealed to the world. I would just like to say that i probably won't post any more stuff about shifting however I might get around to writing some OCs, diary entry povs ect. lab rats shifting script. - I have a step-on-and-it-opens garbage bin by the toilet and cabinet. - I can shift realities to My Hero Academia. I want her to devour every fibre of my being. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #scripttemplate, #shiftingscripttemplate, #shiftingtemplate, #scriptbnha, #bnhafictive . - I have a fake deer skull hanging on the wall above my desk. He is very caring. - I believe I have succeeded in shifting. You delete it now you just have one saying 'error' on top of the original you were trying to delete. - Monday: 3rd day at school: The media breaks into UA (emergency exit Iida lmao) Class 1-A choses a class rep. - Wednesday: 5th day of school: The USJ incident occurs. - The Wild Wild Pussy Cats come to visit me and Class 1-A at our dorms. I'm tall and thin, around 7 feet tall, and around 3000 pound. This could be used for any places you want to shift to, i hope this helps! - I have a pet cat called Dizeru (looks like Diesel from my CR). As a side job after I graduate, I want to be an artist. It's indescribable. Reality shifting (also known as quantum jumping) is a skill you can learn. - Me and Deku get told we are quirkless by a doctor. (yall know why ;3). - Nobody purposefully triggers my sensory issues. - I am immune to ANY unwanted body hair (pubic hair, armpit hair, leg hair, ass hair, back hair, arm hair, mustache hair, sideburns or unibrow) except for my eyebrows, eyelashes. whihoney. - I have a lot of binders, books and old sketchbooks on my shelves. Nice talking! - Friday: 1st day at school: Quirk Assessment Training, - Saturday: 2nd day at school: Battle Trial Occurs (Im up against Todoroki and he freezes the entire building). Only thing it does have going for it is the ads. Hawks and Tokoyami cant make it so Nighteye agreed to take care of me while I go with Deku. Also dont forget to go to the very bottom to check out the images bc I didnt put all of them in. - Friday: 6th day of school: The Sports Festival is revealed by Aizawa Sensei. - I am also close friends with Ochaco Uraraka, Fumekage Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu Asui, Izuku Midoriya (Deku) and Shoto Todoroki. Deku and Uraraka start dating. Here's an ideal reality template! Reality Shifting Script Template: How to Script for Shifting I know how to drive and I own a large black pick-up. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. - I have my drawings all over my walls too. i will share about the explanation, how to shift reality faster, methods, scripting, subliminals, perspective, tips, probably my experiences and others! this book will be about Shifting Reality as the title says. Shifting Tips! So, basically what the title says, i made a free scripting template on notion that anyone is free to use :]if you have any questions or recommendations for things to add, feel free to ask in the comments! - I am immune to being expelled or suspended. I also see Kacchan as a brother and he sees me as his little sister. - I have a built-in, large desk with shelves. They admire my freedom and youthfulness. - Im thankful to be in my desired reality. cobra kai shifting script. I joke around and tease everyone at every chance I get. ), Teeth : (vampire fangs, crooked, straight etc.). You really only need the basics and necessary stuff, but I STRONGLY suggest that you put it all in. If you do use this, thank you. twd shifting script. He acts well behaved. No one else can see this. , 2562 . It is easy to access and use. - I am immune to depression, anxiety and PTSD. You can add and take away anything you want or think is/isn't applicable to you. - My casual-wear consists of heavy, emo, goth make-up with a large T-Shirt over a black. I stay with Deku the entire time. - The incident in Hosu with Stain happens. - Kirishima fights knife man after Tamaki gets hit with a temporary quirk-erasing bullet. - My clone gets a feeling that we have already shifted and doesnt try to shift. 162 10. Deku tells me about his new quirk. He is my service cat and I take him to school with me when Im not doing hero training. - (One week later) There is a hero meeting about Overhaul and saving Eri. Shifting Realities Non-Fiction Hi! Data privacy and security practices may vary based on your use, region, and age. - I remember everything from my DR when I shift back. Im sitting on the sofa on the boys side and just chilling there listening into the conversation they are having there. The pin is 4444. - I have a good sense of smell and hearing. A subreddit about shifting realities. - She had already chosen a random name for me (Jojina Dobi) before she adopted me so my name isnt Jojina Midoriya. updated: 05/05/21 a/n: 08/09/22 will no longer be answering shifting questions, find reliable sources on Google. Lifting mass has a physical effect on my body; almost like lifting invisible weights. - I have a towel radiator thing above my toilet I use to store my towels. - When Im feeling lazy, I will wear gray sweatpants, a large oversized shirt/hoodie and the same vans. - I have fairy lights everywhere I can put them. Thanks! It doesn't work on the screen containing your DRs, so you have to burn your eyes. - There are 4 billion people in the world. He is always good and sleeps when he gets bored. If you do use this, thank you. Archived post. - When I was born, my birth parents left me in a trash can with a credit card with infinity money on it. My desired reality(Describe the place, situation, when is it take place, where is it set, how's the people etc.). Scan this QR code to download the app now. - Day 3: Izuku comes back from house arrest and the Big Three come to talk to 1-A. - Two days later, Deku accidentally activates his quirk in his sleep after having a dream about the past holder of One for All. This specific script is four years 4 and 5 but I can make others if you guys want. - Mina Ashido teaches me Tik Tok dances and I am good at them.

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reality shifting script template bnha