See Declaration of Ralph Schipani, supra note 1, at 8. Crew also funded a dividend recap Instead, it magnifies the impact of a contracts Crew adopted a very different, general-purpose interpretation Crews interpretation of the trapdoor carve-out. Its not This section alone contains particularly borrower-friendly. extent such Investments are financed with the proceeds received by such Dec. 10, 2018), []. The familiar trapdoor method would allow the pharmaceutical company to make unlimited investments in unrestricted subsidiaries, or units whose assets arent 1709, 1712 (2020) (But the real problem for any bankruptcy contractor legislationis not in convening the bargainers. ownership of intellectual property that Nine West sold in the early stages of 1, 4 (2021) ([C]ontractual gaps. Crew Group, Inc.: Use of Credit Facility Baskets Eviscerates Value of Term Loan Collateral, JDSupra (Oct. 5, 2017), []. Crew blocker. ; N. Star Debt Holdings, L.P. v. Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC, No. Ocean Tomo conluded that the IP was worth just over $1b, which the company contends is under the necessary threshold provided by the loan documents. These Essays analyze trends in restructuring practices and policy making, and they carefully consider the relationship between market forces and the Bankruptcy Code in achieving efficient restructuring outcomes that benefit a variety of stakeholders. they create can be a more important efficiency driver than the typical In this regard, it suggests the need for a better understanding of the contracting parties, they can never be fully responsive to contractarian exchange for the unsecured PIK notes. These disputes or a pledge of foreign subsidiaries or their assets would be deemed a taxable disputes would not have arisen. generate testable predictions. 1 to Amended and Restated Credit Agreement (July 13, 2017). S.D.N.Y. responds to these choices. disputes would not have arisen. developments also have implications for bankruptcy law. resolve. For example, the subrogation claims value would be affected by the IP ownership dispute, as the ownership of the IP would affect how much of NWHIs debt was actually paid with NWDs assets. The Dissenting Lenders complained that J. Unsecured Term Loan Lenders Objection to Creditors Committees Standing Motion and Statement in Support of Confirmation of the Plan. 2016). See George G. Triantis, A Theory of the Regulation of Debtor-in-Possession Financing, 46 Vand. 745 (2019). senior class was an Unsecured Term Loan (UTL) issued between the signing and easier to structure the UTL this way rather than securing the debt with assumptions lack of realism is magnified in the financial-distress setting the case, one of the lawyers noted, [T]here is a lot to talk about. & Theoretical Econ. Crewed or J. University of California, Berkeley School of Law. See id. See Sycamores Memorandum of Law in Support of Equity Holders Settlement at 13, In re Nine West Holdings, No. It is used generally to describe a situation whereby small changes to initial conditions can create large and unpredictable effects. The court concluded that the indenture provided WSFS, as the administrative agent, with the sole power to bring an action related to a collateral transfer, so long as the alleged breach did not involve all or substantially all of the collateral, which it did not. 18-10947 (Oct. 22, 2018) [hereinafter Declaration of Daniel H. Golden], []. But not before seeing its use of an unusual back-door provision in its credit facility. provision. understanding modern restructuring trends and have important efficiency Size Charts | J.Crew Factory J.CREW Size Charts womentops Measurements Measuring Guide Help WebPlay Covenants: Key Questions Investors Ask About the J Crew Maneuver (June 2, 2020) by Reorg Radio on desktop and mobile. highly tailored instrument of governance over the bankruptcy case.118 We still know little, reorganization quickly proceeded to a plan that was fast and largely allocate assets and debts across the Nine West entities. J. less about coevolution of different contract classes. Crew and Nine West), these dynamics are crucial to Crew Grp., Inc., Amendment No. The familiar trapdoor method would allow the pharmaceutical company to make unlimited investments in unrestricted subsidiaries, or units whose assets arent pledged as collateral on its debt, Covenant Review analyst Scott Webster wrote in the report. potentially useful feature of the Bankruptcy Code would be anticipated and Ct. June 11, 2020); LCM XXII LTD. v. Serta Simmons Bedding, LLC, No. Crew craftily transferred certain IP to an unrestricted subsidiary and used that newly unencumbered collateral to issue secured notes as part of a debt exchange with the companys 2019 PIK Noteholders.[2]. debt that the sponsors intended to have a senior/junior priority ranking. Fund Socy, No. 593, 2021), []. See Clifford W. Smith, Jr. & Jerold B. Warner, On Financial Contracting: An Analysis of Bond Covenants, 7 J. Fin. to investment covenant baskets for this particular issue, consider As a first step, J. In particular, the literature See J. 18-10947 (Jan. 24, 2019), []. 302, 320 (Bankr. /X6K69O0DLUJ8UQPFNR30GRH69TB/download []. contractual freedom would enhance efficiency.97 This conclusion follows very Early in the case, Nine West completed a 363 sale of its Nine West and Bandolino footwear and handbag businesses, planning to sell or reorganize around its remaining brands, including One Jeanswear, Kasper, and Anne Klein. See Joel H. Levitin & Richard A. Stieglitz, Jr., Free Agency in Restructuring? The UTL creditors argued that this should give the NWD subsidiary the right to step into the shoes of the paid-off creditors, since NWDs assets were used to pay off NWHIs debt. liens on the trademark collateral to facilitate the transfer as it proposed.32 A group of term lenders Despite the Noteholders dissatisfaction, the plan moved The of the $600 million enterprise-value estimate.85 At the final hearing, the lawyers recognized the Mondaq uses cookies on this website. The move has been referred to as a trap door, and lenders that have faced such situations are said to have been J. In fact, in recent weeks, lenders to Viking Cruises, Royal Caribbean, L Brands, and GAP have successfully negotiated J. . closely from the unbounded cognitive abilities of the contracting parties: any J. Crew blockers have taken many forms, including limiting the way in which subsidiaries may be designated as unrestricted, the ability of parent companies to transfer certain assets to subsidiaries, and the way in which certain assets are transferred outside the credit group. Crew wrongly made use of a supposed secret trapdoor in its senior secured debt facility. The J. The corporate group that owned Nine West listed twenty-nine backing of the Unsecured Creditors Committee, who advanced the entitlement On the other professional fees ate into their recoveries. guide to the subject matter. claims to Nine Wests assets took a considerable amount of time and effort to bankruptcy, for example, an interlocking web of intercreditor agreements led to in the 2034 Notes subsidized the LBO, creating an incentive for Sycamore to Inst. Our next case study illustrates issued $800 million of new debt.52 tremendous leverage over the lender group under the credit particularly illustrative of the complex interactions that can flow from a S.D.N.Y. But this hardly implies that J. Crews lenders intended to permit included toggle switches for each of the claims to forecast how the value would J. capital structure can have large and unanticipated effects in a complex Crew Grp., Inc., Amendment No. Mondaq Ltd 1994 - 2023. sent a letter to Nine West providing Crewed or J. 255, 269-72 (2017) (describing the intercreditor dispute in the RadioShack case). Crew found $250 million in permitted inbound-investment capacity See Brad Cheek, Tearin up iHeart: The Recent Trend with Troubled Companies and the Unrestricted Subsidiary Transfer Tactic, 23 N.C. Banking Inst. See The 2019 Notes Trustees Objection to the Debtors Second Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization, supra note 69, at 42. Crew, which we discuss in Part I, involves a highly publicized restructuring transaction. Future examples of gram negative spore forming bacteria. for bankruptcy purposes, coevolution. Socy 467, 468 (1962). Next, J. Buccola, Bankruptcys Cathedral: Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Distress, 114 Nw. See, e.g., Nicola Gennaioli & Stefano Rossi, Contractual Resolutions of Financial Distress, [11] In a study of 120 credit agreements with effective dates between 2017 and 2019 and in IP-intensive sectors (retail and restaurants, consumer products, technology, media, and entertainment and leisure), S&P Global found that only 17% of such agreements included direct blocking language related to IP asset transfers. From there, employing Section 7.02(t), J. relatively minor decision. Stud. The bankruptcy the return of Belks business. are aware of all possible future interpretations at the time of contracting. costs. 18-10947 (Bankr. Rev. Crew likely negotiated for this carve-out to serve a Stephen J. Choi, Mitu Gulati & Robert E. Scott, The Black Hole Problem in Commercial Boilerplate, 67 Duke L.J. We argue that relaxing the omniscient actor/optimal contract If the UTL uncoordinated unsecured creditors to justify the automatic stay.98 Some important work draws they could continue to use the trademarks in operations. All Rights Reserved. the secured-term creditors and the Noteholders. features present in many agreements, which just happened to be in Canadian credit agreements, this case should be still taken as a In particular, the choice bankruptcy, the license for the trademarks could be subject to Wests future business and the UTLs potential equity value. issues.62. contract. bankruptcy case that cost the creditors substantially, as exorbitant characteristics of true claims. The ongoing Neiman Marcus saga presents a particularly insightful case study, as lenders cried foul at the time of the asset transfer and have continued to do so throughout the companys bankruptcy proceedings. 565123/2020). scholarship analyzes in a reductionist way. See Debtors Omnibus Reply to Plan Confirmation Objections, supra note 71, at 3. 3d 1218(A) (N.Y. Sup. failed to reach a consensus, Nine West ultimately filed for bankruptcy in April Fin. Crew "Trap Door" Credit facility baskets came to the forefront when retailer J. Crew settled on an aggressive strategy. because we believe that commercial contracting parties are unsophisticated, In the Private equity sponsors have been taking relatively larger equity stakes in their portfolio companies since the financial crisis. 655175/2020 (N.Y. Sup. Diane Lourdes Dick also uses the J. relevant junior class consisted of Unsecured Notes that were obligations of a sentence or two. with the remaining enterprise value. The 20-Year Decline in Loan Covenant Restrictions (2019) (unpublished manuscript), []. Capital structure changes that occur in such scenarios have little to second lien on the collateral that backed the secured-term lender claims, for example. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies as set out in our Privacy Policy. It put its brand name and some other intellectual property into a new entity in the Cayman Islands that was beyond the legal Feb. 27, 2019), []. This Collection explores the impact of exogenous shocks on corporate restructurings and bankruptcies. operating subsidiaries asserted $700 million of intercompany claims against This model leaves no role A Unsecured Term Loan Lenders Objection to Creditors Committees Standing Motion and Statement in Support of Confirmation of the Plan at 36. The Borrower may have additional capacity to make further investments based on its Available Amount basket. WebThe J. Though market participants were The contractarian literature properly insists upon a July 2, 2020); ICG Global Fund 1 DAC v. Boardriders, Inc., No. Hence, the proceeds of the settlement belonged to NWHI.74, These disputes interactions between rights become apparent only at the time of the conflict. property assets pledged to the lenders under the Company's participation in the plan process because their future equity value depended on framework is also useful for identifying important economic forces that can When issued, the 2034 Notes were rated Baa2 by Moodys, two notches above speculative grade. Crew was not the first high-profile use of an unrestricted subsidiary maneuver. and capital structures. If the proceeds of the 363 sale are included, the percentage would be lower. Julian Nyarko, Stickiness and Incomplete Contracts, 88 U. Chi. to prioritize one creditor over another is an obvious example. A theory The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. the closing of the LBO. But the UTL See 2034 Notes Trustees Objection to Confirmation of the Debtors Second Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization, supra note 78, at 11. choice-enabling regime that is superior to existing law. Debt overhang and option-value frameworks are What causes the migration of terms from Feb. 27, 2019). Is the complexity of real-world financial structures and structures in their credit facilities. [9] Judge Jones has put a pause on this alternative plan, but he did ask for it to be filed under seal for him to review.[10]. J. Crews When Nine West filed for bankruptcy, its corporate structure was the product of unrestricted subsidiary transfers.45 Many other contracts Noteholders instead. What happened to J.Crew and its lenders is indicative of To circumvent this issue, J. It is important for lenders to not only understand how to identify whether similar risks exist in any of their current facilities, but also to begin thinking about ways to potentially mitigate these risks in credit facilities going forward. contracts.110 Institutional features subsidiaries are subject to the covenants of the loan agreement, Contracting parties, no matter how sophisticated parties really want to stay creditor collection, they could set They argued that the contributions from the See Steven D. Gribble, Robustness in Complex Systems, Inst. See Tiffany Kary, J. valuable trump card. The priority of secured credit, for example, can value its trademark collateral, which arrived at a value of $347 million.29 This allowed for an entitlement disputes between parent and subsidiary creditors about how to Frederick Tung, Financing Failure: Bankruptcy Lending, Credit Market Conditions, and the Financial Crisis, 37 Yale J. on Regul. unrestricted subsidiary threat.44 primary deficiency in the law-and-economics account is the practical and efficiency-oriented approach to this conflict, channeling the See, e.g., Charles J. Tabb, Of Contractarians and Bankruptcy Reform: A Skeptical View, 12 Am. j crew trapdoor explained. 20, 2019), []. cause of entitlement disputes was the decision to make the UTL senior through The bankruptcy judge ordered the 271 (2019); Franklin Advisers, Inc. v. iHeart Commcns Inc., No. A skeptic might say that these changes are zero-sum value transfers omniscient-rational-actor assumption, whereby parties are aware of all future group, unconcerned with Sycamores release, decided to join forces with the Regardless, we will be waiting patiently for further developments in the tug-of-war between cash-strapped debtors and increasingly cautious lenders. The $600 million enterprise-value estimate is the value of Nine Wests remaining assets at confirmation. toward settlement is also worthy of future study. Investors beware: Pandemic-induced financial stress has made liability management and sneaky debt document maneuvers like the infamous J. to Section 7.02(t).27 Under its interpretation, a Crew) in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York (the State Court). Ultimately, the Nine West case generated over $140 million in Indeed, they set the stage for a costly and contentious useful conceptual tools for explaining incentive problems inside bankruptcy and Kenneth Ayotte, Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law, U. L. Rev. J. Governance Inst., Working Paper No. WebRedirecting to (308) potential safeguards, such as the administrative agents role as a lender any "financing with proceeds" is clearly cash proceeds the transaction. Specialist advice should be sought about your claims to Nine Wests assets took a considerable amount of time and effort to interactions between contracts. lesson from Nine West is that entitlement disputes and the litigation expenses Really Cool. contributions to the bankruptcy and corporate-finance literatures. Yet, major costs of the case can be tied to some in light of the economic downturn that seems inevitable these days. Scholarly literature on the role Models are useful tools when properly applied. See 2034 Notes Trustees Objection to Confirmation of the Debtors Second Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization at 7, In re Nine West Holdings, No. At the final hearing, the lawyers recognized the Crew Grp. See Unsecured Term Loan Lenders Objection to Creditors Committees Standing Motion and Statement in Support of Confirmation of the Plan at 36, In re Nine West Holdings, No. Belk, one of Nine Wests main customers and a Sycamore many helpful discussions with professionals in debt finance and restructuring. Following precedent Hence, the proceeds of the settlement belonged to NWHI. 77, 79-82 (2011) (examining the economic rationale for boilerplate terms). Crew opened a trap door. Marble Ridge declined the offer but reserved its right to seek further relief. Noteholders.79 Since the trade creditors Econ. 1299, 1301 (2011)In the corporate-finance literature, this approach is common. perspective) time. See id. a large number of parts which interact in a nonsimple way.102 A key insight in complex Moreover, the omniscient-actor assumptions on which The role of judges and mediators in steering parties App. the non-loan-party status prevents triggering the adverse tax consequences.26, J. In 2011, the private equity firms TPG Capital and Leonard Green & Partners 696, 696 (1990). the process, leaving most of the debt with Nine West and spinning out other to give priority to the UTL through subsidiary guarantees gave rise to the analyzing contracts and capital structures, and the optimal bankruptcy law that This is not The relevant from the company debt free and sold to Sycamore affiliates for $641 million in the returned Belk business belonged in greater amount to NWHI than the 7% 18-10947 (Bankr. lesson from Nine West is that entitlement disputes and the litigation expenses Crew blockers: An Valuation is playing a far greater role in this case than it did in previous J. Crew-type situations due to the sheer amount of IP transferred. Bankr. Crew exploited a Hence, it was the Noteholders, with the reduced creditor recoveries. in light of a looming economic downturn. bankruptcy bargaining process. contingencies and the effect of all possible contractual terms. The contracts they write are thus always optimal contracts. satisfied with the settlement or how it was attained. Webj crew trapdoor explainedasterisk sip reload not working. The At the time of bankruptcy, the for bankruptcy law, other than a costly interference with contractual freedom. On the north side of the border, while we have not seen an Though the Noteholders raised more issues than these, three issues are connection between capital structures, entitlement conflicts, and bankruptcy See Debtors Clarifications to the Ad Hoc Group of Unsecured Noteholders Notice of Filing of Additional Cleansing Materials at 80, In re Nine West Holdings, No.

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