This suggests the element of hearing in the hierophant, but it is not a regular voice that he hears, but the divine voice of the One supreme. This may simply be a sign that you need to have a serious conversation about what each of you wants in life. The same thing happens as in the above example. His power is in keeping these intact and lasting. Someone is a know-it-all and extremely rigid in their thinking. In addition, you can offer them a frame and boundaries they cannot establish themselves. We bring both of them together when we see the combination in tarot. When it comes to love, The Hierophant card represents marriage. This card is also about rules and obeying them. At its finest, its spiritual, platonic love and feelings. Romantic relationships are not the only type of connection this card might tell about; it all depends on what you ask. Communication as a couple hinges on the intuitive instincts of Hierophant making sense of the emotional depths and quagmire of The Hermit. This lady has an unconventional perception of married life, relationships, and relations overall. You and your (potential) partner (or a friend, etc.) It may not display this or other websites correctly. On the surface, this card does not appear to have much to do with love feelings, emotional connection, etc. They do not want to get back together with you. In love readings, this card represents a deep spiritual connection and different types of relationships. It can also mean that someone sees you as a conventionally attractive and safe option. When the Hierophant is reversed, it indicates that spiritual growth is blocked. It speaks to the importance of adhering to the expectations of society and the people around us, rather than making rash decisions that could disrupt the harmony of our relationships. On the other hand, when the Hierophant appears in the reversed position, the meaning of this card changes quite a bit. This card stands for learning, education, religion, and guidance. You are responsible for your own life and decisions. Maybe you have broken the rules in business in the past and this is saying that you need to act more in line with tradition. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Hebrew letter of Vau relates back to the knights in the lesser arcana. Ultimately, when the Hierophant appears in a tarot reading, it is a reminder to embrace love in all its myriad forms, and to trust that deeper wisdom lies within us all. Even though they admire you, they are not thinking about reconciliation. This card indicates the ex has negative feelings toward you and the relationship you had. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Hierophant as feelings is positive. Its the ultimate card for control and following the tried-and-true, doing things just because its how theyve always been done, and looking to authority When it comes to feelings and relationships, the reversed Hierophant appears to be a tricky card. Being a traditional and conservative type of man, he would like to have a family, a steady career, comfortable and safe home. The Hierophant reversed can indicate that the inner voice is blocked. This is a reverent love, almost sacred. If you are asking about how your current partner feelings, know that they love you very deeply and it is a love that cannot be unbroken. WebThe Hierophant represents the highest and most spiritual aspects of a love relationship. They feel motivated to be in a committed relationship and will do what it takes to The Hierophant tells us to do what is told of you. If you want to work through this, you will need to have honest conversations about your values and what you are looking for in a partner. When the Hierophant and the King of Wands come out as the answer to the question of how someone is feeling about you, it indicates that they are feeling a strong sense of passion and confidence. It could even be an extreme boss or teacher. They still care about you, but not romantically. Consider giving up something of yours to help someone else, or just get rid of negative emotions around work - to lighten your personal load. With the Hierophant, relationships (of any sort) are clear, solid, and stable. It could be as simple as getting a rejection letter from a school or job application. The Hierophants message is for you to take your concern to God and to pray, and to allow the stillness and peace of your prayers to bring calmness to your heart and intuition to your mind. This intuition is the kind that actually stretches forth from our human desire to participate in religious beliefs, which require that overarching hierarchy. They feel attracted to someone who has a strong sense of self, is confident in who they are and dont follow the crowd. They fully trust you, and their intentions are clear and honest. When the reversed Hierophant tarot card appears in a reading about your love life, it can indicate a future free of traditional expectations and conventions. Like the High Priestess, he is a member of the clergy. A big, conventional wedding with a large reception. In this article, we will explore what it means when the Hierophant appears during a tarot reading, including what it might suggest about someones feelings towards you. Well, a good relationship means the partners can nourish and enrich one another. Especially when it comes to feelings, or when trying to understand how someone may feel towards you, the Hierophant in particular can be quite a confusing card. His one hand points up to the sky, which receives God and the other holds a golden staff with three crosses on it. Try to be old fashioned, do the honorable thing like you would with traditional dating. The Hierophant represents long-held customs, knowledge, religion, feelings, marriage, and enlightenment. This is not impossible, and may simply require spending more time with each other. However, as they are often afraid as coming across as a player or someone who is just looking for a bit of a fun time, they may hold back their true feelings. This often happens in relationships that start miraculously, in a flame of passion. do not share values. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. This person wants to be your guide and your mentor. If you are single, this card indicates a determined, conservative woman entering your life. You may find that you are drawn to someone who adheres to social conventions, who is comfortable with traditional roles, and who is content with a stable and conventional relationship. Someone is sensitive about you, but they cannot articulate their feelings clearly. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. We are encouraged to open our hearts, take risks and express our deepest desires without fear, so that we can build something extraordinary together. The Hierophant I always feel reminds us to take a step back from the status quo, to break away from traditional or restrictive teachings. As he holds the key, this implies that tradition will enable success. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. Its the word and. In a relationship, The Hierophant encourages us to follow social norms and consider the expectations of our family and friends when making our decisions. They feel sure of your status together, and they are keen to deepen your commitment. If you are in a relationship, it can also indicate a reversal of traditional gender roles. For existing relationships, the Hierophant indicates deep feelings for you. One of my favourite Hierophants (I first typed "fathers"!) Of course, there has to be a certain level of attraction. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. That of doing unto others what you would have them do unto you. This is the love of charity, of helping your fellow man. If you are entering into a relationship under this pairing there will be an initial excitement because of the glamor and luxury offered to you by this partner. Your relationship will improve, and some of you may even start new chapters with your significant other. College professor. This is why prayer is so important in most religions. Our certified tarot readers will provide you with in-depth answers to any questions you have regarding your future. It is definitely a positive card to encounter when your goal is to find out whether someone is interested in progressing things with you. You may be breaking with tradition by choosing not to marry. Understanding what The Hierophant card means in regards to your love can be hard to decipher, however there are some interpretations that you may need to be aware of. This card reveals a deeper level of connection, beyond attraction, butterflies in the stomach, etc. The Hierophant could represent a man who is serious in his intentions with you. This card is telling you to redefine your ideas about the concept of home and interweave new definitions of family into our tales - for perhaps then we can truly call them our own. Tarot eBooks. The Hierophant suggest meditation of some kind. He does not want to experiment. He sees a lot of potential in you and he is willing to help you grow. Be careful of manic or overspending episodes, being too blunt or honest, or extending your opinion in areas where it is not wanted. They feel that the soul connection is missing. His feelings are deep, and he feels connected with you more on a spiritual and intellectual level than physical or purely romantically emotional. WebA pairing with the Hierophant represents an interaction or introduction you may have had with someone of status and great accomplishment. Do not listen to voices or charlatans promising you tarot courses that you can learn in one week. In fact, it represents a time when you should follow your own rules and trust in your own instincts. In a love reading, the Hierophant reversed represents an unconventional approach to relationship. It might be breaking the traditional norms of society or choosing not to marry. You may feel afraid of commitment. WebThe Hierophant reversed in a love Tarot context may signify an unconventional relationship or the desire for one if you are single. Instead of focusing purely on restrictions, it is a card that encourages exploring new paths that stimulate creativity and cultivate balance within - focusing on nourishment rather than restriction. I could see them as dark creatures that would appear as shadows. Whereas I tend to see it as a valid and socially approved attraction, a boy- or girl-friend you wouldn't hesitate to home to meet Mother, or even Grandmother and great-grandmother. There may also be a chance of divorce. For whatever reason, they feel boxed in and restricted. Depending on the opening or the position of the card, he could be a bit too conservative and traditional. Can indicate anytype of spiritual workshop, religious gathering or work related function. The Hierophant also speaks of a spiritual love that grows over time. When you give of yourself in this way you are creating a cycle of love that is going to be gifted back to you, because what you say is true to the Universe is true. There are two monks who knell in front of the Hierophant. WebNine of Cups upright AND Sun upright. They are willing and happy to direct you toward the best outcome. Being with you is safe, and they feel that you are a good They admire your great knowledge and appreciate your attitude as a teacher. This person feels they can trust you and rely on your words and guidance. I may find that by questioning the traditional expectations of my relationships, I can create a connection with my loved ones that is even deeper and more meaningful than before. They desire the freedom to make their own rules and write their own story. If this personality resonates with you, theres a great chance that strong feelings are involved. They know they can seek advice and guidance from you. We see three characters. In business, readings can imply that if you have a trade or business this indicates that traditional techniques will win over clients. Astral chatter or channeling is not the One Voice. Remaining calm and steady. The person you are interested in feels they can rely on you and trust you. He presides over ceremony, kindness, charity, and metaphysical guidance. The guides, the other learns. He is not particularly romantic, but he is not a brute. The Hierophant card suggests people around see you as a role model and a mentor. Yet the parallels between friendship and family, where values are shared and cherished, and bonds are forged through trust and understanding, are rarely recognized. Wondering what the future holds? If you are asking, How does my love interest feel for me? Then the High Priestess will answer you rhetorically, You already know. This card reminds us to respect the expectations of our culture and to not be too rebellious when it comes to love. Upright meaning keywords: Religious beliefs, traditional values, commitment, religion, institutions, conformity. If you want your relationship with this person to succeed, youre going to need to take a look at these hard questions and see if this match is still a fit. It depends on the context of who you are asking about. Monk. Your ex believes that you had a vital They already feel that you are marriage material, and they have deep feelings for you. Pulling this card as feelings encourages us to vibrate at higher frequencies of understanding and compassion with others, and to recognize the beauty in all forms of relationship. This card encourages us to follow the rules, do the research, and consult with experts in order to maintain our health and well-being. There is also personal power and the need to figure things out yourself. However, any tarot card can reveal something about the feelings we have for one another. If you are asking about an old flame or an exs feelings about you, the Hierophant suggests that their feelings for you are platonic. The Hierophant represents tradition, authority, and conventional ways of lifestyle or behavior. The Hierophant as feelings means that they feel stable and assured around you. If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Hierophant reversed means that they still feel resentful. Lets take a closer look at The Hierophant. Unlock your future with tarot readings. That can be frightening, if a person does not feel secure in their own being. Depending on the type of tarot spread you use to lay out your tarot cards, often times, there are surrounding cards that emphasize the message the main card is trying to get across to you. However, there needs to be more of a spark here in order for romance to blossom. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. Her intentions are straightforward and clear. What do all these symbols stand for together and what the card has to do with the feelings? Beneath the feet of the Hierophant are the Keys of Heaven. All rights reserved. Just tell them to go away. And it is true. It may be an indication that they are looking beyond the physical realm and exploring emotional and spiritual depths to this connection. Neither wears their heart on their sleeve, but both crave deep communion. You might be finishing a degree at the university or starting a new job in a corporate office. The Hierophant reversed as feelings for ex indicates that your ex still harbors resentment if you are inquiring about how they feel about you. This man feels drawn to you. Revolt is quite likely when The Hierophant appears reversed in a tarot reading. Whether you read tarot cards on a regular basis or just whenever you feel like it, theres always the potential to come across a card that youre not entirely sure about. Tarot cards can offer more detailed answers when combined. I consider The Hierophant to be a card of mentorship and professionalism. As a result, we have the freedom to express ourselves at work without being constrained by rigid rules or regulations. The Hierophant as a Person: YouTube Video, I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.. While an uneasy alliance domestically, with work it can be a mutually satisfying union of the heart. The Hierophant is represented as a beardless man wearing a long priests red robe, a triple cross, and a triple crown. The Hierophant operates on a spiritual and philosophical level. Hierophant Tarot Card Meanings. When the Hierophant appears in a reading in the reversed position, you will have exactly the opposite experience. Ultimately, The Hierophant encourages us to find balance between our desires and the expectations of our culture and community. You can expect a unique and unconventional relationship with someone who encourages you to be yourself. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Perhaps your relationship started off with fireworks, but now they feel that there are fundamental differences in how you view the world. Usually, this card will come up when dealing with intense emotion and can signify the need for counseling or guidance. So, how can you integrate yourself into the existential world? The Hierophant expresses that life is your teacher, providing you with lessons to learn for growth opportunities and the understanding that conflicting issues exist for the purpose of bringing new growth into your life. We have seen that the upright card stands for the convention, tradition, well-established and lasting institutions, and order. If the Hierophant is reversed, love and romance can mean all rules have been broken and barriers have been smashed. Two followers, holding corporeal and ethereal keys, lay at his feet, seeking his counsel. Get 3 free minutes and 50% off your first reading when you try now. If you have received this card for a love reading then there is something that you need to learn from giving up some of your time and energy to a charity. The Hierophant is not a very emotional tarot card, to say the least. You check their boxes. Making a wish for another person puts divine power into action. Also, a certain level of toxic zeal and fanatic ideas may occur. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. Mediator. His guidance and insight are valuable, but he should also be respected and heeded. This is the critical foundation for every great relationship and commitment, but it is not enough in itself. Team work is highlighted. However, they find it of utmost importance that the person they marry share their same values. All rights reserved. Essentially, if the Hierophant shows up in a tarot reading for love reconciliation, it indicates the need to rise above our individual materialistic aspirations and seek out deeper meaning in life, it also shows that love is likely to reconcile and end up in possibly marriage. If you are confused about something and want an on-point answer, then the Hierophant yes or no reading is your way out. This is not the limit, as you keep on reading further, we will also discuss the meaning of the Hierophant as feeling in both positions. Along side the High Priestess, it can indicate a love that has telepathic communication. If you look closely you can see the symbol of Taurus in his stone chair. The Hierophant has a talent for This will greatly improve your health. To those seeking to fulfill their role and follow the tradition they live by, the Hierophant promises a great opportunity. By paying attention to the feelings that someone has when pulling this card, we can open our hearts to a greater sense of understanding and marriage. Additionally, it implies that you and your spouse will often think similarly about each other and your relationship and will be on the same page. The Hierophant indicates she is ready to get married or to start a family. He sees you an ideal partner, and can imagine life with you. The Hierophant + The King of Wands As Feelings. You may need to meditate a situation and bring together two opposites. Imagine if you placed a 1st grade student in a 6th grade class. The Hierophant tarot card suggests that your future love life will be filled with traditional expectations and a sense of conformity. The Hierophant is a father/minister or a work mentor., Death in Outcome as "The Decision will be made for you". In some cases, this card could represent a company as a whole but more likely a particular male in a father, priest or mentor capacity. People find you an admirable character, but maybe a bit inflexible. Hierophant, 6 of Cups and Queen of Pentacles: a. The relationship was probably passionate, but full of conflicts, and fights. The Hierophant Reversed, with its boundless energy and infinite possibilities, encourages us to think outside of the box when it comes to health and wellness. Home could even be a metaphysical space that traverses the landscape or is accessed only within the recesses of the soul. Big weddings can also be depicted (while Key 11, Justice, when referring to marriage, can indicate a marriage by the court or Justice of the Peace). The Hierophant embraces the social & the conventional, for it suggests that you have a desire to follow a process which has been well established. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Vesta in Libra Personality Traits & Meaning, The Empress Tarot Card As Feelings Explained, The Hierophant As Feelings in a Love Reading, The Hierophant As Feelings The Hierophant Upright, The Hierophant As Feelings The Hierophant Reversed, The Hierophant As Feelings His Feelings, The Hierophant As Feelings Her Feelings, The Hierophant As Feelings Exs Feelings, The Hierophant As Feelings How They See You, The Hierophant As Feelings Combinations With Other Cards, The Emperor Tarot Card As Feelings Explained, The Hierophant Tarot Card As Feelings Explained, Vesta in Virgo Personality Traits & Meaning. An educational group or workshop where people come together in love and friendships. They deem your great knowledge, spiritual depth, and dedication impressive. This card is mainly for self-reflection on whether or not everything you have been doing all this time was worthwhile. The reversed Hierophant represents unconventional ideas, a daring spirit, original solutions, unclear intentions, abuse of power, and fanatics. Underneath the gown he has a white shirt. It speaks to the importance of taking preventive measures and understanding the consequences of our actions. Each teaching has something special to offer and empower from - make sure it's one that feels true and brings light to your spiritual journey! Even though you might not check all of the boxes, you are happy and at peace. Finding meaning in your tarot readings can be tricky. Although you may have really loved each other, they feel that you do not share the same values, and they cannot move past that. If youre just starting out with tarot, using a deck thats both easy to use and understand is essential for a great (and fun!) I had to learn the hard way that she was wrong and these entities are not just some harmless source of power, but actual evil astral creatures that thrive on chaos and ruin. They feel drawn to act in a non-conformist way and are attracted to those who radiate a strong independent energy. The Hierophant as advice is telling you to back away from any source that doesnt feel right. The Hierophant is the fifth card of the Major Arcana. Roses and lilies are symbolic of the physical and mental/astral world. Will they propose? You cannot skip lessons. The reversed card may also indicate the disproportion between two sets of values. It is less about paying solicitor fees and more about having to give money to government or charity. If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesometarot decksthat havehelpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease,this articlewill definitely give you some inspiration! When it comes to feelings, the Hierophant indicates the need for honesty, rules, order, and convention. In summary, the Hierophant tarot card depicts a powerful figure who represents religious authority and knowledge. This card can mean that you may achieve great things. Just ask your dreams. In terms of you, it conveys a sense of respect for them and a thoughtful approach that will enable you to treat them better and appropriately. The two keys are also crosses which represent male consciousness and female subconsciousness. There is a lack of willingness to align your values, so you cannot connect on a deeper level. This tarot card covers a variety of relationships, starting from mentorship to romantic partnerships. If you are asking about how someone feels about you, and you draw the Hierophant, that means that this person feels drawn to you at a deep, spiritual level. She knows exactly how she feelings and probably how you feel too. They want to feel deeply in love with someone and ultimately find that sense of excitement and special spark. You know how and what each other are thinking and feeling without having to use words. You are inspiring as a mentor and role model, and they feel that they are learning and growing when they spend time with you. The Emperor represents the physical domain and connection, while the Hierophant stands for the spiritual. Despite any challenges that come with this liberating experience, the rewards are plentiful for those brave enough to journey down this road to joy and liberation. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the reversed Hierophant as feelings suggests a no. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. However as each situation is different, there are always exceptions to the rule. 2023 Sibyl Tarot. Privacy Policy. For relationships and feelings, The Hierophant is a tricky card. Your future love life is sure to be filled with an adventure and excitement that comes from breaking away from the traditional expectations and conventions of society. Judge. The Hierophant tarot card is curious. What is important to you? This Major Arcana tarot card advises patience and waiting for the ideal opportunity to meet your match for certain individuals. You cannot begin to understand its depth right away. When it comes to their feelings towards you, this tarot card combination indicates that they may be hesitant to show them. And the feelings you will have will be characterized by dedication and comprehension. Alternatively, the reversed Hierophant indicates someones misuse of power. It suggests that I can still honor the traditions and conventions of my relationships while also allowing for new and different ways of being together. This card is not necessarily about romantic feelings and relationships. One is wearing a gown made of red roses and the other wearing a gown of blue lilies. The Hierophant as feelings means that they feel stable and assured around you.

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