Bail Bond: A written promise signed by a defendant and surety to ensure that a criminal defendant will appear in court at the scheduled time and date, as ordered by the court. Some states have stricter regulations regarding charges for bonds and the use of professional contractors (bail agents). How much is bail for ownership certificate or license forgery (VC 4463)? How much is bail for soliciting a minor, controlled substances, if 2,0015,000 pills (HS 11380)? I am very impressed with the results. In Connecticut, there is a descending fee scale that begins at 10% for the first $5,000 and 7% for anything over $5000. How much is bail for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11354)? If you have $30k in cash, you can post bail and get your mo The bail amount for the sale of PCP, if over 3 gallons liquid or 1 lbs. The bail amount for the possession of GHB with intent to commit sexual assault is $50,000. The bail amount for assault with a semiautomatic firearm is $25,000. if the bail is set at $20,000, you would pay $20,000 in cash). Lien Bail. The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms, is $250,000. Every state in the U.S. has different rates for bail bonds costs. How much is bail for grand theft, if amount of theft is over $250,000 (PC 487(a)(b))? How much is bail for embezzlement by carrier or individual transporting property for hire, if amount stolen is over $50,000 (PC 505)? The bail amount for engaging in specified sex acts with a minor under age 10 is $250,000. How much is bail for false imprisonment/kidnap to evade arrest (PC 210.5)? The bail amount for unlawful sexual intercourse with person under 18 is $20,000. He is waiting for you. Pay Your Own Bail or Hire a Bail Bonds Company. States have variable names for the Lien Bond (Mechanic'due south Lien Bond, Transfer of Lien The bail amount for sodomy, if with force or fear, upon a minor victim age 14 or over, is $250,000. How much is bail for bribery of a councilman, supervisor, etc. The bail amount for burglary with explosives is $50,000. How much is bail for owning or operating a chop shop (VC 10801)? Apr 1, 2023. You may also need collateral of $30K. For instance, misdemeanor charges are usually less than $5,000 while felony charges can exceed $100,000 or more. How much is bail for vehicular manslaughter operating a vessel, DUI without gross negligence (PC192.5(b))? How much is bail for the conspiracy to violate sections 11351, 11351.5, OR 11352, if over 10 kilograms (HS 11370.4)? How much is bail for prostitution with prior and HIV advisement (PC 647f)? How much is bail for grand theft of gold dust, amalgam, or quicksilver, if amount of theft is over $50,000 (PC 487d)? The bail amount for grand theft of person is $25,000. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 1 gallon liquid or 8 oz. The cost of a $20,000 bond will often vary depending on the bail bonds agreement that you signed and the level of risk that the bondsman is taking on by posting your bail. The bail amount for recklessly causing fire with great bodily injury is $35,000. The bail amount for possession with intent to manufacture methamphetamine or n-ethylamphetamine is $50,000. Our Money Bail System Costs U.S. Taxpayers $38 Million A Day A new report reveals the astonishing price of holding people before trial, even on minor charges, because they can't pay. The bail amount for holding of hostages by prison inmate is $100,000. How much does For example, in LA, the Superior Court of Los Angeles County would set it at $20,000 if you were accused of a felony with a maximum sentence of 3 years. The average amount is 10%, but it increases by 15% for Federal charges, and 20% for other specific cases. How much is bail for embezzlement by carrier or individual transporting property for hire, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 505)? The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, up to 1 kilogram, is $50,000. A 20k bond will often have a fee ranging from 10% up to 15% if a person is at a higher risk. The bail amount for oral copulation, if defendant compelled another by force, duress, or threats of great bodily injury, is $100,000. The bail amount for false personation of another is $50,000. How much is bail for the manufacture, distribution, etc., of an assault weapon (PC 30600)? powder, is $500,000. 3 Comments. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. The bail amount for possession of any assault weapon is $35,000. How much is bail for attempting to evade peace officer, driving in opposite direction of lawfully moving traffic (VC 2800.4)? How much is bail for counterfeiting coin (PC 477,479,480)? The price of bail bonds can also be affected by whether or not collateral is involved in your bond. Important Note: How much is bail for indecent exposure (PC 314(1))? The amount of collateral needed will depend on your income and other factors. Hire a bail agent to put up the full bail amount for you. How much is bail for preventing or dissuading a witness from attendance or testifying (PC 136.1)? How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 3 gallons liquid or 1 lbs. How much is bail for possession of a loaded firearm (PC 25850)? How much is bail for marijuana, transportation, sale, or furnishing (HS 11360(a))? The bail amount for driving a car without consent is $25,000. The bail amount for the possession or control of child pornography is $20,000. How much is bail for possession, etc., of weapons of mass destruction (PC 11418 (except (b)(2)))? The bail amount for marijuana, transportation, sale, or furnishing is $20,000. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11351)? The bail amount for embezzlement, disposal of personal property under lease or lien, is $20,000. In most places, the fee is 10% of the face value of the bond. How much is bail for embezzlement or falsification of accounts by public officers (PC 424)? The bail amount for grand theft, if value exceeds $950, or with qualifying prior conviction(s) if value does not exceed $950, is $20,000. How much is bail for unlawful use of tear gas (PC 22810)? The bail amount for bribes, soliciting by public officer or employee is $25,000. How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $50,000 (PC 504b)? The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 4 kilograms, is $250,000. The bail amount for grand theft of dog, if amount of theft is over $250,000, is $70,000. The bail amount for violation of a protective order is $50,000. How Much Is a Bail Bond in California? Webentertainment, news presenter | 4.8K views, 28 likes, 13 loves, 80 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from GBN Grenada Broadcasting Network: GBN News 28th The surety bondsmans fee, set by the insurance company, may cost about 10% of the total bond plus $25 or $35 dollars. I am licensed in California, only. For example, if bail is set at $9,000, the premium would be $900 and other bonding fees may be added to the 10%. Therefore, if your bail is set at $5000, you can expect to pay about $500 in order to purchase a bail bond. Complete Bail Guide or call us at (310) 424-5816. When you seek a bond from a bail bondsman, youre normally required to pay around The bail amount for shooting at an inhabited dwelling, building, or occupied motor vehicle is $250,000. The bail amount for sodomy, if committed in a state prison or jail, is $100,000. How much is bail for the conspiracy to violate sections 11351, 11351.5, OR 11352, if over 1 kilogram (HS 11370.4)? The bail amount for exploding a destructive device or explosive with intent to murder is $1,000,000. The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. is $30,000. How much is bail for the conspiracy to violate sections 11351, 11351.5, OR 11352, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11370.4)? How much is bail for sale of substance represented to be a controlled substance (HS 11382)? How much is bail for lewd acts, if victim is under age 14, with bodily harm (PC 288(i))? The bail amount for violation of HS 11379.6, if over 10 lbs. powder (HS 11378.5)? The bail amount for attempting to evade peace officer, driving in opposite direction of lawfully moving traffic, is $75,000. To learn more about how the rate on a bond is set, see our help article 'What are bail bond rates in New York City?'. How much is bail for perjury (PC 118)? The bail amount for defrauding insurer, if amount taken is over $250,000, is $75,000. For example, the cost of a $10,000 dollar bond will vary depending on a number of factors, and will often cost between $100 and $1,000. liquid or 8 grams powder, is $30,000. Is the Premium Returned? The bail amount for possession of deadly weapon by prison inmate is $50,000. The bail amount for violation of (or attempt) HS 11379.6 OR 11383, when child under 16 is present, is $500,000. How much is bail for subornation of perjury (PC 127)? The bail amount for N.S.F. The bail fee amount is a percentage of the full bail amount. The bail amount for manufacturing or selling false citizenship or resident alien documents is $75,000. The bail amount for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $70,000. How much is bail for the illegal transportation, sale, or furnishing of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 10 kilograms (HS 11352)? 667.8(a)(b)) (PC 209)? Do Bounty Hunters Need A Warrant To Enter A House? How much is bail for the sale of PCP, if over 8 oz. The bail amount for bringing or distributing obscene matter within the state is $40,000. How much is bail for the illegal transportation, sale, or furnishing of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms (HS 11352)? How much is bail for embezzlement by bailee, if amount stolen is over $250,000 (PC 507)? The bail amount for embezzlement by bailee, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $70,000. How much is bail for forgery, false entries in records or returns (PC 471)? How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property (PC 504b)? This bond guarantees that if the defendant doesn't come to court as ordered, the bondsperson will pay the amount of money on the bail bond to the court. The bail amount for employing a weapon of mass destruction, causing death is $1,000,000. 273.5(f) (PC273.5)? How much is bail for soliciting rape, etc. powder, is $5,000,000. If your court bail was set at $10,000, and you want to stay out of jail until that court date, then you can either pay the $10,000 in full to the court to stay out of jail which will be almost 100% returned to you, minus some very small court fees, after you show up for court. The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 80 kilograms, is $5,000,000. How much is bail for receiving stolen property, if value exceeds $950 or with qualifying priors if value does not exceed $950 (PC 496)? The bail amount for assault with a semiautomatic firearm upon a peace officer or firefighter is $200,000. How much is bail for pandering, if other person is a minor (PC 266i)? The bail amount for kidnapping is $100,000. How much is bail for knowingly altering, forging, concealing, or destroying withdrawal or rescission of request for aid-in-dying drug to end life (HS 443.17(a))? The bail amount for grand theft is $20,000. How much is bail for the possession of controlled substances with the intent to commit sexual assault (HS 11377.5)? How much is bail for forgery (PC 470)? The bail amount for voluntary manslaughter is $100,000. Criminal bail bonds can be used in criminal cases. The bail amount for pimping, if the other person is a minor under age 16, is $75,000. How much is bail for the possession or control of child pornography, with prior (PC 311.11(b))? He seemed to have a good relationship with the prosecutor and presented his arguments well to the judge. How much is bail for oral copulation, if victim is under age 14 and defendant is more than 10 years older than victim (PC 228(c)(1))? The bail amount for fictitious checks, making or uttering, is $20,000. WebHow much does a $30,000 bond cost? How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of cocaine base, if over 20 kilograms (HS 11351.5)? How much is bail for the possession of controlled substances for sale, up to 1 kilogram (HS 11378)? A report from Grand View Research has more conservative revenue estimates for the industry. How much is bail for driving a car without consent, specified vehicles, P.C. How much is bail for bringing a weapon into jail or prison (PC 4574)? We recommend that you always check a lawyer's disciplinary status with their respective state bar association before hiring them. How much is bail for possession or exploding a destructive device or explosive with intent to injure (PC18740)? How much is bail for aggravated mayhem (PC 205)? The bail amount for contacting a minor with intent to commit sexual offense is $5,000. The bail amount for mortgage fraud, if amount of loss is over $50,000, is $45,000. The bail amount for vehicular manslaughter DUI with gross negligence is $100,000. or 25 gallons (HS 11379.6(c))? He wants all people to be sorry for their sins and turn from them. How much is bail for the filing of false evidence by prosecuting attorney (PC 141(c))? How much is bail for corporal injury to specified persons, with prior conviction under P.C. When you're arrested, you'll need to locate a means to pay the bond amount. How does a bail bond company make money? You might want to wait until he goes to court on Tuesday. The bail amount for price gouging in connection with dream act applications is $15,000. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 20 kilograms (HS 11351)? My answer to any specific question would likely be different if that interplay were explored during an attorney-client relationship. The bail amount for the sale of PCP, if over 1 quart liquid or 2 oz. powder, is $1,000,000. By Nick Wing Jan 24, 2017, 05:51 PM EST U.S. taxpayers are paying $38 million each day, or around $14 billion a year, for pretrial incarceration. The bail amount for counterfeiting a prescription blank is $20,000. The bail amount for the unauthorized use of personal information to obtain credit, goods, etc. This means that it could be anywhere from $10,000-$30,000! The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. The bail amount for grand theft of a firearm is $50,000. The bail amount for oral copulation, if victim is under age 14, with force or duress, is $100,000. The bail amount for vehicular manslaughter operating a vessel, DUI without gross negligence is $50,000. The bail amount for the possession of specified controlled substances while armed with a loaded firearm is $50,000. The bail amount for indecent exposure is $35,000. How much is bail for lewd acts, if victim is under age 14, with force (PC 288(b)(1))? How much is bail for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 40 kilograms (HS 11354)? The bail amount for stalking is $150,000. The bail amount for assault with force likely to produce G.B.I. How much is bail for counterfeiting a prescription blank (HS 11162.5(a))? How much is bail for defrauding insurer (PC 548)? How much is bail for administering drugs to aid felony (PC 222)? How much is bail for grand theft of animal for purpose of sale, medical research, slaughter, or other commercial use, if value exceeds $950 or with qualifying prior conviction(s) if value does not exceed $950 (PC 487g)? The bail amount for sodomy, if defendant compelled another by force, duress, or threats of great bodily injury, is $100,000. How much is bail for bringing or distributing obscene matter within the state (PC 311.2)? The hearing judge has considerable leeway when setting bail, though, and can consider external circumstances. So, if youre looking for bail bonds help in Georgia, look no further than our friends over at Anytime Bail Bonding, Inc.? If you miss your court date, the bail bonds company will send a bounty hunter out after you to collect the full $20,000. How much is bail for embezzlement or defalcation of public funds (PC 514)? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. How much is bail for N.S.F. The bail amount for grand theft, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. The bail amount for grand theft of dog, if amount of theft is over $50,000, is $45,000. The bail amount for oral copulation, if victim is under age 14 and defendant is more than 10 years older than victim, is $100,000. The bail amount for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, if a felony per VC 23550 or 23550.5, is $20,000. How much is bail for rape in concert with another, by force or violence, if victim is under 18 (PC 264.1)? The calculator computes the cost of a bail bond using the fee schedule established by New York State Law. The cost of a $20,000 bond will often vary depending on the bail bonds agreement that you signed and the level of risk that the bondsman is taking on by posting your bail. The bail amount for soliciting a minor, controlled substances, if 2,0015,000 pills, is $75,000. (HS 11361)? How much is bail for receiving stolen property, if amount of theft is over $50,000 (PC 496)? The bail amount for conspiracy is the same as the substantive offense. How much is bail for false pretenses (PC 532)? The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 20 kilograms, is $1,000,000. How much is bail for an adult preparing to sell to a minor drugs or narcotics, if over 40 kilograms (HS 11353.5)? How much is bail for extortion, ransomware (PC 523b)? Real questions from people like you. The bail amount for unlawful possession of ammunition is $35,000. How much is bail for possession with intent to manufacture PCP (HS 11383)? The bail amount for marijuana, a person 18 years or over using a minor under 14 in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor, up to 25 lbs., is $40,000. The bail amount for kidnapping a child under age 14 to deprive custody is $150,000. The bail amount for computer-related crimes, Introduction of a Contaminant, is $50,000. How much is bail for taking a person from the lawful custody of a peace officer by means of a riot (PC405a)? The bail amount for violation of (or attempt) HS 11379.6 OR 11383, when child under 16 suffers G.B.I., is $750,000. 273.5(f) is $100,000. The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 1 kilogram, is $100,000. How much is bail for battery upon a peace officer, etc., with injury (PC 243(c))? How much is bail for oral copulation, if defendant compelled another by force, duress, or threats of great bodily injury (PC 228(c)(2)(A))? The bail amount for maintaining a place for selling, giving, or using of certain specific or classified controlled substance is $30,000. The bail amount for marijuana, cultivating or processing, is $10,000. The maximum premium is set by law and is generally non-refundable. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 80 kilograms, is $5,000,000. How much is bail for grand theft of dog, if amount of theft is over $250,000 (PC 487e)? How To Reduce, Pay, or Eliminate Bail A Complete Guide. How much is bail for maintaining a place for selling, giving, or using of certain specific or classified controlled substance (HS 470)? Bail bond companies usually charge a 10% fee. powder (HS 11378.5)? The bail amount for possession, etc., of weapons of mass destruction is $500,000. How much is bail for oral copulation, if in concert with force or fear, upon a victim under age 14 (PC228(d)(2))? The bail amount for the sale of PCP, if over 200 gallons liquid or 100 lbs. The bail amount for burglary, residential, is $50,000. But for someone who The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms (HS 11351)? How much is bail for oral copulation, if the victim is a minor age 14 or older, with force or duress (PC228(c)(2)(C))? By Margarette Burnette. How much is bail for false personation of another (PC 529)? WebThe purchase price of the bond is approximately 10% of its value in general. Please complete the fields below to schedule a free consultation with a skilled attorney. The bail bond premium is non-refundable, meaning you won't get it back. liquid or over 8 grams powder, is $50,000. How much is bail for sodomy, if victim is under age 14, with force or duress (PC 286(c)(2)(B))? The bail amount for violation of HS 11379.6, if over 44 lbs. The fee that you pay will depend on the state that you live in as well as your risk level. The bail amount for trainwrecking is $1,000,000. The bail amount for embezzlement or defalcation of public funds, if amount stolen is over $250,000, is $75,000. How much is bail for grand theft or conversion of real property, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000 (PC487b)? How much is bail for arson of other property (PC 118)? How much is bail for false imprisonment (PC 236)? How much is bail for the sale of controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms (HS 11379)? How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 200 gallons liquid or 100 lbs. How much is bail for oral copulation, if victim is unconscious of nature of act/incapable of consent (PC228(f)(g))? The bail amount for marijuana, possession for sale, of a person 21 years or over while knowingly hiring, employing, or using a person 20 years or younger to cultivate, transport, carry, sell, etc., is $25,000. How much is bail for defrauding insurer, if amount taken is over $250,000 (PC 548)? Im in Missouri. (HS 11379.6(c))? However, D-bonds require you to pay 10% of the bail amount set by the judge to get out of jail and be out on bond. How much is bail for various felonies relating to credit cards (PC 484e484i))? The bail amount for an adult preparing to sell to a minor drugs or narcotics, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 504b)? How much is bail for the sale of PCP, up to 8 oz. The bail amount for mortgage fraud, if amount of loss is over $250,000, is $70,000. The bail amount for peyote, cultivating or processing is $30,000. powder, is $2,000,000. The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances with qualifying prior conviction(s) is $10,000.

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