Question: For contracts with DoD agencies, should the contracting officer tell the contractor what is CUI and how it should be marked? Industry should note that this requirement is different from agencies governed by portalId: 20973928, Please let me know if you have any additional questions. portalId: 20973928, If you have any further questions regarding how to mark or interpret a CUI, please contact your agencys CUI program, download the Marking Handbook or visit the Registry website. It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present. Address methods for properly disseminating CUI within the DOD and with external entities inside and outside of the Executive Branch. A fax coversheet is required indicating the presence of CUI. Describe the differences between CUI Basic and CUI Specified. To alert viewers that the presentation contains CUI: When a spreadsheet contains CUI, it should provide warnings to potential viewers. Has this changed yet: When can I start using the CUI markings and following the requirements Portion markings are not required in an unclassified document containing CUI; however, when using portion markings within a CUI document, all document subjects and titles, as well as individual sections, parts, paragraphs, or similar portions of a CUI document known to contain CUI, will be portion marked with (CUI). . Upon transmission outside of the component element, the CUI must be marked or identified in accordance with the standards of the CUI Program. Federal Employees Only (FED ONLY) authorizes only employees of the U.S. Government executive branch agencies or armed forces personnel of the U.S. or Active Guard and reserve. Question: Do we have a list of items that fall under CUI? The mandatory marking for all DOD CI is the CUI Banner/Footer with the CUI Designation Indicator. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is information the Government creates or possesses, or that an entity creates or possesses for or on behalf of the Government, that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and Government-wide policies but is not classified under Executive Order 13526 "Classified National Security Information" or the Atomic Energy Act, as amended. Question: I understand that CUI comes from the agency in a contract; if we create a document or material that helps support the execution of a contract, is that CUI? Provided by a confidential source (person, commercial business, or foreign government) on condition it would not be released, Related to contractor proprietary or source selection data, That could compromise Government missions or interests, Is a subset of PII requiring additional protection, Is health information that identifies the individual, Is created or received by a healthcare provider, health plan, or employer, or a business associate of these, Physical or mental health of an individual, Payment for the provision of healthcare to an individual. Question:: Our company uses WebEx so it is approved on our systems. Question: If it is not marked CUI from the Agency and we assume it is CUI, as a contractor, can I mark it or do I need to go back to the originator for guidance. Answer: For agencies, the CUI Program will go into effect when the agency issues a policy that reflects the standards of the program. The correct banner marking for a co-mingled document containing TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CUI is: asked in Internet by voice (263k points) . The fifth line must contain the phone number or office mailbox for the originating DoD Component or authorized CUI holder. The CUI designation indicator and the classification authority block will be placed at the bottom of the first page. During the event came the release of the much anticipated CMMC Assessment Process (CAP). If CUI exists in classified documents, its markings will appear in that sections where it exists. Include the CUI DI Block on the first slide. See:, Question: The DoD has a DoD CUI registry, how does it relate to the NARA CUI registry. See Question:: How does CUI marking enable compliance with 5 U.S.C. Answer: No. When using a footer (optional), it must be identical to the banner marking. You should notify the security manager by email or through some other means (sign-out sheet) of the removal of CUI from the work environment. If possible, use a printer/copier requiring you to enter a code or CAC before printing. Question. Your agency will provide guidance on whether you can use CUI portion markings. Questions regarding the status of CUI and marking requirements should be directed to the contracting activity. The mandatory marking for all DOD CUI is the . Question:Can you advise whether todays scope is only CUI / DFARS (NIST 800-171) or covering some of the overlapping domains with CMMC L3 too, as the later became mandatory for DoD Government contracts from 07/2020. True Who is responsible for protecting CUI? User: it is mandatory to include banner at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present (More) It is mandatory to include banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI present. The indicator can take various forms, including, A controlled by line (example on the right). The following methods may be used to mail/ship CUI, Any commercial delivery service (FedEx, UPS), Interoffice mail delivery / Interagency mail delivery. As a coversheet, SF 901 goes on the top of a document. The CUI Registry establishes this marking process. Designators of CUI must mark all CUI with a CUI banner marking, which may include up to three elements: (1) The CUI control marking (mandatory). It depends on the specific requirement s and regulations of the website or platform being used. See CUI Notice 2019-03 and NIST SP 800-88. Designation and administrative indicators. It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present. Lets review the requirements for CMMC level 2 awareness training. But what about it being contractually enforced when giving sponsored projects to companies and universities? 552, Freedom of Information Act? The terms of those contracts remain in effect until modified by the USG. The CUI Banner Marking may include up to three elements: . For additional information and examples, a CUI Marking Job Aid is available in the Course Resources. A. region: "", While it may not be practical to include the full designation of the category of CUI, when possible there must be a clear label of Controlled or CUI and the designating agency on the outside of these storage devices. Whereas previous markings involved many different types of cover sheets, the CUI program instituted a single standard cover sheet. cui documents must be reviewed according to which procedures before destruction. Question: When does the CUI Program go into effect? For slides not containing CUI, it is optional to mark them as unclassified. What marking (banner and footer) acronym (at a minimum) is required on a DoD document containing controlled unclassified information? Question: If you have multiple page documents with CUI, should you also use Portion Markings to identify the particular paragraph or item that contains CUI? Don't allow CUI to be viewed by unauthorized individuals while you work with CUI documents printed out or displayed on a screen. We expect this standard to be available for public comment in the coming months (May/June). It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present . target: "#hbspt-form-1682991044000-4855534029", When there is a question regarding the status of information contained within a document that will be used, consult the originator. These indicators must not be included in the CUI banner or portion markings, but must appear in a manner readily apparent to authorized personnel and consistent with the requirements of the relevant law, Federal regulation, or Government-wide policy. Use CUI DI Block to show the required information about the document. To achieve that, there are several actions: Additionally, the CUI DI Block will have a diagonal line (45-degree angle) drawn through it with the name of the person and date of decontrol. Follow all agency policy regarding approved systems or applications for CUI. a report or deliverable submitted under the contract) does the contractor decide the marking or does the contractor ask the contracting officer to provide the category and correct marking? Answer: Yes. PII is considered CUI. There are no plans to post to the blog when agencies issue their policies but we will be addressing the progress of agencies to implement the program during our regular updates to stakeholders (next is scheduled for Feb 15, 2018, 1-3 EDT). True b. Question: If an Agency adopts CUI, and the clause is included in the contract, then is the Contractor required to adopt correct? Question: So would the CMMC certification level requirements be reflected in the Limited Distribution section? to include a Banner Marking to indicate that the email contains CUI It is best practice to include an Indicator Marking in the subject line If the email is forwarded, the Banner Marking . Parent agencies can authorize component elements to waive markings while it remains within their control. What level of confidentiality is required for CUI? Printed CUI documents must be kept under direct control of an authorized holder and protected by a cover sheet during transport from the printer or copier. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. If it is a non-federal system, then it must be configured in compliance with NIST SP 800-171 (only as required by law, regulation, contract, or agreement). When not commingled with classified information, agency policies may require portion marking to facilitate information sharing and proper handling of the information. Employees should verify that the webex technology aligns to the safeguards prescribed by the agency and by those described by 32 CFR 2002 (i.e. Self-Inspection will also allow you to determine best practices, lessons learned, and to take corrective actions where necessary. Another best practice is to have them shown as a watermark behind the text of the document. Identify the organizational index with CUI categories routinely handled by DoD personnel. Does it have to be stored in a GSA container, locked in an office cabinet, etc. Pages not containing CUI may be marked as "UNCLASSIFIED" or "CUI" at the discretion of the authorized holder or originator. CUI may be stored in controlled environments. Agencies may place additional limits on disseminating CUI only through the use of the limited dissemination controls approved by the CUI Executive Agent and published in the CUI Registry. When including more than one category or subcategory in a Banner Marking, separate them with a single forward-slash (/). 2.2.8 CUI markings. Sian works for a large game design company and is currently integrating the Havok physics component into a game engine, Unity. Answer: Portion markings, in the unclassified environment, are optional. CUI/SP-EXPT/NOFORN - indicates CUI Specified (Export Controlled) with a limited dissemination control NOFORN - limiting dissemination to US citizens only. Related questions 1 answer. Answer: As organizations implement they should ensure that products and services for destruction align to the standards of the CUI Program. Question: Coversheet = the first tab you see when you open a spreadsheet? Answer: Upon request and based on available resources, the CUI Executive Agent is available to provide additional briefings and training to stakeholders. Administrative markings can identify that the document is a draft but you cannot incorporate administrative markings into the banner. When sending faxes that contain CUI, the document should contain a transmittal message as an indication. To address these problems, this order establishes a program for managing this information, hereinafter described as Controlled Unclassified Information, that emphasizes the openness and uniformity of Government-wide practice.. (b) The CUI banner marking. Categories are either basic or specified depending on the underlying authority. Portion marking is mandatory. The newly rebranded CyberAB held their monthly virtual Town Hall meeting on July 26, 2022. This inaugural video, titled "Me at the zoo" and uploaded on April 23, 2005, has been viewed over 260 million times, as of March 16, 2023. . This is helpful when limited on space at the top of a document or form. Answer: This question likely relates to limited waivers issued within the agency. CUI Basic requires only the Control Marking. Answer: The CUI Registry was not intended to be a resource for the average user of CUI. What marker (banner and footer) acronym (at a minimum) is required on an unclassified DOD document containing controlled unclassified information? hbspt.enqueueForm({ As policy and forms are eligible or require . Your agency will create guidance and training that will address how and when to mark information CUI. Banner marking describes a visual cue or label that is positioned at the top of a website or document.. Category markings are approved by the CUI EA and are associated with the categories and subcategories listed in the CUI Registry. An agency Self-Inspection Program is required to internally manage and ensure compliance with the CUI Program. Agencies may specify in their CUI policy that employees must use . 1K views, 24 likes, 0 loves, 2 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from To plod Or not to plod: Met Police Commissioner Mark Rowley Before You Talk Make Sure Your Constables Have All The Info 1st Designators of CUI must mark all CUI with a CUI banner marking, which may include up to three elements: ( 1) The CUI control marking (mandatory). It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present. 10. E.g. Question: Is there a tool for email marking? He failed to reach the required standard in the general part of the examination, but obtained exceptional grades in physics and mathematics. Answer: The CUI Marking handbook has specific guidance regarding the commingling of CUI and CNSI. No, this has not changed yet. This doesnt imply its releasable to the public. However, as agencies are still in the process of implementing the CUI program, be sure to follow any existing requirements directing the marking or protection of unclassified information. The CUI DI Block must be aligned with the classification authority block (on the lower left side of the document) on the lower right hand side. supporting Government agencies must not use CUI markings and other CUI requirements. If space on the form is limited, cover sheets could be used for this purpose. Prior to using any Webex technology to share CUI, we advise verifying with organization/agency officials to ensure that proper safeguards are in place on the system and that the technology has been cleared/authorized for use with CUI. Question: When contractors generate and mark CUI, what designator should be used? Currently we mark SBU or FOUO because of the PII contained within. Analysis and conclusions from the self-inspection program, documented on an annual basis and as requested by the CUI EA. Log in for more information. E.g. Question: Is it true that banner is mandatoryexcept when you've chosen to use a cover . The document must also have a clear message of either When enclosure is removed, this document is Uncontrolled Unclassified Information or. CUI Category or Subcategory Markings (mandatory for CUI Specified). Authorized holder of the information at the time of creation. To mark CUI in the subject line of an email, add [Contains CUI] at the end of the subject line. - Such protection is greater than low, the minimum requirements for all systems under the FISMA - Most . Agency personnel should follow their agency release procedures. LDCs also help with identifying those who should have an authorization to use CUI. If the law, regulation, or government-wide policy specifies a method of destruction, agencies must use the method prescribed. Include an example. Upon the implementation of the CUI Program within an agency, the use of legacy markings must cease. ( i) The CUI control marking may consist of either the word "CONTROLLED" or the acronym "CUI," at the designator's discretion. When portion markings are used, a U is placed in parentheses to indicate that the portion contains uncontrolled unclassified information. CDI or FOUO as terms will eventually be phased out and replaced with CUI terminology and category designations. No individual may have access to CUI information unless it is determined he or she has an authorized, lawful government purpose. Report DoD Component training completion data to the USD(I&S) annually or as directed. All documents containing CUI must have a CUI Designation Indicator (DI) Block to notify the recipient about information related to who originated the document. The controls for any CUI Basic categories and subcategories are the same. (i) The CUI control marking may consist of either the word "CONTROLLED" or the acronym "CUI," at the designator's discretion. IS IT MANDATORY? By phases I mean that agencies must first issue a policy that adapts existing practices to those of the CUI Program. Mays CMMC-AB Town Hall marked the end of an era. These markings are not yet in use at all agencies, as such all employees should continue to follow existing agency policy until directed to use the new markings. Its very confusing as to when we are supposed to start seeing/marking CUI on these contracts. Blog of the Controlled Unclassified Information Program, Information Security Oversight Office, NARA. Describe the CUI Registry, including purpose, structure, and location. See the Export control category: Keep banner marking separate from any administrative markings. Record and non-record copies of CUI documents will be disposed of in accordance with Chapter 33 of Title 44, U.S.C. Portions include subjects, titles, paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, bullet points and sub-bullet points, headings, pictures, graphs, charts, maps, reference list, etc. If no letterhead is used, then a fifth line is required. Every portion, paragraph, subparagraph, section, or subsection must be marked to show the highest level of classification that it contains: (TS) for Top Secret, (S) for Secret, or (C) for Confidential. The mandatory marking for all DOD CUI is theCUI Banner/Footerwith theCUI Designation Indicator (DI) Block. Agencies may continue to use Forms OF901, OF902, and OF903 while supplies last. E.g. ISOO monitors implementation actions by parent agencies. Generally, the sharing of CUI should be limited to only the degree necessary to support current operations. A. CUI may only be shared with contractors when it is identified in their contract by the government. Question: For call in only certificates, who do we email for the certificate? Question: When sharing legacy documents via email (e.g. An electrical component mounted in this manner is referred to as a surface-mount device (SMD).In industry, this approach has largely replaced the through-hole technology construction method of fitting . If a portion contains no classified information, it should be marked with a (U) for Unclassified. If so, they need to be revised to include the new CUI marking requirements. Separate these markings in the same way as discussed in the banner. This mimics physical classification markings, which span the full width of the document page. Banner markings appear next to each applicable authority, indicating how they should be marked. It is a best practice to include the name and contact information for the Point of Contact. Be aware of your surroundings and take steps to ensure others can't overhear what you are saying do not use wireless phones to discuss CUI. Question: It has been difficult to determine basic or specified; for example, it seems some ITAR information is basic, other is specified, but its not very clear to determine. The self-inspection program must include: At least annual review and assessment of the agencys CUI program (The Senior Agency Official (SAO) may determine a greater frequency); Self-inspection methods, reviews, and assessments that serve to evaluate program effectiveness, measure the level of compliance, and monitor the progress of CUI implementation; Formats for documenting self-inspections and recording findings when not prescribed by the CUI (Executive Agent (EA); Procedures by which to integrate lessons learned and best practices arising from reviews and assessments into operational policies, procedures, and training; A process for resolving deficiencies and taking corrective actions; and. When marking a document with more than one page, the banner marking will be the same for the entire document. CUI. When destroying CUI, including in electronic form, agencies must do so in a manner making it unreadable, indecipherable, and irrecoverable. Agencies are not required to review and re-mark legacy information until and unless the information is re-used, restated, or paraphrased. The results could subject employees, contractors, partners, and other recipients of CUI to an increased likelihood of sanctions for mishandling information that laws, Federal regulations, and Government-wide policies require them to handle as CUI. Only use this method if permitted by law or government policy, Mark the storage media with the appropriate CUI marking, Include in the opening section a statement that reads This Recording Contains Controlled Unclassified Information.; and, Include a reading of the appropriate marking, Mark the storage media with the appropriate marking. What determines whether a category is basic or specified is the underlying authority. When CUI portion marking is used, these rules must be followed: Documents containing both classified and CUI will be marked with the highest level of classification in both the banner and footer. Display Only (DISPLAY ONLY) authorizes disclosure to a foreign recipient, but without providing them a physical copy for retention to the foreign country(ies) or international organization(s) indicated, through established foreign disclosure procedures and channels. Question: As to PII, is it CUI basic or specified (is that the same as the category SP-Privacy Information)? Sensitive unclassified information that was marked prior to the implementation of the CUI Program which meets the standards for CUI is considered legacy information. It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present. For example CUI Specified, but with CUI Basic controls - specifying only some of the controls. As the agency transitions to the standards of the CUI Program, FOUO/SBU-type markings will eventually be phased out. Answer: To receive a certificate for participating through the call (not able to connect to the webex), please send an email to Portion markings appear in parenthesis before each paragraph of the document. Markings allow recipients to tell at a glance that they have something that requires protection. Does this mean as an example when it CUI leaves DoD ? They may be used only to indicate the non-final status of documents under development to avoid confusion and maintain the integrity of an agencys decision-making process. "CUI" does not go into the banner line. Every agency of the executive branch is required to implement the CUI Program ( The statement it is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page is false. Include "CUI" in the filename. The control level indicates the safeguarding and disseminating requirements. Question: Do emails containing CUI need to be encrypted? For some CUI Specified, there may be required indicators prescribed by law, Federal regulation, or Government-wide policy. Do not put CUI markings on the outside/exterior layer of the envelope/package. The following describes the traditional way to apply markings, Designation Indicator (mandatory) - must identify who originated the CUI. This includes having approved CUI markings on printed pages and/or a CUI cover sheet to clearly identify the information as CUI when stored or when being used. (NIST SP 800-53 moderate confidentiality, NIST 800-171, or fedramp moderate depending on what the system is and who owns it). formId: "8f24ae28-caba-4443-a039-498adf70e347", It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present . Authorized for Release to Certain Foreign Nationals Only (REL TO USA, [LIST]) indicates the information is releasable only to the foreign country(ies) or international organization(s) indicated. Here is our complete breakdown of the CMMC assessment process (CAP). Not the contractor/licensee? Please also see CUI blog post titled: NSA Article: Working from Home? Answer: Some agencies and vendors have been working to develop an automated tool to assist employees with marking CUI. The CUI Registry provides guidance on how to mark CUI based on the underlying authorities. Question. Where should CUI markings be placed located on unclassified documents? When marking a document with more than one page, the banner marking will be the same for the entire document. Category Markings (mandatory only for CUI Specified) clarify what type is in a document. E.g. Answer: There are a number of Law Enforcement categories listed on the CUI Registry. meets the requirements of GSA's IT Security Policy. Answer: Hard copy CUI must be stored in an area or container that would prevent unauthorized access. Forms containing CUI when filled in must be marked accordingly.

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it is mandatory to include a banner marking