Always check official university websites for the latest enrollment information. Durham Law School is ranked 34th in the world for law in the 2022 Times Higher Education ranking[1]and 49th in the world for law by the 2022 QS ranking. FOLLOW DUKE LAW On Instagram On Facebook On Twitter On Youtube, 210 Science Drive | Durham, NC 27708 | 919-613-7006 Get Directions, 2022 Duke University School of Law, All rights reserved, AAPI Heritage Month: APALSA, SALSA celebrate solidarity and inclusivity across communities, American Bar Associations 2020 Profile of the Legal Profession, A Portrait of Asian Americans in the Law 2.0, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, D.O.N.E. Educational Development Unit, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, DH1 3LB: Masters Programmes, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham, DH1 3LB: Executive Education, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB: Executive Education Senior Business Development Manager. "There's a lack of user-centered research on this topic, especially from a privacy and ethics perspective" Emami-Naeini says. Award for Greatest Role in Building Relationships. Our undergraduate offerings help students develop the critical and analytical skills essential for understanding economics and institutions, in both their contemporary and historical settings. This work was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (CNS-1565252 and CNS-2114230), the University of Washington Tech Policy Lab (which receives support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Microsoft, and the Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation), and gifts from Google and Woven Planet. Responsible for . Jan 16 We study a principal's joint design of optimal monitoring and compensation schemes to incentivize an agent by incorporating information design into a dynamic contracting framework. Philosophy, Politics and Economics Durham University Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Its not just a waste of resources -- it damages peoples trust, Emami-Naeini says. Asian women are underrepresented in the legal field and in the field of environmental law, Fosters area of professional interest. The main campus is in the city of Durham, where 14 of the 16 colleges and most of the academic schools are located. Executive Vice President, Financial Institutions Sales Strategy and Solutioning at Mastercard. Our dedicated Progression Support team are here to keep you on track to your goal of studying your chosen degree at Durham University. "Understanding Peoples Concerns and Attitudes Toward Smart Cities," Joseph Breda (University of Washington), Wei Dai (TikTok), Tadayoshi Kohno (University of Washington), Kim Laine (Microsoft Research), Shwetak Patel (University of Washington), Franziska Roesner (University of Washington). It is a Russell Group institution with a staff count of over 3,000, more than 30 per cent of whom are of non-UK origin. The researchers hope the insights generated from their research will help inform the design of smart city initiatives and keep people front and center in all stages of a project, from brainstorming to deployment. Tinaphong in Prague for Vis Int'l Arbitration Pre-Moot Competition, Tinaphong celebrating last day of law school with 3L APALSA classmates. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score, Copyright 2023 THE - Times Higher Education, Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences, Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies). They were also amazing mentors throughout my time at Duke, for classes, extracurriculars, and everything in between, Gudala said. We welcome your comments and suggestions! Serving as a member and later co-president of SALSA, Foster had a hand in creating these opportunities and forging friendships with fellow South Asian students. One of the technologies participants had significant concerns about was gunshot detection, which uses software and microphones placed around a neighborhood to detect gunfire and pinpoint its location, rather than relying solely on 911 calls to police. Each program is tailored to meet your professional goals whether thats applied research in academia, industry, or government; applied research in financial markets; financial analysis; or pursuit of your doctorate. The School of Economics and Finance is proud of its international community of staff from 18 different countries and a variety of backgrounds and experience, offering a stimulating learning and research environment. Here at Duke Law School, students of AAPI descent connect over shared cultural backgrounds and personal experiences. The technology is used in more than 135 cities across the U.S., including Chicago, Sacramento, Philadelphia and Durham. Same level universities in the United Kingdom. The focus of this centre is on microeconomic theory and its applications, with a special emphasis on the design of institutions. Overview of Institution by Campus and Level. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive agile team . London School of Economics and Political Science, General Certificate of Education (GCE), General Certicate of Secondary Education (GCSE) or equivalent, with passes in 3 approved subjects at Ordinary ('O') level, or 1 at 'O' and 2 at Advanced ('A') level, or 1 at 'O' and 3 at 'A'. She was the founding Director of the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture and served as Head of School from 2015 to 2018. . Centre for Banking Institutions and Development, Centre for Environmental and Energy Economics, Durham Research In Economic Analysis and Mechanisms, Centre for Experimental Methods and Behavioural Research, Quantitative Research in Financial Economics. You can change your cookie settings at any time. 213 Social Sciences 419 Chapel Drive Box 90097 Durham, N.C. 27708-0097 T: (919) 660-1800 F: (919) 681-7984 If there is any conflict or disagreement between the information in these web pages and the Regulations which are published in the University Calendar, the version in the Calendar is definitive. Leanora Minai of OCS is the editor of the 'Working@Duke' edition. 419 Chapel Drive Durham University Nov 2022 - Present6 months Durham, England, United Kingdom SSCC (Student Staff Consultative Committee) MSc Economics Student Representative for the academic year 2022/23. The IAWJ was honored for their remarkable efforts to help evacuate, support, and resettle Afghan women . In 2017, San Diego launched a $30 million project to cover half the city with smart streetlights in an attempt to improve traffic congestion, but faced backlash after it surfaced that police had been quietly using the footage to solve crimes. Associate Professor in Economics. With more than 80 faculty members and a truly international team of world-class teaching and research staff, the School of Economics is proud to offer a a dynamic and vibrant environment to enable our students and staff to thrive. The Queens campus is in the town of Stockton-on-Tees, around 30 miles from Durham, which was established in 1992 and is located on the river Tees. A proposed high-tech development in Toronto, for example, was cancelled after citizens and civic leaders raised concerns about what would happen with the data collected by the neighborhoods sensors and devices, and how much of the city the tech company wanted to control. 87% of students who completed their International Study Centre programme and achieved the required grades were offered a place at Durham University in 2022. Sport is a key aspect of student life at Durham where the majority of students regularly participate in one or more sports. Award for Greatest Role in Building Relationships from the Duke Bar Association. Gudala said hes inspired by Sri Srinivasan, the chief judge of the U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Symbolic of its international approach, the university welcomes over 4,500 international students from 156 countries worldwide. The total student load for each full-time student will normally be 1.0. It is ranked #21 in World University Rankings - Masters in Supply Chain Management 2023. Duke Today is produced jointly by University Communications and the Office of Communication Services (OCS). But many Americans worry that the benefits and harms of smart city tech may not be evenly felt across communities, says Pardis Emami-Naeini, assistant professor of computer science and director of the InSPIre Lab at Duke University. The Bolch Judicial Institute of Duke Law presented the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) with the Bolch Prize for the Rule of Law at a ceremony hosted at Duke University's Nasher Museum of Art on March 1, 2023. 419 Chapel Drive We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Nejat Anbarci . Associate Professor in Economics. Looking ahead to practicing law, Gudala said his identities as a South Asian and Asian American will help shape his understanding of the challenges faced by communities of color, driving his passion for promoting DEI and access to justice. It comprises 16 colleges with 25 departments and schools that come together to offer over 200 undergraduate and 130 postgraduate courses, as well as research programmes. You'll get full access to our website, print and digital editions. Janet joined Durham in 2014 from the University of Aberdeen as Professor of German and Visual Culture in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLAC). Staff Gateway; Dialogue Signposts (staff) Staff . The study explored public attitudes on a variety of smart city technologies currently in use, from air quality sensors to surveillance cameras. In the overall rankings we add non-academic prominence and alumni popularity indicators. Ms Nicola Johnston. Riccardo Scarpa. Student Statistics are produced each academic year (based on the 1st December census date) and are available at the link below for internal users. Overview of student load and staff numbers with SSR. In both interviews and surveys, people with lower incomes expressed more concern about the ethical implications of smart city tech than those with higher income levels. Even when we were apart during my first year of law school, APALSA members went to great lengths to maintain our tight-knit community and to welcome incoming students to the APALSA family, said Tinaphong, who considers her year as co-president to be a highlight of her time at Duke Law. The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) and South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) provide students with a welcoming and supportive community while navigating law school. Browse our people To view an individual academics' profile, please click on their name within the table (s) below. Here at Duke Law School, students of AAPI descent connect over shared cultural backgrounds and personal experiences. For Sarah Tinaphong, getting to know APALSA was a little different but still a supportive and an inclusive experience. Thats one of the key takeaways of a survey Emami-Naeini and colleagues presented April 25 at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023) in Hamburg, Germany. Circuit, and his commitment to social justice. Durham University has financial aid programs and on-campus housing. Both students and faculty are supported by a helpful and caring staff, who are dedicated to the department's success. Photo by John West/Trinity Communications. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You may also find it useful to consider: the Faculty Handbook Onlines Frequently Asked Questions; the guide to using the Module Search facility; and the glossary of terms. Qualification BA (Hons) Duration 3 Years. ECON2071 - European Economics ECON2091 - Economics of Social Policy ECON2101 - Intermediate Finance ECON2121 - Intermediate Methods for Economics and Finance ECON2141 - Behavioural and Experimental Economics ECON2151 - Financial Markets and Institutions ECON2161 - Microeconomics for Finance ECON2171 - Macroeconomics for Finance Wu noted that sometimes this progress comes through tragedy. Through her work with APALSA she is outgoing co-president Wu is doing her part to sustain the group's supportive community and help provide fellow AAPI students with the tools they need to be successful. Since 2013, she has co-hosted Sports Personality of the Year for the BBC and she presented the second series of The Edge in 2015. If you raid the pantry at 2 a.m. for a snack, your smart lights can tell. Her passion in seeking progress and finding heart in our society inspires me, Wu said. ** 2021 Best Colleges for Economics, College Factual. Worldwide, spending on smart cities initiatives is expected to reach $203 billion by 2024. DOI: 10.1145/3544548.3581558, Explore how climate education spans disciplines and departments across Duke. Designing an inclusive smart city: Duke researcher Pardis Emami-Naeini wants to make sure the smart cities of the future are designed with residents firmly in mind. Box 90097 Associate Dean, External Engagement Dr. Joanna Berry, Associate Professor in Strategy and Innovation Angelo Solarino, Associate Professor in Marketing and Management Zsfia Tth, Internal Search (University members only), Request a change to Directory information (university members only), Student Complaints and Non-Academic Misconduct. 2016 - 20182 years. Study mode Full-time. John Addison Professor of Economics. Start date 2023-2024. Our four distinct Masters Programs include rigorous curriculums, flexibility, and the opportunity to explore other departments and schools in one of the nations top research universities. The Centre works on large-scale system modelling of environmental and energy issues, as well as local policy design design and correction. The only source of truth for current numbers is the university's official website. Treat this information as a rough guide and not as a definitive measure of your chances of admission. In urban areas worldwide, sidewalks, streetlights and buildings are equipped with sensors that log foot traffic, driving and parking patterns, even detect and pinpoint where gunshots may have been fired. Melissa Murray, the Frederick I. and Grace Stokes Professor of Law at New York University School of Law, gives the annual Brainerd Currie Memorial Lecture. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. To find the regulations for your degree programme, use the Programme Search facility below. She said she draws strength from Grace Lee Boggs, a noted Civil Rights-era intersectional author, activist, and feminist, who understood the power to facilitate change through solidarity. Faculty, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB: Associate Professor in Economics, PhD Deputy Programme Director, Associate Professor Associate Dean (External Engagement & Impact), Assistant Professor in Marketing/Programme Director Durham/EBS MBA, Assistant Professor (Teaching) in Economics, Associate Professor (Reader) in Financial Econometrics, Associate Professor in Strategy and Innovation, Professor in Management, Director of Research of Management and Marketing Department, Associate Professor in Technology & Operations Management, Assistant Professor in Organisational Behaviour, Associate Professor in Operations Management, Programme Director of UG Business and Management, Professor in Management, Deputy Executive Dean (Research), Professor of Operations Management/ Associate Dean for Internationalisation, Professor of Leadership and Organisation Studies Director of Durham DBA, Associate Professor in Marketing (Strategy), Professor in Management Department of Management & Marketing, Associate Professor in Management and Marketing, Associate Professor in Human Resource Management, Professor in Business and Computing, Directorate for Advanced Research in Computing (ARC) Institute, Professor of Work and Employment Relations, Department of Management & Marketing, Associate Professor in Operations Management, Assistant Professor (Teaching) in Marketing, Professor of Strategic Marketing, Director of Education (Management and Marketing), Professor in Business Information Systems & Analytics, Honorary Professor in Management and Marketing, Associate Professor in Management, Director of the BA (Hons) Business and Management Programme, Professor of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies, Associate Professor in Marketing and Management, Associate Professor (Teaching) in Management, Professor in Entrepreneurship/MSc Management Route Leader- Entrepreneurship, Professor in Marketing & Programme Director, Fudan DBA Department of Management & Marketing, Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management. Assistant Professor of Finance, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lead, Institutional Champion for Child of the North, Professor in Finance and Deputy Director of Institute for China Development and Research, Associate Professor in Finance and Director of Education (Finance), Associate Professor in Economics/Finance Associate Dean (Accreditations & Quality Assurance), Head of Department of Finance, Professor in Accounting and Finance, Associate Professor in Economics and Finance, Assistant Professor in International Finance. MBA & DBA Programmes, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB: Assistant Manager (Learning and Teaching), Learning and Teaching Administrator/Coordinator. 213 Social Sciences Claudia Benz '23 has been selected for one of two E. Barrett Prettyman Fellowships and will join an intensive two-year training program in criminal trial advocacy and clinical teaching at Georgetown University Law Center in August. A 2016 report from the National League of Cities estimates that 66% of American cities had already invested in some type of smart city technology, from intelligent meters that collect and share data on residents energy or water usage to sensor-laden street lights that can detect illegally parked cars. We engage with public and industry partners to incorporate experimental methods that lead to high-quality impact. Can't find what you're looking for? We also work with a wide range of businesses and government institutions including the Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, UK Trade & Investment, BIS and the UK parliament. The first year of the program lays the critical foundation necessary for later work in field courses and dissertation-level research. She started law school at the onset of the pandemic, when classes moved to online and students were unable to meet at the Law School. Moksh Gudala found SALSA during his first week at Duke Law, when he met Maia Foster'23 and Dev Madeka 23, then the groups co-presidents. Our active research centres deliver impactful research across the global business world informing policy and changing business practice. The tuition table for Durham University gives an overview of costs but prices are approximate and subject to change and don't include accommodation, textbooks, or living expenses. Theyre now not only some of her best friends, but also a source of inspiration, she said. The School's staff include experts in economics (macro and micro-economics) as well as finance. Durham University . Programs and Degrees Durham University alumni Charlotte Riley Born in United Kingdom 1981-.. (age 42) stage actor film actor actor playwright writer Charlotte Frances Riley is an English actress. Department of Economics. - Assisted in managing a team of over 30 local staff involved in logistics, construction management & budget control, validation of beneficiaries, design and quantity surveying. Durham UniversityMill Hill LaneDurhamDH1 3LBUK. She said it best: We urgently need to bring to our communities the limitless capacity to love, serve, and create for and with each other.. Smart speakers eavesdrop on your every word, listening for voice commands. Staff numbers are provided by Human Resources. Some said the mere existence of smart city tech such as gunshot detectors or security cameras in their neighborhood could contribute to negative perceptions of safety that deter future home buyers and businesses. DURHAM, N.H.In recognition of their achievements, the University of New Hampshire will award honorary degrees to its commencement speakers as well as to a USDA forest service researcher and a philanthropist at commencement ceremonies across its campuses this May. The Durham University alumni community is known as Dunelm and include the England cricketer Andrew Strauss, founder of the Eden Project, Tim Smit, and the journalist Sir Harold Evans. T: (919) 660-1800 Even collecting and sharing seemingly innocuous data such as air quality raised concerns for some respondents, who worried it could potentially drive up insurance rates in poorer neighborhoods exposed to higher levels of pollution. The University will use reasonable endeavours to deliver programmes and other services in accordance with the descriptions provided. Murray, who is also the faculty director for the Birnbaum Women's Leadership Network at NYU Law, is a leading expert in family law, constitutional law, and reproductive rights and justice. Sofia Guerrero will use the Goldwater Scholarship for graduate study in neuroscience. She is known for her roles as Sarah Hurst in Easy Virtue (2008) and as Catherine Earnshaw in ITV's adaptation of Wuthering Heights (2009). I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Business & Economics from Lund/Uppsala University. Department of Accounting, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham, DH1 3LB: Head of Department and Professor of Accounting, Associate Professor in Accounting, MSc Accounting Programme Director, Professor of Accounting, China Development Director, Director of Research, Professor of Accounting, Assistant Professor in Accounting and MSc Accounting Programme Director, Associate Professor in Accounting and Employability Co-ordinator, Professor in Accounting and Director of Education (Accounting), Professor in Accountability, Organisations & Strategy, Assistant Professor, Programme Director BA Accounting & Finance, Assistant Professor in Accounting and Chair MSc Board. A Granite State Award for outstanding contributions to the state will also be presented to Deo Mwano, a social-impact innovator . Lucia Sbragia. F: (919) 681-7984, Dix-Carneiro, R; Pessoa, JP; Reyes-Heroles, R; Traiberman, S, Ashworth, J; Hotz, VJ; Maurel, A; Ransom, T, D'Haultfoeuille, X; Gaillac, C; Maurel, A, Arcidiacono, P; Joseph Hotz, V; Maurel, A; Romano, T, Bollerslev, T; Li, J; Patton, AJ; Quaedvlieg, R, Eliason, PJ; Heebsh, B; McDevitt, RC; Roberts, JW, D'Haultfuille, X; Maurel, A; Qiu, X; Zhang, Y, Duke Blue background with 5 photos from commencement 2022. Credit: Ian C. Gilby, Arizona State University. International, Engagement & Careers, Durham University Business School, Mill Hill Lane, Durham DH1 3LB: Senior Manager, International, Engagement & Careers, International, Engagement & Careers Manager, International Engagement & Careers Assistant Manager, International, Engagement & Careers Coordinator, International, Engagement & Careers Administrator. Director, Durham Centre for Islamic Economics and Finance. Articles are produced by staff and faculty across the university and health system to comprise a one-stop-shop for news from around Duke. UCAS Tariff N/A. The Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) and South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) provide students with a welcoming and supportive community while navigating law school. They were concerned about how their neighborhoods would be perceived, Emami-Naeini says. Asians account for about 2% of lawyers in America, according to the American Bar Associations 2020 Profile of the Legal Profession, a slight increase from 1.6% in 2010. March 1, 2023. Student load is derived from the module details held on the student records system. Fill out an enquiry formhereand we'll get back to you as soon as possible. A notorious bully, Frodo the chimpanzee was Gombe's alpha male for five years. Michael Naef Head of Department, Professor of Economics, Ashar AftabAssistant Professor of Economics, Majid Al SadoonAssociate Professor in Economics, Peter BagnallAssistant Professor (Teaching) in Economics, Mauro BambiAssociate Professor in Economics, Anurag BanerjeeAssociate Professor in Economics, Alejandro CapparosProfessor in Energy Economics, Xiaoshan ChenAssociate Professor in Economics, David ChiversAssistant Professor in Economics, Tatiana DamjanovicProfessor of Economics, Sara EugeniAssistant Professor in Economics, Ibrahim Inal Assistant Professor (Teaching) in Economics, Remzi KaygusuzAssociate Professor in Economics, Hugo KruinigerAssociate Professor in Economics, Zhiyun (Daniel) LiAssociate Professor in Economics, Laura MarsilianiAssociate Professor in Economics, John MoffatAssociate Professor in Economics, Anamaria NicolaeAssociate Professor of Economics, Michael NowerAssistant Professor in Economics, Jinrui PanAssistant Professor in Economics, Anastasiia ParakhoniakAssistant Professor in Economics, Les ReinhornAssociate Professor in Economics, Thomas RenstromAssociate Professor in Economics, Martin RobsonAssociate Professor in Economics, Bibhas SahaAssociate Professor in Economics, Lucia SbragiaAssistant Professor in Economics, Nourin ShabnamAssistant Professor in Economics, Andis SofianosAssociate Professor in Economics, Xing WangAssistant Professor in Economics, Ayse YaziciAssistant Professor in Economics, Anil YildizparlakAssistant Professor in Economics, Durham UniversityMill Hill LaneDurhamDH1 3LBUK. The national observance began in 1978 when Congress passed a joint resolution setting Asian Pacific American Heritage Week during the first week of May. A more recent addition to the student organizations at Duke Law, SALSA provides members with social mixers, resources for academic and career planning, and mentorship. Being a person of mixed heritage, Foster has enjoyed being able to connect with one part of her culture while at law school. We use a proprietary database with an index of 44,909,300 scientific publications and 1,237,541,960 citations to rank universities across 246 research topics. Our Centre investigates the broad determinants of economic growth, and the possible impact of this on individuals and wider society. As a Thai-American woman entering the legal industry, Tinaphong is keenly aware of the importance of role models, representation, and mentorship. The estate is home to part of a UNESCO world heritage site (in recognition of Durhams historical and architectural importance) and comprises several listed buildings. Assist sales manager to collect, input, summarize and analyze all kinds of information. In Singapore, for example, thousands of sensors and cameras installed across the city track everything from crowd density and traffic congestion to smoking where its not allowed. Director, MSc Islamic Finance Programme. Our faculty and studentsoperate in a flourishing intellectual climate that fosters the integration of activities across disciplines and sub-disciplines, across theory and empirical work, across teaching and research, and across units within the university and the larger Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Research Triangle. Deputy HR Director (and Employment Lawyer) 46515. Student:Staff Ratio. Your Roomba knows the size and layout of your home and sends it to the cloud. I think it's really important to make sure that people's voices are being heard, proactively and not reactively.. In recognizing AAPI Heritage Month, Alice Wu points to the resilient coalitions and bonds built through struggle and sacrifice across the varied and diverse AAPI groups. Copenhagen uses smart air quality sensors to monitor and map pollution levels. The Faculty Handbook Online includes the programme regulations for all undergraduate degrees offered by Durham University. Her teams findings indicate that people want to know things like where sensors are located, what kinds of data they collect and how often, how the data will be used, who has access, whether they have the ability to opt in or opt out, and who to contact if something goes wrong. Nearly 350 people from across the United States participated in the survey. Different programs may have significantly varying admissions rates.

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