Original Fiberglass Hull with Mast bulkhead rebuilt (plywood/West System/glass) 2-Booms with Sails and battens Stock, original Nite sail. Other than that all worked as expected. FREE SHIPPING! 2 Sets Runners $55 + Shipping Contact Us to Order . Here is the answer. Pricelist. Color: Hot Canary Yellow Start Your Hard Water Journey Today, Join the World's Most Popular Iceboat Class. Welcome to our pricelist application. Hull weight: 69.2 lb, total everything: 182.2 lb. And of course, the large DN family with many friends is a reason to go ice sailing.., DN sailing has taught me everything fast trajectories, apparent wind building, and much more. Joe Rion . Cart. Patterns $30.00John Eisenlohr johhnysrocket2003@yahoo.com telephone- 406 844-2168Lakeside MT. All prices subject to change. Includes trailer with full box that will hold 1 sail and the boom and any necessary rigging equipment. In reality we had 4 days of intense trainig together with 4 Swedish friends. Photo: Cathy Firmbach. These have been in storage for a while but are in good shape. DN Fittings Specifications - DN ICEBOAT WORLD Hull weighs 75# all up, car toppable. I think one SS shroud is a bit frayed. Comes with Jablonski chocks that are perfectly set and aligned. Payment Checks or cash accepted. Mike_dee@icloud.com Mike Ron Sherry Composite Concepts Carbon Rocket Mast North FO-1 w/RBS battens IMG_4863.JPG Search. Achieving top speeds close to 50 knots and racing besides the legends of the DN class is fascinating and competitive at the same time. Gambit super DN bob stay post $12.00 NW3062: Gambit super DN steering chock $126.50 NW4048: Sta-Master adjustment . About - COMPOSITE CONCEPTS Save time in experimenting with optimal shrouds length. Contact us today to place an order for the fastest DN iceboat sails available.Ullman Sails Detroit24422 Sorrentino CourtClinton Twp, MI 48035Phone: 586.792.7212Fax: 586.792.7279email: mboston@ullmansails.com, Windward BoatworksSuppliers of custom gear boxes for DN and Nite iceboats. Very competitive Available to fit either T-Hound (Kent) or tang-style (Sherry) mast hounds. Also included, 1 set 1/4 x 36 Carbon inserts Email Email to Ron at ron@iceboatracing.com 2. Gretchen Dorian PhotographyProfessional photographer Gretchen Dorians iceboat pictures have appeared in many major magazines. 414-791-3056, DN DN Iceboat Parts and Equipment | MAURIPRO Sailing The sail has zero issues, no stains, cuts, nothing. I think one SS shroud is a bit frayed. Based on our ice scout reports today, the 2023 Central Regatta is still tentatively on for Feb 18-19. Boats and items that have been confirmed as sold. (Two 4 eight) double-three 1, 65 twenty-seven. buzzwats@sbcglobal.net, NITE Sail With my new mast I had some limitations due to too stiff plank. What you see on the photo is a mast base extra weight. Very fast boat used little since I bought it from a racer. $400.00 Sharp blades. Click for details. Initial testing has the STprototype hitting over 71mph Cruising speed- 60mph in 15 mph winds. Plank w/ Sarns chocks-$350 If you own a Moore/Kent mast that has tip cut at 75 deg. Iceboat Parts | Contact Parts Catalog Prices: Shipping not included Parts customized and modified to your specifications Download the December 2022 Parts Catalog DECEMBER 2022 BOB STAY POST & SOCKET - Price: $20.00 / set Part Number: 1 Description: 6061 Alum. Stored inside every year in building shown. These have been in storage for a while but are in good shape. Contact Susie at sailing19@charter.net, Gold Fleet DN Text me for a movie. n.mabboux@gmail.com, DN Sherry Clone 2004 IMG_4864.JPG All items can be loaded to head west to Madison/GWC next week. $150.00 OBO located in Lake Geneva. R107 (restored) enhanced and complemented with race parts from R512. Oscar Wilson DN Class Information - DN ICEBOAT WORLD No trailer included Soon, you'll be flying at unforgettable speeds. Parts: DN Iceboat - Marine Outfitters - Ontario Canada This boat has been stored inside since the 1950s and has the original runner plank. Southern WI [Lake Geneva area]. Quantum Sails Zenda Melges is ready to be able to be able to help the iceboating and land-sailing community of sailors with new sails, battens, covers and other racing materials.melges.com262-275-1110 ask for Harry Melges, Andy Burdick or Jim Gluek. 2-Complete runner planks and hardware, refinished $1,000. Mast & boom are wood. Includes full cover in nearly new condition and trailer set up to transport the Arrow and a DN with masts, planks and sails. Hull cover Comes with Jablonski chocks and perfectly set and aligned. 2 x 36 inserts (1/4, 90 degrees) Low miles. Looking for an A Skeeter sail for 80s era Honeybucket. text 8479776215 This is the mainsheet block configuration John designed for his Mini-Skeeter. Lots of cold and lots of snow. It all but eliminates mast inversions, is very clean aerodynamically and allows full articulation at the shroud attachment. Originally gaff rig built in 1898. Contact Robin at robin.lagraviere@gmail.com or 514-210-1773. If you want to learn more about how to install mast hound go to my previous article here:Installing mast hound, Aerodynamic upgrades -> Shrouds aero packs. December 3, 2022: Stern Steerer in MA, https://www.northsails.com/sailing/en/od/dn-iceboat. With white delrin insert $29.00 #39) MAST TOP & RIGGING ARMATURE Top Mast pole plug with screw-in armature for rigging $42.00 Ullman PS-1 sail with battens. 2-Tillers refinished with all hardware Located Northern Michigan (Eastern UP) - Customer service facility featuring state-of-the-art telephony capabilities. Harken Blocks classic lgreening3@comcast.net, DN Fast w/good spring-rates on spring-board and runner plank. FT | Unit Heaters | Reznor | Literature Library Considered the cathedral of land sailing, Ivanpah dry lake is located on the border of California and Nevada. Deep thinkers at CIBC perceive a need for an economical ice sailing craft for softwater sailors idled by winters icy grip. Pickup in Oconomowoc, WI by Deb Whitehorse | Oct 26, 2022 | sell. Ullman ABSS sail with battens. Trailer with full length storage box. tedandersen2@outlook.com Freight Allowance: Located in Cleveland, Ohio. Needs a good home. ideal for 150- 170 lb sailor 765-749-8556, Set of Nite Runners Contact John Stanley 2hasten@charter.net, Free to a good home. Based on my GPS logs collection from past few years. Over 2000 boats registered worldwide which means competitive racing locally, nationally, and internationally. With over 80 years of experience in the Machining Trade as precision machinists, and 20 years in the Iceboat Parts Industry, you can rest assured that you will be satisfied with our quality workmanship. Mast & boom are wood. North Max power excellent condition $1100 Long cockpit and great for someone 180-200lbs. New MBC hybrid (very similar to CSI 4.1) $2800/$2900 w/spreader bar There are two North American iceboat swap meets scheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2020 and one for November 7. 28 plank Comes complete & ready to sail. 3/4 thick X 14 wide X 26 feet long, 7 pieces - Order . $250 $10,000 Dan 732-673-7702, Sherry Carbon Whip mast. 11 plank optimized for 160# skipper but will tune if needed. Elkhorn, WI Shroud set with adjusters $150.00 $3000 OBO, Pewaukee, SOLD Nite Sail for Sale Texts preferred: 563-419-fourseven9eight $790.00 La Crosse, WI 8 months ago C2 Sherry QIL -$1500 Sitka Spruce and cushions. Forstman boom and Harken blocks, Contact JR Francis acat40@gmail.com, Vintage Stern-Steerer runners dating from the late 1800s. We still under postponement for the 2023 Central Regatta. 973-713-2821, Nite Ice boat Hull 475 Three (3) DN Plate Runners in very good Condition 2 sails, 1 used only 1 time Dan DN Products Racing DN Iceboats & Components Placing An Order 1. Last sailed in 1985. Composite Concepts 35940 Carlisle StreetClinton Township, Michigan 48035Phone:586-790-5557Email: ron@iceboatracing.comDN World Champion Ron Sherrys company has both DN and Ice Opti parts available. If you are looking for a gift for an iceboater, check out Gretchens website. brand new black digital 8 #s included -$1350 $1000 4 sets of runners: 1 set brand new and hardened (from R512), 2 sets chrome plated w/boxes. $7500 However, if you have a fast, complete ex-racer that is ready for a more comfortable retirement at a reasonable price, let me know. In addition to the World Championship, the North American and European Championships count towards a racer's World Ranking. $2850.00 You can download this design. Battens made from quarter-sawn white ash, tapered to your requirements. Never outside except during sailing season, if then. Sherry Stainless 3/16 runner set with bag $1300.00 Asking $4200 for package. Your Shopping Cart. Plank flexibility fine for this 180 lb amateur. one 30 insert bow runner I am guessing it has been sailed under 10 times. Diameter of the sheaves of the sheet blocks shall not exceed 4'' (101.6 mm). I am sorry to report that the 2023 Central Regatta is still postponed. 2 Passenger Cockpit with Custom Fit All Weather Cushion 1465 lbs less runners & sails Hull weight: 69.2 lb, total everything: 182.2 lb. Copyright 2019 Geoff Sobering - All Rights Reserved. Sitka spruce board for DN sides 24 feet by 6 by 5/4. Skeeter sail and chrome renegade runners. 414-418-1635, Class A Skeeter. Kent CSI Hull 262-894-1499, Classic DN The 16 foot (4.9 m) mast supports 60 square feet (5.6 m) of sail area. Starting at $1200 for the DN model. The one-design DN ice yacht is easy to transport, light, and relatively inexpensive. 262-893-7956, Class A Skeeter side car wanted. Madison, WI Please ask for any additional photos and I have some original history. Next update will be Thursday 16-Mar-2023 evening. 2 sets of blades + chocks It looks brand new. RKR Composites For 14 years Bob Rast and RKR Composites have been developing composite DN masts. New Ice Optimist Quantum Sail Questions welcome: 563-419-foursevennine8 or 1ofthemakers@gmail.com . Robert Gracyk P31 was third. The DN Chain-Stich Tapered Mainsheet is the classic tapered mainsheet constructed from 3/16" line with the center-section chain-stiched to 920-915-7014. $700.00. Located in Janesville, WI, Nite The International DN is the largest class of ice boats worldwide. IMG_4862.JPG Ads will be removed after one year. There is no trailer. Repainted like new. All DN Sails are built and designed by Mike Boston. Pewaukee built Sitka hull. I am 200 pounds and 62 and my wish list would include a carbon fiber mast. 2023 Junior Ice Optimist World Champions Top 3 billhess@mediacombb.net Needs some TLC; Priced Accordingly, SOLD! Home | IDNIYRA - Europe Madison, WI, SOLD! SOLD! Located in Camden, ME -New paint job flag blue marine total boat wet edge paint. It happend first time ever, and the consequences are as you can see on the photo below. Been in dry storage for about 20 years. Carbon Fiber mast, wooden boom, Harken blocks, etc. Both runner planks trued & aligned by Ron Sherry runner alignment tool and confirmed with lasers to a 195 lb. Been in dry storage for about 20 years. Curtis Plank (#23) with Struble Chocks glued on (excellent alignment) glass wrapped Ash top and bottom plates with white cedar core. One set of DN runner alignment brackets- $75.00 contact Kurt at 414-477-8320, Race Ready Sherry Clone hull Loenneke built glass wrapped ash and cedar strip plank w/Struble chocks.Sherry Carbon Quil spar w/ Forstman boom, Harken blocks & tapered sheet.Package includes Sarns swept-back plate runners (w/ option to upgrade to Sherry 3/16 carbon inserts)Sail is your choice of North Speed or North Power.Boat and gear all in beautiful race ready condition, located in Lake Geneva.Price $6900 and is negotiable.Contact Lou Loenneke @262 903-6464, Selling Skeeter Ice Boat and Trailer.Very fast Skeeter Iceboat includes everything, trailer, sail, runners, and newer cover, etc. Be ready!! Sherry Clone hull built by the Pewaukee syndicate. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your $25 membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world. Loenneke built glass wrapped ash and cedar strip Located in Northern Indiana The DN class has embraced technical advances . For now, stay tuned & keep your stuff ready!! New Jersey Joonas Kiisler C53 took first in Silver, and Timo Lehmuskallio L103 took first in Bronze. 5.1 Kent Mast with dyform shrouds Andy also built a nice gin pole which makes it a whole lot easier to step the mast which can be a chore if youre alone. Ready to sail! Texts preferred: 563-419-fourseven9eight $850.00 La Crosse, WI 11 months ago 2-Sets of Stays 1-heavy duty, 1 regular duty Go to DOWNLOAD menu at the top. Two Harken ratchet blocks. SOLD! Sail in good shape, Mast/Boom, Tiller and Steering Kit, Plank and Skates $850 OBO. Banks Speed sail with battens $500.00 The DN is 12 feet (3.7 m) long, with a 21 inch (53 cm) wide cockpit and an 8-foot (2.4 m) wide runner plank. High Quality Parts and Products for Your Pond, Fountain, Water Feature & Garden . Madison, WI Always kept inside, heated storage. Heated garage stored , Includes full cover, plank & mast bag , cockpit side cushion and custom trailer with storage box . 2 Planks From Sailing Gear & Clothing to Hardware & Line, Custom Rigging and One-Design Parts, we have everything to fit your needs. Contact Rob at: revansm1@gmail.com, 3 DN sails for sale: Its just like a drug, you become addicted at first sight! USE YOUR CREDIT CARD OR PAYPAL Lightly used and also in beautiful shape $800.00, The photos give the information (price, description etc. Francisyachting@yahoo.com, DN North ABSS sail : 400 USD Pickup in Princeton, WI -170lb foil shaped ash/basswood Please help save this boat. Don Anderson 608-577-8527, DN Located: Rumson, New Jersey. North American regions and European countries also host their own continental championships and regional events. Dn Iceboat - Boats For Sale - Shoppok $250.00 Cost over $4000 to build + trailer. increase grip in the sailor's hand and around the ratchet block. Please leave a message and I will return calls We can make a custom Gougeon Style tiller made from 3mm baltic-birch plywood, fiberglass, carbon fiber, or some other material $1,900.00 Twin Tiers, NY 2 years ago Antique DN Iceboat #175 - $1,900 For sale: Antique DN Iceboat. Asking $1,500 OBO billhess@mediacombb.net, Nite #44 excellent condition. Used 1 season. 262 903 6464. In the meantime I redesigned mast hound to accomodate lead bar. $1300.00Original C2 Whip Glass DN Spar. SOLD! On trailer for delivery. We have them for sale- Call or email for pics and price! 2-Aluminum Masts complete Moore Brothers CSICSI combines technology and the experience of world class competitors totaling at least 10 World Champions into all of its products. I bought it about 12 years ago and it was my first ice boat. Mast & boom are wood. The Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club is one of the most active iceboat clubs in North America. This is one of the nicest looking Yankees you will ever see, everything is in excellent condition.23ft mast, 18ft plankCustom seat cushions in cockpitAmazing paint job, pin striping and letteringDual steering (wheel and foot pedals)Two hull covers (storage and on ice)Covers for plank, mast and sails3 sails (one racing, one cruising, one storm)Two sets of stainless runnersHand brakeCustom trailer with storage box for runners and toolsAsking $8,000*Willing to consider trades for a Nite or GambitPlease contact Chris at (631) 466-6442 or cgeminski@gmail.com, Skeeter boom and Nelson sail for sale.$150.00Ron Sherry 586-484-5134ron@iceboatracing.com, 3 Skeeter runners for sale.Stainless steel Renegade shape43 long 5-1/2 tall$500Ron Sherry 586-484-5134ron@iceboatracing.com, 3 Skeeter runners for sale39 long 4 tall carbon steel$500Ron Sherry 586-484-5134ron@iceboatracing.com, Sarns Arrow RunnersSarns 3/8 X 36 inch Arrow Runners.90 degrees. Be sure to grease your runners and do your building over the summer. Iceboat in Boats For Sale Posted City Price Antique DN Iceboat #175 - $1,900 For sale: Antique DN Iceboat. Boom w/ Harken hardware Never used. In couple of last weeks I was asked few times a question about how I make my spikes. 15 cm long bar weights close to 1,5kg. 432-433 DN (06-15) PN160808 R1 | Published: 7/15. Carrying 60 square feet of sail, it offers spirited performance and a lot of very competitive sailing. Think Ice, think cold, & no white stuff!! Performance Sailing Products Contact Michelle at Wheel steering, tapered sheet. Composite mast, mylar DN sail, 36 Sarns Plate runners, 9 super chocks. Parts $ as marked A standard Gougeon Style tiller made from 3mm baltic-birch $3,000 OBO Hull DIMMS: 16 ft long x 39 inches Wide If you believe that sailing with 40+ kts of speed requires more aerodynamics in DN design this proposal is for you. $6050.00 1. We also provide custom machining services for most of your light machining needs including but not limited to: Sailboats and Snowmobiles. Let's Talk +1 (636) 532-2674. Rough, Quarter Sawn 262-581-5090, Class B Stern Steerer Call Call or text Ron at 586-484-5134. Total basic package is $1750.00. DN Class Ice Yacht Hardware made to your specifications Opti parts, Call for a free Quote! Matt Struble replies: Absolute blast! Kenyon Aluminum Boom 4. 12 foot Original Wood plank Ad id: 2302218231114267; Views: 82; Price: $450.00. DN hull numbers, boat names, country flag graphics, and custom graphics. I re-worked the bottom but didnt get around to the top. Ice Boat Plans Dn - You Can Build At Home! - Boat Plans Guide Wedges are used to tune runner planks position when mounted to the hull. Also Renegade race boat for sale $5000.00 Wisconsin Iceboat Hardware, a division of Dave's Machining Sherry Rocket DN mast for sale. $4500 each, Madison, WI area Madison, WI The flag is up for next Saturday's swap meets. Ready to hit the ice. DN for sale in NE Iowa DN Ice Boat, built circa 1965. One D Speed Sail Wire rigging, fiberglass supplies and custom composite work. Click here for more information and photos. 827 Texas Ct. O'Fallon, MO 63366. Total weight 125 lbs Via Ken Smiths Facebook page: A brisk first day sailing ALC at Ivanpah, CA. International phone number: +1 860-399-2276, Address: Perfect beginner boat - has all the parts and it sails fine but not as fast as it could if someone tuned it up right. catkins4487@gmail.com. Comes with the original wood battens which are perfect as well. Contact Lou Loenneke icbtljl294@gmail .com 262 903-6464, SOLD! Built for 140lb sailor. 3 weeks delivery Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 260-705-1598 -Ken Smith. Whether its a small fitting or a spar, performance is the underlying goal. All items are either new or in excellent condition.Not shown in photos is a used Nite sail with wood battens for $150, Fast, race ready.Boat tuned (plank, mast, runners) to latest and greatest in Nordhaus shop.Teflon coated black runnersCustom trailer with 11 box.$4,500Clear Lake, Iowa, 18 minimum composite mast section. IMG_4861.JPG CONTACT [by phone only] Lou Loenneke Dyform shroud set with bag. Original Fiberglass Hull Click here for more information and photos. Raced and place in Nationals Renegade Newburgh, New York. By Anne Berleant. C1 Emma Mia Kaar, Estonia Report Contact Poster by Email. $1500 OBO. 2 masts: One shown and McCormick race mast (from R512). (No bold & colored text, bullet lists, etc.) $2800 Western Michigan or southern Wisconsin Cool parts for fast sailboats, iceboats, and landsailers.EmailPhone: +1 608-235-37461850 Sheridan Street Madison, WI 53704-3443, Skimmer 45Windward Boatworks in Princeton, WI, T-HOUND / MAST ROTATORS The T-Hound / mast rotator / spreader bar fitting that you may have seen in action on DN 5224 (the neon yellow boat at the 2007 Worlds) is now available. FOR US CONTINENTAL ORDERS OVER $99. In storage for 12 years Perfect beginner boat - has all the parts and it sails fine but not as fast as it could if someone tuned it up right. $150 each. Click here for more information and photos. The next step after designing lead bar incorporated into the nose is to design spreader. 18 foot Aluminum Mast, 9 foot Aluminum Boom, Original Sail (In great shape) $790 OBO. 428 LOA I think one SS shroud is a bit frayed. Beam, plank, mast. CLICK FOR DETAILS. Located in Kenosha, WI. A complete DN iceboat for sale. Located in Illinois and will need to be picked up. $5,800 USD 3. Sailing 5 times the wind speed has made me such a better sailor! Vintage Arrow Specifications & PlansRules of Ice SailingYearbookChampionship HistoryInternational Rank ListVideos. Harken Yacht EquipmentHome of the famous Harken blocks. The world's most popular iceboat, the DN, an excellent sailer, is in the four figures well used and several four figures new. Asking $10,000. Includes cover and padded seat. The DN's appeal is that it's both home buildable and available from commercial manufacturers in North America and Europe. Complete boat hull, plank, mast, boom, runners, sail w/ battens, sail bag, stays, sheet, tiller assembly, cockpit cover. Products - COMPOSITE CONCEPTS Contact Michelle at DN Iceboat Deck Layout | Harken DN Hamrak 60 Mast full carbon : 2500 USD One of my favorite sailing boats, with absolutely no doubt ! Our goal is to offer every sailor the best product offering coupled with Tech Support & the very best Customer Service. Need other Custom Machining Services? Yankee Ice Yacht AssociationsFor complete set of Yankee blue prints, contact the Yankee Ice Yacht Association c/o Mark Hancik, 305 Dey Grove Rd.Monroe Twp., NJ 08831732 446 4377email: mhancik11@gmail.comThe cost is $75.00 US plus shipping, there are 26 pages of prints and all the frames are drawn to full size. Built by the Pewaukee Syndicate. Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Could also be sold with the following equipment for an additional $3300 US: Battens not included. Ready to sail with West System. Mother Nature has decided to put a bunch on white stuff on our beautiful ice. Center plank to front runner. $3800 Be visible and safe with fluorescent safety stripes and graphics. Chocks/runners shown are not included. We were planning to stay 9 days total hoping to conclude the week with Swedish Nationals. Pickup in Fremont, WI This video is comparison of two extreme ice conditions sailing angles and racecourses. The front runner is typically rigged with a steering rod that connects the runner to a tiller that is mounted just aft of the mast base. includes CSI telescopic tiller, Originally G 55, this hull balsa cored hull with fibreglass skin is in superb condition, CSI teardrop plank has Kent style chocks glued on (excellent alignment) DN Ice Boat The DN is the largest iceboat class in the world. 941 380 0666, 2-Seater Iceboat Shop Products. (231) 7405858, I am interested in purchasing a set of DN Plate Runners in good condition. Includes trailer with full box that will hold 1 sail and the boom and any necessary rigging equipment. (807) 577-2109. Carrying 60 sq ft/ 5.57 sq m of sail, it offers spirited performance and very competitive sailing. Hours of Operation: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST) Monday - Friday 3 Ratchet- $50 Call 732-232-9895 Most components come with covers/cases. tandem trailer with crane & storage boxes. Tomek won the tiebreak with IDNIYRA European Commodore Mikhel Kosk C45, who placed second. Built circa 1965. Please leave a message and I will return calls After 4 days of sailing weather forecast turned into 4-5 windless days and we decided not to wait for Swedish Nationals especially as black ice started to grow in Poland. Want a company that can get your parts to you quickly instead of waiting weeks and months for them to arrive? Steve Wiberg skipdieball at gmail dot com, Yankee B Skeeter Tim@wayfarerboatworks.com, DN: CSI Hull and Plank READY TO RACE Congratulations to Tomek Zakrzewski P55 for winning the Gold Fleet of the 2023 IDNIYRA European Championship sailed on Lake Kertuojai, Lithuania. Welcome to our pricelist application. Uses DN plank & runners. Canvas for hull, mast, runner plank, boom Get a DN. Iceboat Graphicsby Marketing AcuityHull numbers and ice boat graphics. Race ready. The DN is the largest iceboat class globally, so named because it was the winner of an iceboat design contest sponsored by the Detroit News in Detroit, Michigan, in 1937. angle you may want to 3D print a lid for it. Must Pick Up in Illinois New: (2) Rudder yoke & chock (aluminum), (2) mast steps (bronze & stainless steel). $1400. $775, DN Runner Plank Birch Runner Plank built for 180lb sailor. gjdudeck@gmail.com call/txt 906-297-2500, Gee Whiz II $8,500 obo Next update will be the evening of Thursday, March 9, 2023. 35 back bone 3 sails w/covers: 2 race sails (North & Boston Doyle from R512). Color: DARK Blue Auto body shop painted, never used It consists of seven 40mm Viadana blocks (p/n 11.82) for the purchase and a 57mm ratchet-block (p/n 14.10) at the mast. In Oconomowoc, WI area, Tool-Free Hound Hardware. Grosse Pointe Park, MI Two vintage DN ice boats. Rainbow 2nd is a Marconi Rigged Class A Ice Boat. Sorry, my free time is limited so no project boats and money is limited because my wife has to approve the purchase. We also provide custom machining services for most of your light machining needs including but not limited to: Sailboats and Snowmobiles. 35 mast Call or email Dave for a price list. Can deliver to any major regatta. They look good too! Standard Products: . Plank built by Mark Isabell comes with Jablonski chocks. February 17, 2023: Stern-Steerer in WI, SOLD! Those in North America may purchase plans on the DN North America website. $2200 Email or call us for a complete listing of all services offered. Looking everywhere for affordable Iceboat Hardware? DN sailing has taken me around the world and introduced me to life-long friends the very best people on the planet. 2 sets of Sails, 2 sets of runners, all standing and running rigging in top shape. 4 foot extended bow plank for front runner (smoother ride) Race Ready.$900.00Ron Sherry 586-484-5134ron@iceboatracing.com, DN Runner Plank Ash Runner Plank built for 180lb sailor. Springboard for added length and control. Catkins4487@gmail.com, DN built in 1968 Northwind Iceboats - Our current pricelist on iceboats, iceboating parts and accessories. Fontana, WI Doyle FO1 sail with battens $600.00 This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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