I looked for a location of where he might have buried his treasure with this in mind. Dutch Schultz was a New York City-area mobster of the 1920s and 1930s who made a fortune in criminal activities. Father-daughter treasure hunters, Ross and Grace Getman, look at their board of clues outlining all of Dutch Schultz's history. some item would have turned up . When Prohibition went into effect in 1920, Schultz quickly recognized it as a moneymaking opportunity. A man rambling on his deathbed. (Photo Credit: Bettmann/Contributor). I want half the bonds the hem and half the money. At first glance, this charming Adirondack town seems an unlikely site for world-wide attention during the trial of a famous gangster. Thats why he couldnt find it. A stenographer carefully recorded Schultz's "statements" from the gangster's bedside in the hours before his death; Schultz mentioned "my collection of papers" and said that he had been shot "over a million, five million dollars," according to a transcript published on Oct. 26, 1935, by The New York Times. The map that I posted is not the whole map and therefore you will not find the clues. Coins Money And Jewley Thats Pretty Rare For Something To Be Left For Maybe For A Million Years! When he was indicted by a Grand Jury for income tax evasion, Schultz immediately took steps to protect his money. That night, Dutch and Lulu traveled to Phoenicia, New York, a town Dutch knew from his bootlegging days. Many believe it is real, and that it is buried somewhere in the tiny, majestic town of Phoenicia, New York. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Everyone has a dead end road which they will find as soon as they are satisfied, including my self. This was provided by Hudler Cemetery, which is the all important 4.3 miles from Phoenicia. Know that what ever is inside the box. During the hit, it is possible he was being asked to give up the location. The Dutch Schultz lost treasure could very well be between these two locations. Manhattan D.A. Schultz kept going, even after Prohibition had ended. This 1932 file photo shows Dutch Schultz, a gangster in New York who allegedly hid a treasure in the Catskills region.Imagno/Getty Images. Im with you Ed found an old travelers road map1930 has me focused on the garage where dutch had his fleet of beer trucks serviced.. Hey MTV Im sick of hearing about that graveyard on RT 40 seems like a great place to search with the motel next door you might as well check the Lutheran Church yard a mile up the road maybe you can catch a vision of your magazines title and all the newspaper articles too! The Mafias Five Families and the Irish Mob were their opponents. Since I frequented that area and the town of Phonecia Your post is interesting Please search past posts on this topic. Rumors of Schultz's missing treasure began circulating almost immediately after his death, because neither Schultz's common-law wife nor anyone in his family stepped forward to claim ownership of the vast fortune he must have amassed from his criminal activities. Dutch Shultz made an impressive Catskills cipher map that has lasted the test of time. Past Factory notes that his gangster name could have come from the company he became associated with, Schultz Trucking. I lost it there in1995. Dutch Schultz began his criminal career with petty burglaries and theft, which led to an arrest at the age of 17. Soo what do we truely have here? "Factor in inflation and it's worth over 10 times that today," Hendley said. Twice Marty Krompier bragged about going up to the Catskills and dig up grandma! Some suspected jury tampering. Some claim he killed more than 136 people in his lifetime (via Unsolved Mysteries). In the 1920s, Schultz became involved in bootlegging during the Prohibition and became associated with the likes of gangsters .css-47aoac{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#A00000;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-47aoac:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Lucky Luciano and Legs Diamond. He wanted to prosecute Schultz for his illegal policy business, but before that could happen Schultz was indicated on federal tax charges in October 1935. Well, maybe declaration is too strong a word. Dutch Schultz was a classic example of someone being at the right place at the right time. Its also possible the treasure never existed or was already found. His map reminds me of the treasure island map of the treasure island book. Here is the article. This is sometimes referred to as the Devils Tombstone. More Local Journalism to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 4/30/23, Dutch Schultz and his Lost Catskills Treasure. NY 10036. Steve Palace is a writer, journalist and comedian from the UK. The first is to find the cross road and the second is to find the church which is located on this cross road. It has been found! Whether the highly sought-after treasure even exists in the first place is a matter of great debate. Join three groups of treasure hunters, armed with modern technology and newly uncovered clues, as they set out to find the lost treasure of notorious Prohibition-era gangster Dutch Schultz and . A lottery scam was the next move to bolster his bulging finances. The box was to be his salvation, while incarcerated. Watch this case now on Amazon Prime in season six with Robert Stack and in season two with Dennis Farina. What better way to mark it? Privacy | Terms | DCMA | FAQ. On October 23 rd, 1935, Dutch Schultz, who was a major player in organized crime, was gunned down at the Palace Chop House in Newark, New Jersey. The only problem to all three maps is having the original map that contains everything that you need to finish the job. However, Live Science quotes another of his statements: Get you onions up, and we will throw up the truce flag. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. G. Gordon Liddys Wild Career After Watergate, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads, Name: Dutch Schultz, Birth Year: 1902, Birth date: August 6, 1902, Birth State: New York, Birth City: New York City, Birth Country: United States. I would not spend my time looking any where else. note to Unsolved make sure the series numbers are legible The Feds say none of the legal tenders been banked, each uncirculated Cleveland is now worth up to $13,500. If anyone is interested or still looking I know and have the location I found it after 12 years of research. Indeed, he was known to be quite shifty in his dealings. Its not hard to decipher the meaning of the circle that will lead you to the general area. The Deadly Hunt for Dutch Schultz's Treasure," told the Times Union that it's believed that Rosenkrantz made a treasure map but . How difficult could it be? My thoughts on Schultzs words about the Devil, assuming he was referring to the location of his treasure, (and I know it is an assumption, but it makes for adventure), is that it could mean to keep the face of the Devil at a distance; to not let him get you too close, but always know where he is at. Every little bit helps for those who consider this to be an open case. It all depends on who you ask. (K) dollar bill Chase is worth up too $500K all still legal tender!! I recall reading that plant has been recovered. The Mysterious Truth Of The Dutch Schultz Treasure. The Dutch Shultz Catskills cipher map covers a large area unlike the original Dutchmans gold mine stone treasure map which was only a five by four mile area, before Julia Thomas decided to clutter the map with monumental structure such as weavers needle creating the illusion of a 50 by 40 mile map adding to the confusion which has deceive many for years in trying to locate the Dutchmans gold mine. The first case ended with a hung jury, and he was acquitted in the second one. Running with fellow criminals like Lucky Luciano, Dutch's life of crime allegedly began in an illegal New York City saloon. Heres a clue. His real name was Arthur Simon Flegenheimer. Before Schultz lost consciousness for the last time, he called out, "French-Canadian bean soup," the Times reported. There is not enough information to agree that the treasure has been found. Well, I really thank you for your honest, reply. Earlier that Spring, I think it was in a hole in the garden of a nice lady in Norwalk, CT. Intriguing! Schultz died in 1935 after being gunned down in a Newark, New Jersey, tavern. With the pressure building, Schultz finally surrendered to authorities in Albany, New York. Im pretty sure that box went back in the car on the way home from Deweys grand jury in syracuse ny While on his deathbed in 1935, Schultz rambled incoherently about a $7 million dollar fortune he had buried in upstate New York. Live Science is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. In 1969, the same year Mario Puzo published "The Godfather," Burroughs published "The Last Words of Dutch Schultz," a 115-page book written in the form of a film script, complete with directions for camera angles and sound effects. Thomas Terry is an author of several books on buried treasure: At the time, Dutch Schultz was facing a long prison sentence and he decided that he needed a nest egg to fall back on in case he was sent to prison. With Prohibition taking hold of the United States between 1920 and 1933, he got his foot on the ladder and never looked back. A treasure buried in Upstate New York may be worth up to $100 million, according to a new report from the Times Union. But Lulu couldnt keep his mouth shut. Biography and associated logos are trademarks of A+E Networksprotected in the US and other countries around the globe. By all estimates, he was one of the wealthiest gangsters in New York at the time.". The cross is another symbol use in the same manner which also may carry the meaning of a Christian cause. In fact he went up there, but her name, the name on the grave stone, was left off the map. This is the possible amount his hoard was valued at and so he could have been saying he was shot over where he hid the treasure and not revealing his secreted spot. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. There will be clues apon the original treasure site on where I put the metal case of all that riches. Gary Bennett Exclusive shows & extensions. His bodyguard, Lulu Rosencrantz, had died hours earlier. of dush sholt in the trans scrips tipet on dush sholts death bed and rekordid by the fbi We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. He also put the squeeze on restaurants pay up or wind up on the menu. He spent months hiding out before surrendering in November 1934. Once in the general area you would look for the immediate symbolic clue which is found on the top border of the map. It's been almost a century since notorious mobster Dutch Schultz went down in a gunfight in a Newark, New Jersey, tavern (viaSyracuse). Photograph. .css-m6thd4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Gilroy,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;color:#323232;text-transform:capitalize;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-m6thd4:hover{color:link-hover;}}G. Gordon Liddys Wild Career After Watergate. They headed to Catskill, New York. To this day, his wishes have been granted. The Harrison Middle School is on top of the site now. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. frather i have not ben able to git those tran skrips i have ben stone wald at every Many questions about its outcome are still asked, and because answers to these are not decisive enough, the possibility that this is an actual lost treasure, still to be found, exists. Many of his friends became enemies. The legend of Dutch Schultz's treasure inspired a wide range of people, from little kids listening to the story around the fire at summer camp, to high school students looking for something to do on a Saturday night, to men past their prime rehearsing fictions down at Pandora's Tavern. It was sealed inside a metal strong box that was plated with steel. .Ill get it right yet. it will be found ! Out of the many unfounded treasure the smaller ones would require one man to do the job right and he would keep it to himself. To find the treasure here is more than just looking into the ground to tell you its there. I say chances are this one was dug up long ago. The Syndicate took measures to turn down the heat. The Lue map is a crazy puzzle of a cipher map and the creator went to town on this one. Schultz, once named Public Enemy No. It is not unreasonable to think he might have thought about his money on his death bed and gave a clue to where it was. Schultz's plan was simple: threaten and intimidate every speakeasy owner in the borough into buying only from him or they would suffer the consequences. Since Im not ending with I found the treasure!, I didnt. "Secrets of the Dead: Gangster's Gold" premieres Nov. 18 at 10 p.m. on PBS (check local listings),pbs.org/secretsand the PBS Video app. when I heard this story as a teen , I was Researching .It was never recovered . Recently, I had the chance to go exploring in . The treasure may or may not be there, but that is just a secondary though to finding the location. Shortly before his death, he gave a rambling statement to the authorities, but he never named his killer. The mobster Dutch Schultz allegedly buried gold coins and other treasure somewhere in the region, prior to his death in 1935. There is a line of Dutch Schultzs last words that has gained my attention for narrowing down possible locations. Most people will not believe a read, no offense, they want evidence and look for more truth until satisfied. When the notorious bootlegger and gangsterDutch Schultzwas gunned down in 1935, rumors flew about the fortune that he supposedly left behind. I found and relocated the Dutch schultz fortune. Like in most maps the hidden information is located in the upper or lower edges. Who still cares about a Prohibition-era tough guy gunned down in a . Also available on YouTube with Dennis Farina. Dutch Schultz was something of a criminal prodigy. Subscriptions. It is often thought this rural area in the Catskillsis most likely where he chose to stash his hoard of money. You are using an out of date browser. "He was making a lot of money, even by illicit gangster standards. Other shocking statements he blurted out were, "a boy has never weptnor dashed a thousand kin" and "don't let Satan draw you too fast" (via Syracuse). I hope to find time down the road to go over my library so I can send you the books that I might not use. 2015. The FBI documents are really poor quality so its hard to make out much. Soon he expanded into illegal gambling, clashing with rival gangsters Legs Diamond and Vincent Coll. A treasure buried in Upstate New York may be worth up to $100 million, according to a new report from the Times Union. Watch On Your Schedule: This episode is on demand for a limited time . I believe you by the way u explained how it was found but the bonds in the box are government bonds even if your relative has them he should speak up so everyone knows. In 1920s the area just east of Bridge Street was illegal beer making heaven for the New York area. Its what I do, I decipher treasure maps. Stay up to date on the latest science news by signing up for our Essentials newsletter. 29. Of course a really dedicated person could make the marks on the tree and wait 20+ years to take pictures and inform everyone, butagainimprobable. After his release, Schultz returned to the streets and his gang of thugs. Therefore the treasure must be at Hedler; it cant be any where else. Schultzs fate was sealed with a bullet. I was disappointed to find it had been found. The treasure - four ammunition cases laden with coins, watches, jewellery, diamonds and other gemstones - is thought to have been worth at least 2m or 3m Dutch guilder in 1945, the equivalent .

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