Your morning brew of news about the world of news from Press Gazette and elsewhere in the media. Last month the Press Gazette reported the Drudge Report lost over forty percent of its traffic year-on-year from February 2020 to February 2021, "Influential conservative news aggregation site the Drudge Report saw its year-on-year visits fall by 41% from 71.4 million to 42.4 million." Read: One Way To Keep Your Family Fed In A Crisis Learn the difference between gone and went you pseudo journalist rube. The Wrap reported in 2016 their strategy was a boon for Drudge Report, "record [ing] 1.47 billion page views in July, the highest traffic in the conservative aggegation [sic] site's 21-year history." Drudge has become just another liberal site. I think the aggressive progressivism accelerated with McCain/Finegold. [90], Drudge subsequently claimed the report as an exclusive. Its all speculation at this point. [70][71] Democratic Party strategist Chris Lehane also said in 2006 "phones start ringing" whenever Drudge breaks a story, and Mark McKinnon, a former media advisor to George W. Bush, said that he checked the site 3040 times per day. The Obama White House was concerned enough about Drudge that it at one point released a video pushing back against a report on the site about the then-presidents position on private health insurance. They could have gone back to their roots and and previously successful format, but they didnt care. Data shared with POLITICO by the media analytics firm Comscore shows at least one month this year where Drudge dipped under one million unique visitors, a far cry from the millions of readers who frequented the site during the Trump presidency. The Drudge Reports traffic fell 45% year-over-year in September, extending its nine-month losing streak in 2020, according to Comscore data. By signing up you agree to allow POLITICO to collect your user information and use it to better recommend content to you, send you email newsletters or updates from POLITICO, and share insights based on aggregated user information. Drudge said that he had obtained the information from an anonymous source. Afterward, several Twitter accounts in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump used the photo with the hashtag #HillaryHealth. A number of right-leaning and alternative sites saw both the biggest individual drops and gains globally in February. [34], Although the site initially featured very few images, it is now usually illustrated with five or six photographs. I cannot be controlled! This appears to no longer be the case. Fast check Authority Score your domain and Google Penalty risk. Which president suffered from Brights disease during his single term? CHESTER ARTHUR, who managed to keep his condition hidden from the public after he became president following the death of JAMES GARFIELD in July 1881. Other stories surrounding the main headline can be found in the upper left-hand side of the page and link to more specific articles dealing with aspects of the headline story. Drudge has experimented with temporary, relatively minor design tweaks, including using all black-and-white pictures for a period in August 2017[28] and using colored text for holidays instead of the standard black throughout the site's existence; in all cases, the basic layout remained consistent throughout its existence. Matt Drudge and his populist apprentice Andrew Breitbart, who died in 2012, were the first to exploit traffic at the Drudge Report while Trump channelled the political power of media insurgency. Remarking on a post that said the Drudge Report had seen a historic crash, the presidentwroteon Twitter Sunday, Such an honor! "The past 30 days. He is the Bill Kristol of aggregates and has moved hard left. [78][79][80] According to online analytics data for April 2010 from the Newspaper Marketing Agency, the Drudge Report was thennow over ten years agothe number one site referrer for all online UK commercial newspaper websites. [115], On December 30, 2016, an article listed on the Drudge Report accused the United States federal government of attempting to bring down its website with a denial-of-service attack. Stories topping the Drudge Report on Friday included a link to a Washington Post article about Trumps public musings over a potential loss to Joe Biden and a story about growing regional delays in the US Postal Services delivery times. I CAN SEE THE CAPITOL FROM MY HOUSE Labor Secretary MARTY WALSH admitted on Bloomberg TV this morning that he doesnt have a place in Washington but swears to God hes there often, pointing this out during an interview: You can see the Capitol behind me today.. Thats to be expected from a known right-wing website that is not shy about its agenda. and combined once again came out on top with 1.2 billion website visits in February which, while 16% lower than the previous months figures, is up 23% year-on-year. Pressed for time? According to Similarweb, the Drudge Report had 63.22 million visits, or page views, in August 2020 a slight drop of 3.26% from the previous month. Once revered as a major source of controversial information (or links to it) especially from within Washington DC and the political establishment has now been reduced to a mega phone for the same agendas as the mainline Corporate news sources it once challenged. This is corporate. On, visitors mainly come from Direct (69.68% of traffic), followed by (4.13%). I consent to the use of following cookies: Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Drudge Report reportedly seeing massive decline in readers The current gop maybe, probably yes. The president has also leveled criticism at Fox News when he feels the network isnt supportive enough of him, but that companys digital offering,, saw heavy traffic in September 2020. One Drudge watcher pegged it worth north of $200 million while others said it is closer to $100 million. The sad part was when mainstream reporters took the bait. Also Read: Trump's Right: Drudge Report's Audience Is Down Nearly 40% From Last Year. The majority of visits to large websites continued to be either direct i.e. Overall, brought in 104.089 million unique visitors, a 9% increase over September 2019. Trump's Right: Drudge Report's Audience Is Down Nearly 40% From Last Year This site uses different types of cookies. But like many other publishers, Drudge has struggled to keep audiences interested following the traffic sugar high of the Trump administration. It's hard to believe that five years ago, the Drudge Report was a major player in conservative media. Copyright 2023 New Statesman Media Group Ltd. Weekly insight into the big strategic issues affecting the future of the news industry. I dont care if theres a button right there at the top of Drudge saying like or dislike, thumbs up, thumbs down, it doesnt mean anything. Maybe that's why he is doing poorly.". [22], In 1997, the Drudge Report reported that incoming White House assistant Sidney Blumenthal may have been perpetrating domestic violence. The gop and the Democrats are simply two close divisions of one party and one goal. It would take a lot of money for him to self ruin his site and his reputation. Its only temporary and has nothing to do with the content of the comments. Email us at [emailprotected] or you can text/Signal Alex at 8183240098. [87] The blackout was designed to protect Prince Harry and the men serving with him from being specifically targeted by the Taliban. Most importantly, hes bleeding profusely, and is no longer hot. Top headlines from November and December 2009 touted stories like: Obama ecstasy pills hit streets in Texas; Obamas frightening insensitivity following shooting; and Welcome to Obamaville Sign Marks Colorado Homeless Tent City.. Traffic to the worlds 50 most popular news websites fell by almost a quarter (24%) between January and February, according to Press Gazettes latest analysis of traffic to the most popular news websites. Readers who visited Drudge on the morning of Dec. 10, found a patriotic graphic of Biden splashed against an American flag leading the site. ", Please make sure that the email address you typed in is valid, featured numerous links to negative and sensationalized stories about the then-president, frightening insensitivity following shooting, the University of Virginias Miller Center. That's down 38.0% from July 2019, when the . By Johnathan Jones December 5, 2020 at 10:49am. The plunge comes at a time when demand for political news has been soaring on both sides of the aisle leading up to a highly charged presidential election. MSN reports that Matt Drudges readership is down a whopping 38% from last year. CYBER POLITICS: ANNE NEUBERGER, deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology, gets a big profile by Bloombergs WILLIAM TURTON. And hes weighing a run for governor of the state this year. [74], Drudge, along with his website, was labeled one of the "Top 10 anti-Barack Obama conservatives" by the US editor of The Daily Telegraph in February 2009. Drudge might be losing traffic, but growing appetites for political news have helped traffic to Fox News' website, which grew 9 percent in September 2020 compared to the year prior, with 104.1 million unique visitors. Lost ALL Trumpers. This helped his web site traffic hit record high traffic levels. Heartbreaking that it has been under such tragic circumstances.. Drudge, who has become a topic of conversation among media and Wall Street circles in recent months due to rumors that hes seeking a minority investor, did not return calls seeking comment. Hundreds of first responders in Los Angeles are out sick or quarantined due to Covid-19, she writes. [citation needed] It remains entirely written in unscripted HTML, with a mostly monochromatic color scheme of black boldface monospaced font text on a plain white background. One Law student the other a protester. Did he just start thinking about selling out because the free speech crackdown had become very obvious and dangerous to the future of his web site? [citation needed], Matt Drudge has said that he is a conservative, but "more of a populist". Outperform your competitors in local search and maps with the right SEO strategies by taking a deep dive into our Local SEO Hub. She was later asked to leave the group because of the hoax. Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left, Tucker Carlson said at one point. He shared his second Krugman column this week with the headline, The Economic Case for Goldilocks.. Happening @FoxNews also???. We also want your feedback. I guess I can live where I want to live when Im down in D.C. Walsh also said hell live in Boston the rest of my life. (h/t Bloomberg Laws REBECCA RAINEY). Stay Ahead of the Competition with Up to Date Monthly Traffic Stats! The Drudge Report, once a destination for those seeking a daily dose of factual news, truth and conservative commentary, has reportedly seen its web traffic decline at an alarming rate over the last year, as its founder's hate . Stories on the site are ascribed different levels of importance, which Matt Drudge rates at his editorial discretion. 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David Brock milked the right wing angle, then came out as a liberal to milk the left wing. The president brought Neuberger into the White House last January, but she was on the job only a few months before the Senate confirmed CHRIS INGLIS, a former mentor of hers, as the countrys first national cyber director. Ive been for DACA + comprehensive immigration reform for years. "[58] In 2020, Austrian social scientist Christian Fuchs of the University of Westminster described the Drudge Report as an alt-right website. Drudge Report Traffic Down 45% From Last Year - Matt Drudge appeared on the Alex Jones show in 2015 and spoke about the coming end of free speech and how Internet users have been put into Internet ghettos. [109] The story was confirmed to be a hoax perpetrated by Todd and, according to Talking Points Memo, spread to reporters by McCain's Pennsylvania communications director.[110]. Hopefully, most people have their eyes wide open, taking note of what is currently happening. The Drudge Reports traffic fell 45% year-over-year in September, extending its nine-month losing streak in 2020, according to Comscore data. What should we be covering in this newsletter that were not? [89] Then a German newspaper Berliner Kurier published a short piece on February 28, also before Drudge. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Blackmailed some how? Please update your browser. Thats down 38.0% from July 2019, when the site boasted 2.399 million unique visitors. ", "The Drudge Report Just Made A Huge Change To How It Makes Money", "Et tu, Drudge? I dont care if I get one traffic referral from Google, or Bing, or Yahoo, or any of these others. It was at least the second time in the past month that Drudge didnt have any links directly mentioning the president, according to a West Wing Playbook review. Some suggest the site is run by someone else. It has consistently carried articles and . When no such source is available, either because the story is "developing",[33] with little known details at the time, or is an exclusive scoop, a special page is created on the Drudge Report servers, which contains text and sometimes images. Septembers eye-popping decline marks the ninth month in a row that the political news aggregation website run by reclusive founder Matt Drudge has seen traffic fall, TheRighting said. His first assistant was Andrew Breitbart. Bidens economic challenge: finding workers and goods (APs Josh Boak), Americas Covid rules are a dumpster fire (The Atlantics Katherine J. Wu), Why some Democrats are upset about Biden-Harris visit to Georgia (The Atlanta Journal-Constitutions Patricia Murphy, Greg Bluestein and Tia Mitchell), Supreme Court seems skeptical of Bidens vaccine rules for businesses (WaPos Robert Barnes & Anne E. Marimow). Often, the coverage was unkind. The Drudge Report made its name by making life hell for Democrats in the White House. [112] The use of the photo was criticized by several commentators[by whom?] At the tail end of the first year of Trumps presidency, meanwhile, the Drudge Report was filled daily with links to news about the 45th president. According to Comscore data, the Drudge Report had 1.488 million unique visitors in July 2020 the most recent month for which data is available. Walsh stays at the Capital Hilton, a few blocks from the White House, when hes in town, weighing a run for governor of the state this year, Bidens economic challenge: finding workers and goods, Americas Covid rules are a dumpster fire, Why some Democrats are upset about Biden-Harris visit to Georgia, Supreme Court seems skeptical of Bidens vaccine rules for businesses, some stark advice for parents visiting their kids in college over parents weekend, View the Full West Wing Playbook Archives , AOC is not planning to run for Senate in 2024, 'Journalism is not a crime': Biden salutes press, stresses freedoms at WHCD, Days after House GOP bill is approved, debt ceiling deadlock continues, How McConnell is trying to front-run Trump ahead of 2024, House majority whip rejects idea that GOP debt bill is doomed. Facebook was the main social media referrer for most news websites coming out as the number one source for 25% of sites putting it significantly ahead of second-place Twitter which represented the top source of social media referrals for 15% of sites. visits to drudge 4/29/2023 22,623,498 past 24 hours 654,177,710 past 31 days 8,087,474,836 past year reference desk. Leave your competition in the dust withSemrushtoday, Try the full suite of Semrush tools with a free account and dig deeperintothedata. But to be honest, it is only after Im asked about it.. According to Comscore data, the Drudge Report had 1.488 million unique visitors in July 2020 the most recent month for which data is available. Compared to February traffic to has increased by 7.1%. Drudge is down 40% plus since he became Fake News. The site's design has seen few changes since its debut in 1997. [9] The site consists mainly of links to news stories from other outlets about politics, entertainment, and current events; it also has links to many columnists. Email to point out mistakes, provide story tips or send in a letter for publication on our "Letters Page" blog. [] Though, as The NH Independent blog wrote recently, the site has since suffered a massive traffic tumble down more than 45 percent []. But others are! The Drudge Report continued its nine-month losing streak in September, according to Comscore data Lindsey Ellefson | October 30, 2020 @ 12:00 AM Getty The Drudge Report's traffic fell 45%. Drudge Report Posts Record Web Traffic Despite Trump's - TheWrap [82], In October 2007, during the early months of the Democratic primary for the 2008 presidential campaign, the Drudge Report broke a story, "Queen of the Quarter: Hillary Crushes Obama in Surprise Fund-Raising Surge," and, "$27 Million, Sources Tell Drudge Report." Reporters and editors at news organizations, salivating at the traffic his links drove to stories, responded by coming up with headlines and story ideas in hopes he would bite. The current ownership, strategy and outlook for the Drudge Report is held close as private information. They must have offered him an enormous amount of money. "The past 30 days has been the most eyeballs in Drudge Report's 26 year-history," Drudge said in an email to CNN. Drudge hits 'mute' on Biden - POLITICO [3] It was the first news source to break the ClintonLewinsky scandal to the public, after Newsweek decided to "kill the story". A left-leaning[77] parody site called Drudge Retort was founded in 1998 as "a send-up of Mr. Drudge's breathless style". Sony reportedly buying anime streaming platform Crunchyrol Gayle King says she doesnt have a desire to retire: I want more work, Elon Musk Tells Bill Maher Woke Mind Virus Is Dangerous On Real Time, NY Post Sports Reporter Zach Braziller breaks down the Knicks game 1 loss to the Heat, Kendall Jenner rocks sheer top, fur mini skirt for date night with Bad Bunny, Dad of crying infant that triggered Texas massacre 'never thought' gunman would shoot. The SimilarWeb report for Press Gazette also examined the source of online traffic for the largest English-language news outlets. For especially important breaking stories, especially if they are still emerging, Drudge places art of a flashing red light on the screen. Global visits to the top 50 English-language news sites combined fell to 6.6 billion in February, down from 8.7 billion the previous month, according to data from web analytics company SimilarWeb, with traffic nearly back to pre-pandemic levels. Who Really Runs The Drudge Report? - Tablet Magazine As cyber becomes more a focus of the federal government, the bureaucratic turf battles are heating up. ", "The Associated Press to Set Guidelines for Using Its Articles in Blogs", "It's Always Snowing on the Drudge Report", "Ben Shapiro: Left behind: the democratization of the media", "Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist UCLA Newsroom", "Multiplying ideologies considered harmful", "Flawed UCLA-led study on medias liberal bias", "Matt Drudge might elect Donald Trump: The GOP front-runner's secret weapon is the conservative media icon", "Matt Drudge, an influential figure in conservative media, sours on Trump as he faces impeachment", "Tucker Carlson: 'Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left', "Towards a critical theory of communication as renewal and update of Marxist humanism in the age of digital capitalism", Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, "Florida Department of State Division of Corporations - Digital, LLC", "Florida Companies Directory - Digital, LLC", "U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Drudge Report", "Drudge Report has lost almost 30 percent of its traffic in recent months amid turn on Trump", "Trump's Right: Drudge Report's Audience Is Down Nearly 40% From Last Year", "Drudge Report Sets Tone for National Political Coverage", "Drudge's world? The Drudge Report recorded 1.47 billion page views in July, the highest traffic in the conservative aggegation site's 21-year history. The links on his site are now no longer shedding light on alternative or controversial stories and instead are linking to mainline narratives pushed by the political establishment and big corporate media. The Fall of Matt Drudge and The Drudge Report, Windham, NH holds Selectmans Meeting on Election Audit, Conservative and Miss the Old 'Drudge Report'? Now, I hope that you come! Influential conservative news aggregation site the Drudge Report saw its year-on-year visits fall by 41% from 71.4 million to 42.4 million, while visits to Fox News were down 22% to 261.9 million. Only a handful of news sites, among them Bloomberg and Australias ABC and, used paid search at all. visits to drudge 4/09/2021 022,920,542 past 24 hours 681,367,270 past 31 days 9,352,630,199 past year reference desk. Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region that you are in. Aimed at marketers and those involved in the advertising industry. Or Drudge realized the GOP was attempting to destroy American Democracy. He was a principled man. Ive noticed this change, said TRACY SEFL, the Democratic operative who served as the HILLARY CLINTON 2008 campaigns Drudge envoy. Drudge occasionally publishes Nielsen, Arbitron, and BookScan ratings, or early election exit polls which are otherwise not made available to the public. Drudgeis down 40% plus since he became Fake News. [54][55] During the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump of 2019, the Drudge Report began aggregating what CNN Business called "an overwhelming amount of negative news for the Trump White House". Our very own MATT WUERKER also publishes a selection of cartoons from all over the country. "Heartbreaking that it has been under such tragic circumstances . Could have went? Can someone explain why ICE is not picking them up? Trump immigration architect STEPHEN MILLER trolling-ly approved of Simmons old tweet, writing: I agree with@JamalSimmons. Benchmark websites performance against your competitors by keeping track of key indicators of onsite behavior. With Drudge Report dead, here are four sites every patriot needs to [70], Wallsten analyzed the data derived from a detailed content analysis of print, broadcast and blog discussions during the last five weeks of the 2008 campaign. Of the 51 stories claimed as exclusives from January to September 1998, the magazine found that 31 (61%) were truly exclusive stories. Your browser is out of date. Periodically, we must employ comment moderation due to an influx of spammers. Read More. But by most standards, it simply isnt the same traffic juggernaut it was. has dropped by -0.4% and equals 31.5K. [72], Matt Drudge has been criticized by other media news personalities: Bill O'Reilly twice called Drudge a "threat to democracy" in response to Drudge disclosing his book sales figures,[73] and Keith Olbermann referred to Drudge as "an idiot with a modem". . We've received your submission. Constitutional conservatives no zero, we are the saviors of Traditional America. [17] In 2011, he added to the staff Charles Hurt, most recently the Washington bureau chief of the New York Post and a columnist for The Washington Times.

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