He actually took off his sunglasses to get a better view and whistled loudly when he got a good look at Soles backside. When Sole gets out all Curie wants to do is hug Sole because they are so chunky and cute! As he fell, from the corner of his eye he spotted what looked like Soles dragon flying towards him at top speed, and he could vaguely hear the person who pushed him off the roof screaming in sheer terror. Or when Sole would wrap their pinky around Caits in a loose form of hand-holding whenever Cait started to get anxious or scared about something, it had been so long since anyone showed them any real affection that it took a while for Cait to ever recuperate said affection but Sole never complained or pointed it out, and Cait didnt think they could ever get over how lucky they were to have Sole. Piper still loved Sole as a friend and saw her as a force of good that could be used to play the Institute at their own game, something Sole was more than happy to comply with. She waited till he was actually coherent enough and sober so their werent any misunderstandings between them, once she actually sat him down and told her about who she really use to be he got quiet and she became nervous. Preston: He didnt get why the General never got out of that suit of power armor and it kinda bothered him because if they went out to help settlements they did look pretty intimidating and he didnt want that image for the minutemen. MacCready(Pre-romance): Its by accident that Soles wings are revealed to him, while him and Sole were traveling they get ambushed by a group of gunners. Danse(Romanced): Sole decided to reveal their wings to him when he learned that he was a synth, they saw how ashamed he had become of himself, so Sole wanted to show him there was nothing wrong with him and being different didnt make him any less of a human. Sole told him that was true and they had been part of many battles before the bombs dropped, and had won in all of them, one even left them to be the last one standing after the fighting stopped. Fallout 4 Relationships: Ada/Sole Survivor Cait/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Codsworth/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Curie/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Paladin Danse/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Deacon/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Dogmeat/Sole Survivor John Hancock/Sole Survivor (Fallout) Robert Joseph MacCready/Sole Survivor Sole Survivor/Nick Valentine For Anonymous who requested Companions react to a Sole who loves to write poetry! Mac says hes the one whos sorry for leaving any doubts about their relationship and making Sole feel like he would love them any less because of their wings. MacCready: He loved the strength Sole possessed from having two mechanical arms and loved seeing them in action out in the wasteland. She loved it most though when Sole would sit down to groom their feathers and would let Curie help and she would endlessly caress the soft feathers, putting Sole in a dream like trance. Sorry cannot begin to describe". ", "Whatever you eat..so long as you intake sufficient nutrition, I don't see why it's of any concern. So Cait told Sole they wanted to see what damage they could really do bare fist in all! He quickly sat the medicine down to comfort them. " Hancock are you okay?" "Marry me." Sole smiled. Not being aware that Sole didnt even know they where a synth she brought it up one day and Sole turned around so fast they about tripped themselves, frantically asking what Curie was talking about. Piper: She always wondered why Sole hid away inside that bulky power armor and always caught herself staring at them like she was suddenly going to acquire laser vision and be able to see right through it. Curie greeted her and explained that Sole was feeling better. She constantly nags at Sole about wearing their one rather awkwardly large coat no matter where they are or what the weather is. He knew they had an attractive face, but their body was like one of those old world models he had seen in magazines and he couldnt help but get a good eyeful of their backside and then quickly look away whistling when Sole turned around. Cait felt all those negative emotions leave her and the thought of Sole ever lying or trying to hurt them seemed like the stupidest thought to have ever crossed her mind. MacCready: Him and Sole were one and the same when it came to wanting to protect their kids at all costs, and after Sole had helped him find the needed cure for his son he was determined to help Sole anyway he could with un-swaying loyalty. At the same time though he wasnt surprised after all how could he expect Sole to choose him over there own child, even if said child was the leader of a group hell-bent on dominating what was left of the world and everyone on it. unstopablefallingout answered: Cait [not romanced]: she doesn't know what to do, she's extremely awkward at trying to calm sole down, the awkward pat on the back and awkward little conversation she tries making, she just decides to let them . He even told Sole he sometimes wished he could have their arms causing them to chuckle and say that they definitely had their props but getting them had come with a painful cost because with the arms they didnt come with any sensory to touch which made them a bit mournful to that loss, and when Shaun had first been born they were scared they might hurt him by accident. Danse: He originally thought Sole was some kind of synth but Sole quickly defended themselves and told him that they had lost their right arm and leg in the war before the bombs dropped. Elder Maxson(Pre-romanced): Lets be honest the first thought that comes to his mind is to have Sole executed because he believes they have clearly been contaminated by the filth and radiation of the Commonwealth. As always keep an eye out for that next request, No, I didn't forget about those WIPs, time just moves differently for me. Dogmeat: Sole always had their wings out around their furry friend, because Dogmeat loved them no matter what! Deacon thought he and the Railroad agency had been getting ahead of the Institute for once but it seems they had pulled a fast one on all of them. When he returns, he gives Sole the medicine. Hancock refused to believe that though and kept trying to make excuses for why they needed to get out of that thing, finally Sole gave in to his wishes. Preston doesnt want to wake them up, so he gently puts some medicine on a spoon and puts it in their mouth, making sure Sole swallows. Codsworth: He was bewildered, to say the least, he had served Sole well before the bombs and he cant wrap around the thought that Sole was not human all this time. Much to his delight and surprise though one of the dragons him and Sole had trained and raised came flying in to his rescue. Also sorry it took a second to get out. Cait made Sole stay in bed and told Curie to keep an eye on them while she went out. Nick: Affection was never Nicks forte, sure he was used to the thank yous and occasional praise from the people he helped out and of course he was grateful that his secretary Ellie cared enough to stay and watch his back.His introduction to Soles constant affection started when they came to bust him out of vault 114 and after getting him out of the situation with skinny Malones gang Sole instantly latched on to him and wouldnt stop hugging him saying how glad they where to find him, he was confused as Hell but kinda just let it happen. The old..um..the real Nick followed the Kosher Diet. So he did the same courtesy for Sole and never asked them about the mask, everyone had things they were self conscious about and it wasnt any of his business. Bigger than a house now. Fallout 4 Companions React Part two of Fo4 Companions reacting to a Sole with largely unappealing scars, deformities, and an under bite or broken jaw Here is part two of the request, sorry I didn't get it out yesterday like i promised! Reacting to sole wanting sex while watching a horror movie: Who does and doesnt put raisins in their potato salad, How i would arrange the companions if they were in a choir, What kind of driver i think the companions would be, Reacting to a sole, piper, and cait having that proposed thr33s0m3, Danse helping sole bury their spouse from 111. Currently writing for Cait, Curie, and Piper. He thought it was extra cute when Sole would complain about their hands being cold and would sneak a hand into his coat pocket or if they were feeling cheeky into his back pants pocket, not that he ever minded and sometimes would do the same thing back. Dogmeat: He could never understand what Sole was saying but he liked listening to them when they read their poetry out loud to him either in the early mornings or late at night laying in bed, he found their voice soothing. Preston (Pre-romanced): Is shocked and feels rather silly that he didnt catch on that Sole had been hiding these wings from everyone this whole time, but now he gets why they dressed in big, baggy clothing all the time. The easiest way to get out of here alive, was to sneak out instead of fighting them head on. When they insisted on wearing it in the Institute X6 had enough and told Sole to take the ridiculous thing off or he would drag them out of it himself. In Fallout 2, the remnants of the Unity react in different ways to the Master's defeat; some refuse to lay down arms and become raiders, others join the NCR Rangers or found new communities where humans and mutants coexist, such as Broken Hills.The super mutant companion, Marcus, is the sheriff of this town.Also introduced is a new, second generation of . He won't abandon his human, they still haven't found the milk of human kindness yet! For you, it's been years; for me, it's just been a few seconds, maybe a minute. Sole had lost their balance during a shootout with some gunners when they slipped and unfortunately fell right out of a broken window, Codsworth sliced a gunner out of the way before going over and looking out the window. Codsworth: Has always helped Sole out with their mechanical leg long before the bombs, and continues to in this new radiated world with the utmost care he can offer. They just smiled and laughed at this and told him it was alright their wings were just a bit sensitive to touch. Thanks again for reading! He gets more medicine than necessary and gets some snacks and drinks for Sole. FO4 Companions React to a Sick Sole. For once Sole didnt feel insecure about someone looking at their scars so intently, and for once they felt safe being so exposed. I was wondering if you could write Fallout 4 reactions to a Sole that is BOUND AND DETERMINED to clean and fix up every single road she encounters - clearing up debris, chopping up fallen trees for resources, making bridges, filling in large cracks in the tarmac with cement until a better solution comes along, making signs and setting up better lighting/security . Companions react to sole getting their ass grabbed: Companions react to Hans Zimmer's "No Time For Caution", Companions react to radioactively mutated cat sole, Companions and their favourite cold weather activities, Romancee Companions react to sole runninv up and jumping on them after a while, Companions react to Minuteman becoming formidable miltary, An unexpected motivator (Maxson x SoSu NSFT), "Trust In Me" John Hancock x SoSu NSFT knifeplay, "Decorum certainly prohibits this.." (Danse x SoSu //Thigh riding//), Companions react to sosu romancing synth! (Cute name, btw!) Preston was beyond relieved the dragon had followed him this time even when he ordered it to stay put back near Sanctuary. So he puts Sole and their wings to good use and has them go on top priority missions that would have proven more difficult without Soles help. Piper was halfway down to the pavement when a pair of claws wrapped around her, breathing a sigh of relief she scolded the dragon saying it took him long enough to come save her sorry ass. Sole took him into a tight embrace beside herself with relief that Hancock accepted her for her past and for the person she was now. He just nods. Sole would always just blush and laugh at his obvious flirting and tried to assure him their body wasnt anything spectacular and that he probably had seen better anyways. Theyre glad that he isnt as cold as he was when they first met. Hancock finds the best medicine he can and gives it to Sole, persuading them to take it. No, youre not, Preston scolds them, leading them into their house to their bed. Are you allergic? After this revelation he was always quick to defend Sole if anyone tried to make them feel bad about their wings, he realized now that it really wasnt about what was on the outside but what was on the inside that made a person. Deacon(Romanced): Even though he is a huge one for lying, Sole refuses to be that way with him and is open about their wings. Hancock: From the get go he was always trying to think of ways to get Sole out of that power armor, because with a face like theres he knew they had to have a smoking hot body to match.

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fallout 4 companions react to sole
fallout 4 companions react to sole
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fallout 4 companions react to sole
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