I might know in myself that it's, I don't think it's that big of a deal. August 17-19th (exact 18th) As both planets are in forward motion they travel together in the tropical sign of virgo. Right? Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. You can channel the powers of action and communication into healing and forgiving, rather than inciting or exhuming. I'm doing my best. If their nature is harmonious, this can be good, but if they dont get along well that good, it can be challenging for the chart owner. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a girls guide to strip clubs and the weirdest foods available abroad. So here's the other thing is that it says nag and actually one of the byproducts of acting righteously, is that when you're around other people who are acting unrighteously or who are sick, sick is could be literal sick could be a way of saying that they're infected by some disease of, you know, morality, that that or that they are, that they have pretension, ulterior motives, lack of modesty, that they're rash or something like that, that when you're in the presence of people who are like that, there will be no need for you to take medicine, and you won't be infected so long as you act carefully and righteously. Are we in? looks like ill be doing a heap of crosswords next week instead of having cross words . Sometimes I like to bring in the I Ching. I think that's I think that's BS. When it meets active Mars, we all have the opportunity to take an investigative lens to our fears, desires, relationships and reactions and cull accordingly. Your Mercury sign describes how your Sun, moon, rising signs: What they mean and how to find yo What movie villain are you based on your zodiac sign? It also adds older siblings and older people in general. You are good at management and at prioritizing tasks. And I really do think it over and I think, is there a serious problem? Like what does it look like when someone sort of has the gods or the divine at their back, they've got the winds of destiny at their back helping them along. And it's in its Evening Star phase, but you can't usually can't see it unless it's approximately 15 degrees away from the Sun. These two Zodiac signs are meticulous and great communicators, which would Excellent debating skills allow you to stand up not only for yourself but for the rights of others. Hey everyone, this is Acyuta-bhava from Nightlight Astrology and today we are going to take a look at Mercury's conjunction with Mars in the sign of virgo, which is coming up over the course of the next few days. So at any rate, hexagram 25 basically says, If you act innocently, making step by step, careful, cautious progress, you will, you'll have success. And this is also happening, let's remember that another transit, which we're going to be talking about tomorrow is happening, which is the sun in Leo moving into an opposition with Jupiter. Mars has many significations in synastry, but its primary function is to fight. Mercury-Mars aspects, especially the harmonious ones, are excellent for any field that requires assertiveness, fast decision-making ability, leadership. I mean, it's very old, but it's like the last 500 years BCE. He washes peoples feet at Easter like JC did. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. So, a big transit. With Mars and Mercury in the fixed waters of Scorpio, things are set to get interesting. The exact aspect takes place on August 18th at twelve degrees. So you can check out the video I did yesterday, if you want to learn more about it, and learn a little bit more about the Gita. Some people with this natal conjunction struggle in school, despite being smart. After we introduce the basic archetypal combinations. Mercury conjunct Mars transit increases mental activity, making this an ideal time for focused and acute thinking. And that's part of my monastic life, you could say, it's funny in the yoga tradition. I'm trying to remain innocent, trying to do the right thing. The 11th house corresponds with Aquarius. Home / Aspects / Mercury Aspects / Mercury Conjunct Mars. The Sun represents our outer self the self that we show the world. That day Half of London downtown was blocked due to Gas Fire from the underground. And the next Solar Eclipse in September hits directly on my Midheaven at 20 Vir with the next Mercury station retrograde at around 14 Libra. In the birth chart, Mercurys position shows where you put in more mental effort and where you have a greater need to share your thoughts with others. So here you can see that Mercury, Mercury and Mars are in the seventh house, and they're below the actual horizon line at the moment. In this article, you can learn about the Mercury conjunct Mars natal aspect. Some groups or countries arent there yet. For example, Mercury conjunct Mars in Taurus is less combative and competitive than it would be the case if the conjunction had been in Aries. Scorpio is known for its This conjunction may reveal that those to whom you have given the gift of trust do not deserve it or are unable to reciprocate it. He's got an upcoming class on the Bhagavad Gita that I highly recommend checking out. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. Mercury will conjunct Mars in Virgo during the second and third week of August. Mercury in 11th House for Virgo Ascendant. But it would be problematic for me to be like, you know, like, I'm careful. This aspect midpoint Regulus at August 8 New Moon. And, you know, the desire or intention to do something like thunder means like, having somewhere to go and like doing something and stirring up action and stuff like that undertakings. I love hearing from you guys. He has awesome fast thinking capacity. Kendras in Navamsa. When talking, there is something about you that forces people to pay attention. And one of the things I love about innocence is that it's the, the hexagrams have like images associated with with them. Advice: Get mad at something that matters. So another thing that I've been talking about with my guru lately, and some of my mentors, is how to manage energy and resources and time in the most practical way, given all these different priorities, very Mercury, Mars. Mars in aspect to Mercury suggests that you come up with witty answers very quickly, you enjoy verbal battles, and you can be argumentative. And then oftentimes, I'll leave those, those, the reading that comes back from the eaching. You can also think about someone saying, I'm not going to be persuaded I'm not going to do this thing. WebMars is a both a natural malefic and a temporal malefic for Virgo Lagna (lord of 3rd and 8th houses). No spam ever. So these are some of the archetypal combinations to watch for as the week unfolds. You love hard and sometimes that equates to heavy loss, Leo. Mercury Conjunct Mars in Synastry. Mercury conjunct Mars natal gives a quick mind, rapid reflexes, and a sharp Hopefully you guys had a chance yesterday to check out the interview I did with one of my yoga mentors, Hari kitana das. But it doesn't mean that, that you're doing that just to avoid calamity, like some people do that, like superstitiously. According to transit astronomy, the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu are the nine planetary bodies that make up our solar system and impact our lives. The traits of the sign determine how the conjunction plays out. Submission etymologically means referring to a third party for judgement or decision I'm not my will is not the measure of all things here. And I scoff at the person like don't let the negative Thoughts manifest negative things, you know, it's all in your head. I don't even know what the right decision is a lot of the time. And I have to say, cool, I get it, you know, I'm not as afraid as as you might be, or I'm not as worried or concerned, or whatever the right language might be, as you are right now, but really, thank you for caring about me, thank you for being concerned about me. Here's this. December 27, 2023 Venus-Mars combinations reveal much about a persons romantic and sexual styles. Mars-Mercury as always give blunt speech and problem with siblings. Something that uses cutlery, butchers, you know Warcraft, this kind of thing. It goes into eventually to be used as like a diviners, almost like biblio Mansi, you know, like flip a page in the Bible. And if you think about it too much, then suddenly you start thinking about it, and you get off. In very plain English: YOUR MIND WILL BE ON FIRE. And I'm with someone like, Oh, you should really get that checked out. At the same time, person will be very ambitious or innovative in his business. These three zodiac signs are the biggest party animals, Aaron Rodgers will 'act out' in Jets No. I'll weave it into my content for the day. Job search hasnt been going well what with delays and postponed/cancelled positions Ive put in for (Web Development if youre wondering about the trade). In my heart, I asked the presence of my guides my higher self, God, whatever word you feel comfortable with. Cut your losses but dont water your grudges. To act according to what is right in the presence of others who are sick, or contagious with some bad energy, there will be no need to take medicine, you won't be infected, as long as you act carefully and righteously we want that's the complete opposite of what we just said. This can be used for mental pursuits, lively conversations, or the activation of latent ideas. Oh, that could be this that could be that. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you have your Mercury conjunct Mars in the first house, there is no way you can hide it from others. Thanks so much Jon for noticing the lunar eclipse connection. Your mind is very active. And not kind of learning in that paradigm. The greatest risk presented by this conjunction lies in believing that feelings are facts that must be acted upon. Something went wrong. 18:36 While Mercury is in sleuth mode in Scorpio, Mars feels empowered and very much at home. The spouse may look beautiful, slim, and athletic in structure and of fair reddish complexion. The next part of this is that, then the line five is also changing in hexagram 25. In astrology, this planetary energy concerns life instinct, aggression, energy, sex, drive, ambition. But then if there's like a certain level of like pushback, she becomes really sensitive. You know, she's can be so strong and like bold. And it's like you know, one of the things about this particular combination of Mercury and Mars is earthy Virgo so a lot about getting clear, pure, clean results effective strategies for getting something done in a very practical earthy manner like your health or your body or the environment or organising something so I've been organising things in our bathrooms like I've been you know we moved in and then just kind of some bathrooms just kind of stuff just got thrown in. Like two negatives cancelling. Think it through and allow for the possibility that you have yet to uncover all the information. So Mercury is associated with that as a taking of things apart, and the construction of think like you think of people who have to, they take apart a car in order to understand how it's put together. The conjunction in Virgo tamps down the directness, and extremely short temper. So the quality of what we cling to in our lives is the quality of what keeps us righteous or innocent. I hope you enjoyed this meditation on mercury Mars today effective action. So of course, it'll work. There's different stages in life that people who take vows and take initiation in the Bhakti tradition go through one of them's called the greenhouse to ashram, which is sort of like, that's a stage where you're practising monastic life, but you are married, and you have kids, because monastic life is not just for people who go off to the woods, you know, of course, it's for all people. So watch for those combinations this week. Mercury conjunct Mars is street-smart rather than lexical smart. And that we we need something like this at the core of our lives as what is what fuels our ability to stay in careful modest balance with with harmony with the universe. A conjunction, like Mars and Mercury are experiencing now, occurs when two planets are within zero degrees of each other on the zodiac wheel. And we'll be back tomorrow for the sun moving into an opposition with Jupiter. This triple conjunction in 2023 will be in your 9th house, indicating a period of spiritual growth and expansion. Remember, this transit gives a tendency toward acting before thinking. So one of the messages of this hexagram over and over is that, look, if you are someone who thinks that you're owed things that you don't really deserve, or goes after things that you don't really deserve, or tries to appear innocent and doing things like for the good of others, or I have such good motivations, and it's really selfishly about you, that you can eventually experience an undeserved calamity because you're feigning this idea of being innocent, that later things that appear to you that feel like you were innocent, how could you possibly have had anything you know, how can you possibly deserve someone blaming you about something that you didn't do? You will be full of energy. I think Nepal earthquake happened a week after April Lunar eclipse. Mercury conjunct Mars suggests a lot of mental energy, a quick mind. As well as things like the mind and analytical, you know, analytical thinking in a, in a general sense. It corresponds to the need to communicate. Complete picture is not promising, is it? WebIf Mars and Mercury are within 10 degrees of each other, we say the planets are "in conjunction" or "are conjunct with each other". The aspects tomorrow 10th of November are contradictory, first Mercury conjunction Mars called (the lawyers aspect) a good time to open a legal action , after that there will be squares from Saturn and Pluto, how can a lawyer do his job with all this mess from Pluto and Saturn? So here you have Mercury, a god that's associated with anything from merchants to rhetoric and speech, communication, technology, skill and craftsmanship, games, anything that would involve say, like wrestling or anything that would involve like court games, things that go back and forth, like a hockey puck. So Mercury is a really dynamic planet. But there's a sacred fear that we have to, you know, when you're learning a rhythm instrument, or you're learning how to play rhythm guitar or something, you know, there's a sense of when you're hitting the rhythm and when you're not. So Mercury, Mars is about strategy, war, warfare and the strategy of warfare, for example, The Art of War, for example, a book very Mercury, Mars, anyone who's independently minded or saying, This is my own original thought, and also people who might steal thoughts like thought policing or thought, you know, like mental, like surveillance, you know, kind of like anything that could be done in order to manipulate other people's minds or thoughts in an aggressive way. You like to be straightforward, direct in your communication (but this depends on the zodiac signfor example, Mercury conjunct Mars in Libra is way more tactical and subtle, it wont be as keen to rush into an argument). But still, there's a sense, there's a felt sense that comes and, and maybe that's even a better word than cautious or careful which might be to like, might almost seem like fearful. How long-lasting will the energies of this conjunction/opposition be playing out in the next few months given the next Mercury Retrograde period now that I think of it? The Astrology of Sports: Previewing the NFL Draft. Mars is the planet of desire, decision, and action. So you think of Mercury Mars, you think of persuasive speech, aggressive speech, but maybe one with a goal or a desire that you're trying to get something done or, or reach some kind of agreement using tactful strategy. November 12, 2025 So there's these two very different teachings that are so interesting, when juxtaposed with one another. Men are supposed to sacrifice themselves for their wives up to the extent JC sacrificed himself. But you if you guys are parents, tell me what you think. And those two planets have a lot to do with deconstruction and reconstruction, Jupiter a little bit more of the building a whole building a unified something, whereas Mercury tends to be about taking apart but they go together, you can't have one without the other. A potential match need not be perfect but they should be clearly seen. Fearlessness and self-esteem are the key Okay, take it easy, everyone. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. WebThe two most favorable horoscope signs for this combination are in the houses of Gemini or Virgo. You know, like, I have good intentions. You get mad quickly. Lets dive into the meaning of Mercury conjunct Mars in the natal chart! Two bright planets, Venus and Mars, are in good view as darkness falls on May evenings. Isn't that really a beautiful teaching? The exact manifestation depends on the context, so without knowing the house, sign, and its aspects, these are general guidelines. I'm independently minded, strong actions, plans or strategies, again, different kinds of theft that can come up. Mercury conjunct Mars. . However, this conjunction can also manifest as argumentative, belligerent personality traits. So you can always tell if Mercury is out in front of the Sun in Zodiacal order.

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mars and mercury conjunction in virgo
mars and mercury conjunction in virgo
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mars and mercury conjunction in virgo
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