As of April2023[update], the force has the following chief officers:[39], The force is overseen by an elected police and crime commissioner (PCC) on non-operational matters (i.e. We, Yahoo, are part of the Yahoo family of brands. The First Claimant had a relationship with a man who has been referred to in this case as AB. I do not think these attitudes are as widespread as they once were. [69], Ruth Rendell's series of crime novels are set in the fictional town of Kingsmarkham. He has been chief executive officer of the College of Policing since September 2021. I share that view. She will not be taking up another role within policing. Frontline Magazine of Hampshire Constabulary Issue 181 November 2013, A History of Women policing Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 1915-2016 by Clifford Williams (2016), 111 years policing Winchester by Clifford Williams (2012), Constabulary General Orders 30 June 1944 (Hampshire Record Office). The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. [67], The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is an annual index of UK employers completed by the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) rights charity Stonewall. [52] The Special Constabulary adopt the same standards as their regular counterparts, and in 2019 changed their rank insignia to match their regular counterparts. More than a dozen police officers have been dismissed from Hampshire Constabulary since 2018. The Roads Policing Unit patrol motorways and trunk roads across the two forces' areas. For information on Donna Jones, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, please visit her website. He said police officers could not "pick and choose the standards they will abide by" in order to create more "cohesive" teams. [40] The current Hampshire and Isle of Wight PCC is Donna Jones, of the Conservative Party, who was elected in May 2021.[41]. The first female chief constable of Hampshire, Olivia Pinkney, announced in September she would be leaving the force in the spring after 31 years in the service. [8] The Hampshire County Constabulary was established seven years later in December 1839[9] as a result of the passing of the County Police Act that year. Is climate change killing Australian wine? Jason Beer QC, prosecuting, said the only black member of the team was referred to using racist tropes and references to slavery. Mr Bassett said PC Ferguson was "essentially a good officer" who joined the team three months before the recordings, by which time the "culture was well-established". Going the extra mile, sticking to their values and putting the public first., On her future, Ms Pinkney added: In mid-December I will return with the last of our 600 (and counting) additional Uplift staff to welcome them and to work tirelessly for our communities until my last day. The first episode followed the progress of an enquiry into the murder of a woman whose body had been found in a field near Basingstoke[74] whilst the second revealed the work of Hampshire's dedicated rape unit during a live investigation in Portsmouth. In addition, officers carry TETRA digital radios, Body Worn Video, rigid handcuffs, incapacitant spray, the ASP 21" collapsible baton, leg restraints, a resuscitation mask and a basic first aid kit. The need to reduce costs also led to the formation of a Joint Operations Unit with Thames Valley Police which, during the course of 2012, saw the amalgamation of Roads Policing Units, Training, Firearms and Dog Units of the two forces. He's become one of the county's longest serving Chief Constables, and joined the force as a 19 year old. Hampshire Constabulary has featured in various series of Traffic Cops, an occasional BBC One documentary. This strand also contains special units that are set up to combat particular crime areas such as cyber crime or drug related violence (Operation Fortress). I asked the Chief Constable a number of questions on a range of topics that concerned local residents including: police officers numbers and recruitment in Hampshire, anti-social behaviour, use of e-scooters, sexual violence against women and men, Hampshire Constabulary's approach to firearms licensing and the handling of 101 calls. Jason has 27 years police service and has worked in three police forces. Chief Constable 1839 -1842. 2023 BBC. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Hampshire became the first force to leave the Home Office radio communications scheme. 2014 Hampshire Constabulary in international news after obtaining a European arrest warrant leading to the arrest in Spain of the parents of Ashya King (who had removed their seriously ill son from a Southampton hospital in order to get treatment abroad). [54] PCSO's do not carry ASPs, handcuffs, leg restraints or incapacitant spray. On 1 April 2023, Jason was appointed . This has led to some criticism from various sources around central government funding for the force. Now, a search is on for her successor. [60] By comparison, in 2010, the force had 3,748 police officers, 337 PCSOs and 2,424 police staff. The programme focuses on the work of Hampshire's Roads Policing officers and highlights issues relating to road safety and reducing the number of road deaths and serious injuries. [61][62][63], Training for new recruits in Hampshire is conducted at the Support and Training Headquarters at Netley. Set in Portsmouth and revolving around the fictional Detective Inspector Joe Faraday they portray a gritty picture of the city and its crime. A lot of work has been done to ensure we continue to be inclusive of all, and to make sure colleagues feel empowered to challenge unprofessional conduct.. Necessary cookies enable core functionality. The Hampshire County Constabulary was established seven years later in December 1839 as a result of the passing of the County Police Act that year. But they remain too prevalent and can continue out of sight. This strand is the main user of the centralised, borderless model. One of the first forces in the country to introduce tape recorded interviews. He originally joined Cleveland Police in 1995, before transferring to Hampshire and the Isle of White Constabulary in 2001 and joined Thames Valley Police in June 2016, most recently serving as Deputy Chief Constable. A number of force staff referred to it as a "lads' pad". 02 May 2023 07:48:52 Jonathan Finch, who was sacked after exposing himself. Ms Jones said: "Scott is a highly experienced senior police officer and I am very much looking forward to working closely with him.". Former Det Insp Tim Ireson led the unit for two years and would have been sacked if he was still serving, The six men were based at the Serious and Organised Crime Unit in Basingstoke. Bedfordshire Police - Jon Boutcher Hampshire Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney has announced she will be leaving Hampshire in April 2023 after 31 years in police service. Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney said the force's internal investigation had revealed a "catalogue of sexist, racist, homophobic and ableist language and commentary that has rightly shocked us all". Its far from the end of my tenure, but Id like to take this opportunity to thank the public for their continued support for the police. The dogs are also trained to locate people in a variety of situations. Chief Constable Pinkney will return to the force in mid-December to oversee the final part of the census to ensure an effective handover. If you would like to customise your choices, click 'Manage privacy settings'. Upon successful completion, constables can . On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. Using this tool will set a cookie on your device to remember your preferences. The IOPC may choose to manage or supervise investigations conducted into complaints and may conduct the investigations themselves in the most serious cases. As Commissioner, I know that driving down the crimes that matter the most to the public, increasing police visibility in neighbourhoods, and creating a force that is tough on crime to bring offenders to justice is what the public rightly expect, and I am confident Scott will lead the constabulary with these ambitions at the very core of his leadership.. The new chief constable of Hampshire police has said recent 'horrific' actions by serving officers has 'damaged' the force's reputation. It is organised based on local government, with each local authority area having a "local commander", sometimes shared. VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. The core policing activities are organised into four Operational Command sections: Intelligence, Tasking and Development, Prevention and Neighbourhoods, Response and Patrol and Investigations. The unit operates from three bases in Hampshire: Havant (near the M27 and M275), Totton (near the M271 and M27) and Whitchurch (near the M3 & A34). Hampshire officers no longer use the traditional police jumper, having favoured a black fleece with 'Police' written on the chest and back. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. [56][58][57] In 2010, the Air Support Unit was disbanded following a decision to establish a joint South East Air Support Unit with Sussex Police and Surrey Police operating two helicopters. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The relationship ended in July 2005. She will not take on any other role within the police force. There have been a total of fourteen Chief Constables of Hampshire Constabulary. The number of officers in Hampshire is up to 3,404, which higher than in 2020 but still lower than in 2010, Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones said she wanted to increase police visibility. When on duty, Frontline Police Officers wear a black, wicking T-shirt with the word 'Police' on the sleeves, and black uniform trousers. Hear the latest news from across the UK every hour on Greatest Hits Radio on DAB, and the Greatest Hits Radio app. At the same time, the force moved its Operational Headquarters to Mottisfont Court in Winchester. Independent Police Complaints Commission, His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service, List of law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories, "Tables for 'Police workforce, England and Wales, 31 March 2015", "Policing Budget - Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner", "Police workforce, England and Wales: 30 September 2020", Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner, "Report on the accident to Edgley Optica G-KATY at Ringwood, Hampshire, on 15 May 1985", "White Tiger Toy Scare Causes Hampshire Police Alert", "Hampshire police officers sent to help local forces after Hurricane Irma", "Hampshire police chief officer sacked for using derogatory term about travellers in WhatsApp message", "Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney to leave policing in April 2023", "Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones welcomes new chief constable", "Dorset's chief constable to take over at neighbouring constabulary", "Home - Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner", "New BN "Defender 4000" for Hants Police", "Defender 4000 Ordered by Hampshire Police", "Police Air Support South East Regional Collaboration", "Police workforce, England and Wales: 31 March 2017 - GOV.UK", "Hampshire police funding row reignites in wake of London terror attack", "Police bosses join forces to tackle funding shortfall", "Hampshire Constabulary Crime Data Integrity inspection 2018 - HMICFRS", "Police Complaints Information Bulletin, April to December 2011", "Stonewall Workplace Equality Index 2017", "The police crackdown on social media has gone too far | the Spectator", "Hampshire PCC criticises own force over social media arrest", "Hate-crime awareness courses scrapped by Hampshire police", Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services, Hampshire Constabulary History Society website, Together we want to make Hampshire and the Isle of Wight the safest places to live, work and visit, supported by strong, traditional local policing teams which connect and support communities to reduce crime. Hampshire's firearms units provides suitably trained and equipped officers to respond to incidents involving the criminal use of firearms through its armed response vehicles (ARV) and tactical teams. The men admitted some of the charges of breaching standards of professional behaviour against them but claimed it only amounted to misconduct not gross misconduct. The first female chief constable of Hampshire, Olivia Pinkney, announced in September she would be leaving the force in the spring after 31 years in the service. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Historically, the force had used a distinctive vehicle paint scheme of retro-reflective red and white diagonal stripes above a retro-reflective chequered blue and white band. Female officers wear a bowler hat (with black and white chequered hat band), or a similar bowler hat for female RPU officers but with a white top. Lee, J., Peake, C.,Stevens, D and Williams, C (2001). The Guardian 3.9.2014 'Ashya King's parents: we told hospital we would take our son abroad Parents of boy with brain tumour say hospital knew 'from the beginning' of their intention to seek alternative treatment', Five police officers have been dismissed after covert recording equipment uncovered a "toxic" culture at an organised crime unit where abhorrent racist, sexist and homophobic language was the "stock in trade" reported, Details of the new-look policing model can be found in, Crime-recording: Making the victim count. Source: For Chief Constables and Deputies salaries effective from September 2015 see Home Office Circular 026/2015, Police pay award 2015 to 2016 amendments to annex F, 4 November 2015; and Determinations of the Secretary of State under the Police Regulations 2003, pp13-14.For details of PCC salaries, see Review Body on Senior Salaries, Thirty-Seventh Annual Report on Senior Salaries 2015 . But Ms Jones said these extra 600 officers were just "the first step" in increasing police numbers in her patch. The National Police Chiefs Council has previously announced that Chief Constable Pinkney will be seconded to lead the national Strategic Command Course (to develop the next generation of prospective Chief Officers and broader leaders) from mid-September 2022 to mid-December 2022. Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones said: I am delighted to welcome Scott Chilton as the new chief constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary. This is Mr Chilton's second spell with Hampshire after joining in 1992. [42] It also merged the six local policing divisions known as Operational Command Units (OCUs) into three Policing divisions known as the Northern, Eastern and Western areas. Hampshire Constabulary General Orders no 26 1957 available in Hampshire Record office. [44] It also includes safeguarding units, partnership units and police initiatives such as Hampshire Horsewatch and Countrywatch. His time there included a tour of duty overseas in Afghanistan in 2008, where he led the tackling of corruption and police reform on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. [70], A retired Hampshire detective anonymously published Welcome to the Farce; in 2018, recounting his service in the years leading up to his retirement. Right from joining as a new recruit in my teens to now, I have always found policing to be equal parts challenging and rewarding. I made the decision back at the end of June and am announcing it now to help ensure a smooth transition and handover., Also read: PCC announces preferred candidate for next Hampshire and Isle of Wight Chief Constable. Other recent disciplinary hearings in Hampshire have included that of PC Jonathan Finch, who was sacked after exposing himself on video while in uniform and on duty. Newport Police Station on the Isle of Wight. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Of all complaints received during the period 0% (1%) were discontinued - national average 1% - some 5% (3%) were dispensed - national average 7% - and 6% (5%) were withdrawn - national average 10%). In other forces MAST is sometimes known as the Territorial Support Group or L2. He used the pen name Detective Miggins and called the Constabulary 'Bullshire'.[71]. Officers start and end their shifts at a patrol hub but are not officially confined to any subdivision of Hampshire while at work. 1.1Chief Constables 2Governance 3Organisation Toggle Organisation subsection 3.1Local Policing Areas 3.2Force Headquarters Teams 4Operations Toggle Operations subsection 4.1Neighbourhood Policing Team (NHPT) 4.2Incident Crime & Response (ICR) 4.3Dog Section 4.4Roads Policing Unit (RPU) 4.5Armed Response Unit (ARU) 4.6Pro-Active Team Captain George ROBBINS. By Steve Deeks Published 15th Mar 2023, 12:33 BST . Hampshire police chief constable Olivia Pinkney said the nature of the messages was deeply offensive. Their primary roles are to respond to the incoming emergency calls and to proactively patrol to prevent and detect crime. This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 02:44. Force's first female chief constable to step down, Bordon film will see fate deal three blows to girls dreams of future, Ashwood Academy improves behaviour and culture after Ofsted visit, Spices and Spirits given four-star hygiene rating after re-inspection, Trailblazing Libby Finch becomes Cowes RNLIs first female helm, making waves in maritime rescue, Williams Garage known for its owls and tyres joins First Stop network, Winchester Books Festival a success with more than 1,200 people, AI chatbots 'may soon be more intelligent than us', Russia troop deaths hit 20,000 in five months - US, BP profits of 4bn in three months spark criticism, The 17 most eye-catching looks at the Met Gala, The burden of being cricket legend Tendulkar's son, 'My wife and six children joined Kenya starvation cult', On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry. 1944 Women Inspector appointed: Miss P Yates. The force has reduced its workforce by 23% since 2010, compared to the national average of 15%. In 1948, the merger was made permanent, with Hampshire Joint Police Force being renamed Hampshire Constabulary. JUDGMENT ORIGINAL PDF Mlia & Anor v Chief Constable of Hampshire Police (1) Introduction 1. He will take over the role from Olivia Pinkney who announced her decision to leave policing earlier this year after 31 years service. [citation needed], Previous results of inspections by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) are published below:[64], In November 2014, a HMIC report on crime recording found Hampshire Constabulary failed to record, as crime, 40% of incidents, one of the three worst force performances in the country. 2006 On 15 May, Hampshire Constabulary launches the new, 2011 On 22 May, the force seeks assistance from. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. During the 19th century, Hampshire County Constabulary absorbed various borough forces including Basingstoke Borough Police (18361889), Romsey Borough Police (18361865), Lymington Borough Police (18361852) and Andover Borough Police (18361846). Hampshire Constabulary now has 3,403 officers - up from 2,775 in March 2020. . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In addition to providing an emergency response to incidents on the road its work is directed towards reducing casualties and offending and in particular at disrupting the activities of travelling criminals. This page provides the details of salary, expenses and any complaints made, as well as the Register of Interests. Scott Chilton was appointed chief constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary in February 2023. Is climate change killing Australian wine? Scott Chilton has been chief constable of Dorset Police since July 2021. In 2009 and 2010 the Constabulary were 2nd place in Top Employer category. [59], As of March 2017, Hampshire Constabulary has 2,896 police officers, 364 special constables, 304 designated officers, 385 police community support officers and 1,421 police staff. In the books the town is described as being in Sussex, however when the books were televised, Romsey was chosen as the setting for the location filming. The chief constable of Hampshire police, Olivia Pinkney, who chaired the hearing, said the former officer, identified only as X, would have been dismissed had he not resigned from the force. Zoe Wakefield, chair of Hampshire Police Federation, said: "The outdated and offensive views we heard during the hearing have no place in society and they certainly have no place in policing. Two other officers would have been sacked but had already left the force. Officers wear a peaked cap with black and white chequered hat band when on mobile patrol in vehicles whilst Roads Policing Unit (RPU) officers wear a similar cap with a white top. Many tactical options are available to the ARVs as they contain (either upon the AFOs or inside the ARV itself) shields, advanced lifesaving equipment and their firearms which include pistols, carbines incendiary devices and less than lethal options such as Tasers, baton and baton gun. Follow BBC South on Facebook . Hampshire Police Chief Constable, Ms O Pinkney - Email address and Phone number (About Ms O Pinkney) Website for Hampshire Police Twitter Page for Hampshire Police Postal Address and Map for Hampshire Police Hampshire Police Customer Service telephone There is a continued need for vigilance and we must ensure that all processes governing recruitment, training, appraisal, promotion and audit are as robust as they can be. [76], In July 2022, the force was criticised when officers arrested a man for tweeting an image of a swastika, composed of four progress flags. Imposing the sanctions, panel chairman John Bassett said the conduct had been "shameful". 18911893: Captain Peregrine Henry Thomas Fellowes (killed on duty), 19281942: Major Ernest Radcliffe Cockburn, Assistant chief constable (joint operations): Robert France, Assistant chief constable (crime and criminal justice): Stu Murray, Northern Police Investigation Centre in Basingstoke, Eastern Police Investigation Centre in Portsmouth. We believe that we will benefit from the variety of thinking, approach and skills that diversity can bring; all of which helps us to deliver a better policing service. The force has many ARVs (With both Police liveried and unmarked variants - a marked ARV is distinguishable from other police vehicles as it has big and bright coloured asterisk [*] stickers that are displayed on all four corners of the vehicle) and they usually contain two or three police officers that are specially trained authorised firearms officers (AFO). PCSO's wear peaked caps with a blue hat band. [78] One week later, it was announced that the Force was scrapping its hate-crime awareness courses. Scott. [55] Subsequently Hampshire operated a fixed wing Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander from the former Royal Naval Air Station at Lee-on-the-Solent. Youre trying to do the right thing. [68], The crime fiction writer Graham Hurley draws on his knowledge of Hampshire Constabulary, and in particular Portsmouth CID, for his series of police procedural novels. For example, they are able to find people who are trapped in collapsed buildings. The previous facility in Winchester, close to Winchester Prison sat on the site of the first county headquarters, built in 1847. In November 2022, the force was renamed Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary by Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones.[13]. 2023 BBC. Read about our approach to external linking. dealing with complaints made against the Chief Constable, a role known as the Appropriate Authority. He has also previously headed Hampshire Special Branch, been a Crime and Operations Commander in western Hampshire, and led the Joint Operations Unit across the Hampshire and Thames Valley areas. 1893 Chief Constable Peregrine Fellowes, a former Assistant Adjutant General of Australia, who had been in office for less than two years, is fatally injured in Romsey Road, Winchester outside police headquarters when, together with other officers, he attempts to stop a runaway horse and trap. [56][57] In March 2001, the Islander was replaced by a Britten-Norman Defender 4000. [10] A separate Isle of Wight Constabulary was not formed until 1890 when the island was the granted administrative county status. 1987 Introduction of tape recording of interviews with suspects to replace hand written interview notes. Chief Constable Pritchard will move, on attachment, to the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), before retiring from policing completely in June. [77] The force's own police and crime commissioner publicly questioned the proportionality and necessity of the arrest. So both personally and professionally, I have the same expectations as you and I am committed to making sure that Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is safe for everyone.. This reorganisation fundamentally changed how the force operated at all levels which lead to it introducing a "borderless" model for response teams, rather than it being operationally confined to smaller districts as it was in the days of Operational Command Units (OCUs). Any complaints received by the Police and Crime Commissioner about the service provided by Hampshire Constabulary will be forwarded to the force. In 2017 the Constabulary were still in the top 100 at 65th (Leicestershire was the top police employer). FREE WEBINAR (Neighbourhood Watch), Think WIDEN burglary prevention campaign launched (Neighbourhood Watch), Scott Chilton confirmed as Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabularys next Chief Constable. Both county's Chief Constables have left their posts. Read about our approach to external linking. Click on the links below to find out more about each of them. A police chief has admitted a decision by a misconduct panel to grant lifelong anonymity to a male officer who harassed a female domestic abuse victim . Hampshire Constabulary and Thames Valley Police are inclusive employers and strive to have a workforce representative of the communities they police and serve. RT @Miners_Strike: "I want you to be there as the ambassadors of Hampshire as I know you can be" John Duke, Hampshire Chief Constable, gives police officers a pep talk before they fly off to Nottinghamshire #OnThisDay 1984. Sergeant used N-word and homophobic slur in messages to colleague with whom he was having affair. This strand focuses on preventative and community policing. This strand consists of the criminal investigation department and custody staff. For special constables it consists of seven months of training during weeknights and weekends, and a two-year probationary period or less, dependent on the number of tours of duty. Chief Constable Olivia Pinkney was one of the 12 highest earning police chiefs across the UK in 2017/18, a Daily Mail investigation found. [43] The Neighbourhood policing teams (NPTs) are aligned with council wards. [50] Kier Pritchard steps down from the Wiltshire force today (Sunday 26th February) after 30 years of service. In all, 20 police officers and staff from the unit have faced some sort of disciplinary action. The Police and Crime Commissioner can only review cases submitted after 1 February 2020 that have . The PCC, sets key policing priorities through. Military service may also act as a substitute for a college degree. Follow BBC South on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Aviation support is provided by the National Police Air Service established in 2012.

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