For more information, please see our Both Ryan and Billy are becoming people Becca would hate, which makes her death all the more meaningful. Homelander would eventually leave. Did Becca willingly sleep with Homelander? She is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement in exchange, forbidding her to tell anyone, even her husband. I know that Karl Urban and the actress made passing comments, saying that it was rape. His arrogance and vanity mean he could never consider Butcher to be anything more than an inconvenience, and certainly not a real threat. Billy injects Hughie with Compound V during their mission, giving Hughie superhero powers but angering him nonetheless. She is then taken from Billy and hidden, while Butcher thinks that Homelander killed his wife at some point. When the light subsides, Becca was accidentally hit in the process, having received a critical neck wound. The second episode of The BoysSeason 2 alsorevealswhat happened to Billy directly after the finale. Homelander wears red gloves and boots, as well as a cape that stands for America, symbolizing patriotism. Homelander - the world's top superhero - raped Butcher's wife Becca, who she went missing shortly after - assumed to have either taken her own life or been killed by her attacker. Rebecca "Becca" Saunders Butcher is a minor character in Season 1 and a supporting character in Season 2 of the Amazon series The Boys. Becca's life changes again when Billy tracks her down and reunites with her again. Seeing Homelander pushing Ryan to use his powers, she intervenes and tells him to go do his math informing him that she is coming to help him. The show used a similar image when Billy Butcher wielded a Supe baby's eye lasers as a weapon, but this child thankfully made it through the scene. Its actually revealed in the comics that it wasnt Homelander who raped her. Family Human Vogelbaum told Homelander in episode 8 that his one regret is that Homelander should have been raised by a loving family, instead of a cold, sterile lab. the The fetus attempted to kill Billy with his laser sight, forcing him to beat him to death with a candlestick. Homelander greeted Billy and then thanked Becca for working on his Twitter profile. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Later, while playing with Ryan, she receives a surprise visit from the Homelander accompanied by Stormfront whom he introduces as his girlfriend. Season One Teddy is Madelyn Stillwell's infant son, and throughout the course of the series, she breastfeeds her child in her private time. While they escape the car unharmed, Billy escorts Becca and Ryan while The Boys distract Stormfront. Beccas reaction indicates it was rape but Homelanders seems very confused. Early in The Boys season 1, Billy Butcher revealed that he could sympathize with how Hughie Campbell had lost his girlfriend, Robin, because his wife, Becca Butcher, had disappeared mysteriously after an encounter with the superhero Homelander. Becca states Billy will do whatever he can to get rid of Ryan, "It won't be in an obvious way, and it won't be right a way" but he'll find a way. Is Ryans heat vision stronger than Homelander? Billy then tried to blow the two up, but this didn'tkill Homelander. (Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the entirety of S1.). With his birth date of October 1975, Antony Starr may be older than his character. Did Homelander really assault Becca? - TimesMojo He is currently focusing on anime, his childhood love, with special atten Did Homelander Assault & Rape Becca? Homelander | The Boys Wiki | Fandom Social life Vogelbaum said Becca died giving birth to Homelander's son, with the baby drowning in his mother's blood. Homelander has only had to fight enemies who are far weaker than Superman, whereas Superman knows how to battle opponents who are nearly as strong as he is. Unfortunately, Becca was caught in the crossfire as well, succumbing to her injuries fatally. She worked at Vought International as Digital Marketing Director and was responsible for managing Homelanders social networks. Becca's Assault in Homelander Exposed - H.O.M.E. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. The Boys season 1 ending explained: what the big - gamesradar But he genuinely didn't know what happened to her. Height Here are the five most gruesome acts by Homelander in The Boys . There's also a heightened sense of intelligence, which differs drastically to his TV counterpart. The Boys: 5 Reasons Becca Butcher Needed To Die (& 5 Reasons It Was A samserra201 3 yr. ago You haven't answered why she would go into a room alone with him like that. I just want to tell people that rape and sexual assaults aren't always violent. Becca and Billy reconnect and reminisce about where they go from here. Butcher believes that Homelander raped and murdered his wife, Becca (Shantel VanSanten). Especially if it's your boss, and he flirts openly with you in front of your fiance. Theres a good chance he wouldnt be such a bad guy if his fake origin was true. "What I Know""The Only Man in the Sky" (voice) In the remainder of this article, we are going to talk about Beccas assault in both the comic books and the television series. Becca dies from blood loss against the tree. Becca then exits the house and rushes to their son's aid, frightened that that Homelander might have just killed him. A rift quickly forms between Becca and Homelander, with Becca wanting to raise Ryan as a normal boy, while Homelander wants to train Ryan to use his powers and become a superhero. Real Name History Rebecca "Becky" Saunders is a social worker in London. Did Becca Cheat On Butcher With Homelander? - Mastery Wiki TL;DR: Stillwells milk contains traces of Compound V, and Homelander became addicted to it, which is why he is obsessed with milk because that is how he gets his high. MM would also gain superpowers by drinking the same amount of milk, either by accident or necessity. If he raped for three hours, and she disappeared mysteriously afterwards, wouldn't you be wondering what happened to her? Becca met with Homelander in a private room a few days after the party and was raped. Butcher has been on the warpath ever since, taking every opportunity to strike back at Vought and their fleet of spoiled super-powered celebrities. An example would be Becca Butcher. In doing this, the show's writers made Rebecca Butcher into a stronger character and the most heroic person on The Boys. Of course, Homelander eventually comes calling and, when he arrives, the so-called "supe" claims that he never raped Billy's wife, Becca, but alleges they had consensual sex, at least in his. Homelander had found out her location and decided to bring Butcher to her safe house. How did Becca get pregnant by Homelander? From the start, Homelander became a powerful villain due to his involvement in The Boys with Vought-American. 1, 2, 3 (voice only) When Ryan gets angry enough, the strength of Ryans surprisingly powerful lasers is far more powerful than Homelanders.. Becky managed to temper many of Butchers violent tendencies, and he quit drinking and fighting because of her. It was casual as anything. She tells him that her son has been kidnapped. 6 can defeat Black Widow. She asks him to get her son to safety before he succumbs to her injury. Homelander assures her that the moment Ryan is exposed to the outside world, he will freak out just like Homelander did. Becca pleads with Ryan to let them talk this out, but Ryan only refuses her offer. Black Noir has secretly been manipulating the entire story behind the scenes, having been created as a contingency in the event the original Homelander ever went insane. Ryan was able to push Becca away when Homelander was aggressive toward him. Fatal neck wound accidentally caused by Ryan Butcher using heat vision Becca tells him shes sorry and thanks him, when he tells her hes going to find her son. She met Butcher on a subway train, and the two started dating not long after. This revelation leaves Butcher with plenty of questions about what exactly happened between his wife and Homelander. While some of the Avengers lack the power or strength to defeat Homelander, others are a formidable challenge to Homelander. Ennis wrote about his regrets regarding Becca's death in his notes on the original pitch for the comic in The Boys: Definitive Edition. Becca did this because she realized that Billy hated superhumans because of what Homelander did to her and that would forever color how he viewed her son. At one point, Homelander sees this, which brings him great jealousy, indicating he wants to be nurtured by a mother figure instead of sexual desire. Especially if he's not raping women every week. Ryan is a natural born supe, the first of his kind, displaying superpowers very similar to his father, Homelander. Ryan is a natural born supe and the first of his kind, with superpowers that are very similar to Homelanders father. This, in turn, fueled Butcher's own Punisher-parodying fall from grace, as he became exactly the sort of vengeful monster Becca feared Butcher might become if he learned about her rape and sought to avenge her. She must face the wrath of her son and his kidnapping by Homelander and Stormfront, who intends to raise him as his son. I've seen people even say "Oh he doesn't seem like the type of person to do that." THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. After Beccas death, Becca gave a heartbreaking speech to Billy that mirrored one from the comic books, which Billy read in her diary. He received superhuman strength and durability. I myself have not been sexually assaulted but I've been in situations where I've had powerful people treat me however they want and fighting back meant losing so much. Billy helps him out and retrieves Ryan then they flee together into the forest. While some of the Avengers may not have the power or strength to overcome Homelander, other Avengers are a real challenge to Homelander. Frenchy, Kimiko Miyashiro, and Mothers Milk take great care of her. Amazon Studios' The Boys stars Karl Urban as Billy Butcher, Jack Quaid as Hughie, Laz Alonso as Mother's Milk, Tomer Kapon as Frenchie, Karen Fukuhara as the Female, Erin Moriarty as Annie January, Chace Crawford as the Deep, Antony Starr as Homelander, Aya Cash as Stormfront and Simon Pegg as Hughie's dad. This revelation leaves Butcher with plenty of questions about what. So yeah, I think maybe Vought blackmailed her into agreeing to be a surrogate. She then explains to Homelander that after the agreement with Vought, it was decided that Ryan would have a normal childhood. She then begs Homelander to not tell Ryan the truth. Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for The Boys season 2 and The Boys graphic novels. Related Articles: Did becca and garrett break up? Season 3 of The Boys took the Ryan story arc in a dark direction, setting him up as a possible future antagonist who takes after his father Homelander, and Becca's death was arguably the catalyst. Because of his surroundings, Homelander became an evil version of Superman. Why would she go into a hotel room alone with him, at night? She didn't even look upset. Any doubts about Becca's courage was obliterated in The Boys Season 2 when Becca confronted Billy and refused to go along with his plan to free her. As Stormfront chokes her, Ryan (aka Becca and Homelander's son) uses his laser eyes for the first time, amputating Stormfront's limbs and burning her face off (unintentionally killing Becca in the process). June 9, 1981 Did Homelander Assault & Rape Becca? (& Why Was It so Vague?) The deranged clone admits that he was the one who assaulted Becca and framed Homelander, in a bid to drive him over the edge so Black Noir can finally do what he was created for: kill the . Rebecca Becky Saunders is a social worker based in London. Maeve was eventually killed while protecting Starlight from Homelander and Black Noir, though Homelander easily overpowered her after she struck him on the head with her sword, shattering it in the process. Becca explains that Homelander only spared Butcher one time, He reveals a piece of paper with the words: , Maeve was eventually killed while protecting Starlight from Homelander and Black Noir, though Homelander easily overpowered her after she, What does it mean to have a dream about someone, Is sleeping with someone while separated adultery, Is sleeping on a hard surface good for your back, Where can i sleep in my car legally near me. How Does Billy Butcher Get His Powers in The Boys TV Show? Even more so when Stormfront talks about Ryan's superpowers, so Becca diverges the conversation away from Ryan's powers. When she was leaving the room, she just looked.. disheveled, not accosted. Becca Butcher in The Boys and the Becky Butcher of the comics are incredibly different characters, though. The second episode of The Boys Season 2 also reveals what happened to Billy directly after the finale. However, even fans of The Boys felt that it was excessive and unnecessary, and Amazon proved this when The Boys' show achieved the same objectives without the nightmare-inducing infanticide. Personality This time however, he brings Stormfront with him. 4 can defeat Iron Man. Spoilers for The Boys television series and comics below! This was clearly intended to hammer home just how brutal the reality of life in a world filled with The Boys' Supes could be and solidify Homelander as a hateworthy antagonist, as well as justify Butchers rampant sadism toward Supes in readers' eyes. While inside, a news castrevealed Billy was wanted in connection with the murder of Stillwell, forcing him to flee. Lastly, when Becca was attacked by Stormfront, his laser vision severed Stormfronts limbs and burned her alive. Billy, though, is tenacious, and he'swilling to do anything to get Becca back, so Homelander might have grossly underestimated his opponent this time around. However, the first three episodes ofThe BoysSeason 2explains why Homelander didn't kill Billy. 4. They wanted a version of Homelander that wasn't raised in a lab, and that's probably why they went to such lengths to keep the secret from Homelander himself. Homelander greeted Billy and then thanked Becca for working on his Twitter profile. It's not just Homelander who Ryan is growing to resemble, though Homelander and Billy are more alike than Butcher would ever admit. Or In the season 2 finale, Butcher's wife, Becca, stabs Stormfront in the eye. The super approves. At the end of Season 1, Homelander brought Billy to Becca's house, revealing to him that she'd survived. What was that briefcase that Becca was carrying into the hotel room? She tells Billy its not Ryans fault and tells him hes nice. Maybe Homelander forced her to do something she wasn't ready for, but that looked like an affair. Becca goes with Billy to the cabin to pick up Ryan whom she puts on noise-canceling headphones and then takes him with them. What Happened Between Soldier Boy & Mothers Milks Father. Billy assumed Becca was raped by Homelander for the longest time and either killed herself or was knocked off by Vought. Becca then informs Billy that Homelander and Stormfront took Ryan. I knew you'd come back, Homelander says. Vought forced Becca to fake her death and to raise this child, believing that this would create a new supe even more powerful than Homelander. In the evening, while she is cooking, she goes to the garden where she discovers that Homelander and Stormfront have shown the outside world to her son. Butcher is left with a lot of questions about what happened between his wife and Homelander as a result of this revelation. Did Homelander actually r*pe Becca? : r/TheBoys - Reddit Homelander calls her a liar, to which Becca justifies for Ryan's betterment to be there with his mother. The Boys: Homelander & Black Noir Were Complicit In Starlight's Assault Similarly one may ask, why did homelander let butcher live? She tries to temper her son and demands to speak privately with John. After January 24th, 2012, she went to Vought for help and confirmed she was pregnant with Homelanders child. Superhuman Strength: Ryan is strong enough to be able to shove Homelander to the ground, albeit when he was enraged, he is also stronger than humans. Ennis noted that he was indulging in one of the worst cliches of the superhero genre by killing off Becca and Hughie's girlfriend Robin in order to traumatize the men in their lives; what is popularly known among comic fans as "fridging." Homelander explained that his sexual encounter with Becca wasnt entirely rape and was consensual at least according to him. Becca leaves him no choice and makes him promise to bring Ryan back to her at all costs so that Ryan does not become like Homelander, which Butcher does. Did homelander assault becca or was it consensual? She gets out of the car when she realizes there is a problem. However Dr. Park refused to do anything about Homelander, instead telling her to hope that he gets bored and moves on. We learn that Billy believes Homelander raped Billy's wife Becca and is ultimately responsible for Butcher believes that Homelander raped and murdered his wife, Becca (Shantel VanSanten). The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has confirmed that Homelanders son Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) is way more powerful than he is, which could ultimately lead to a showdown between father and son if Homelander gets too out of control, and goes some way to explain why Vought International have been so invested in keeping him . Drowned in its mother's blood." Vogelbaum says " (the baby) Lived all of 10 seconds. Becca flees during the night to join Butcher. The supe bluntly tells Becca that Ryan can't be hurt, assuming that Ryan inherited his father's invulnerability. Becca gets between her and Ryan and stabs her in the eye. Stormfront tracks them down in the forest and neutralizes Billy. Another reason Homelander may have kept Butcher alive is because he enjoys humiliating him. The Boys: Top 10 Worst Things Homelander Has Done A short while later, Ryan recovers from his fall without a scratch, suggesting Homelander is correct. Whether Butcher's assessment of the situation is accurate is another matter altogether. Billy tries to halt the bleeding and cries out for help, but no one answers. Becca denies the claims saying Ryan is different because he has a mother. Butcher believed that Becca had been raped by Homelander and that she had been killed to cover up the crime. He got his start writing for the legendary DC Comics digital fanzine Fanzing, before receiving his own column, The Mount. It was Black Noir, a mentally unstable Homelander clone who is placed on the team as a killswitch in the comics. Contrary to her husband's vengeful and distrustful personality, Becca is a very compassionate and caring, especially to her son. There's also a fact people should be aware of is that when Homelander mentioned that Becca orgasmed more than once back in season 1, people assume that orgasming means that they enjoyed the sexual experience. Episode count While the ultimate point of The Boys was to parody tropes like these, Ennis despaired at having to kill two likable women just to prove a point. She then watches helplessly as her son Ryan is brainwashed by Stormfront. Are people STILL debating if Becca was assaulted or not? The whole bloody ordeal set the leader of The Boys on . However, in the season 1 finale he learned the truth - Becca was living an enclosed compound managed by Vought after falling pregnant by Homelander (Antony Starr), who had raped her. Why was he so confused about what happened to her? Once Homelander found out she was missing, Madelyn Stillwell directed him towards scientist Jonah Vogelbaum. Shortly after learning shed fallen pregnant, it became apparent the baby was developing at an accelerated rate. Who killed Becca Butcher? ), and their encounter leads to her getting pregnant. It was built in 1814 and named after Thomas Lord, who was, Boba Fett kills Cad Bane in a duel in the unfinished episodes of the Clone Wars, and bane gives Boba the iconic ding on his, Copyright 2023 | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. to make some supes (and anyone else who crosses him) sleep with the fishes? She was the wife of Billy Butcher and the mother of Ryan Butcher. I just want people to be aware because this happens in real life. A few days after the party, Becca met with Homelander in a private room where he raped her. Why Did Becca Sleep With Homelander? The four watch a Lego animation of The Blindside by Ryan, to which Stormfront and Homelander question if he is into anything more "common" like video games or YouTube. Related: The Boys Season 2: How Becca Butcher Caused Her Own [SPOILER]. In addition to his work for Screen Rant, Matt is currently the Editor In Chief of and writes reviews for No Flying, No Tights a graphic literature and anime review site aimed at teachers and librarians. To her dismay, Homelander returns to visit Becca and Ryan in "Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker". Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. It's revealed in the season one finale that this was only half correct: Becca was raped but eventually had a son by Homelander, who spirited her away by Vought. Going into a room with a superpowered human, alone at night? Biographical Information 5 can defeat Scarlet Witch. Later on, we see that Homelander and Becca in fact did sleep together (and it seems consensual? It tries to incinerate him with laser vision. Archived post. Deceased However,prior to their confrontation, Homelander learned that Becca was not dead, and that she had given birth to his son. Gender "The Female of the Species" (flashback)"You Found Me" The Boys 'graphic novel doesnt allow you to look away it shows everything, including a lampshade cracking open an infant's skull, with a chilling level of detail. Ultimately, the Becca Butcher of The Boys has proven to be a more interesting character than her comic-book-counterpart, Becky Butcher, while remaining true to the spirit of the source material. Before Stormfront can see the light leave Becca's eyes, Ryan becomes furious and uses his heat vision to stop Stormfront in a flash of light. They are caught by Stormfront coming to take Ryan. The goal of this article is to answer the question thats been bothering fans since Beccas story was revealed in the narrative and to give you some facts about the character as well. Becca makes Billy assure Ryan that it wasn't his fault and to promise that he'll care for Ryan and protect him before she succumbs to her wound. Homelander than apologizes to Becca and Ryan, saying he wants to be involved more in Ryan's life because he wants the best for his son and wants Ryan to get to know Stormfront. Comics. She asks him how long he plans to stay. If his faked origin was true, theres a good chance he wouldnt be such a bad guy. I think that maybe Vought was giving her fertility drugs in the hope that she would get pregnant. It was Black Noir, who in the comics is a mentally unstable clone of Homelander that is placed on the team basically to act as a killswitch. However, when asked about the baby, Madelyn tells Homelander it was a miscarriage. Its revealed in the season one finale that this was only half correct: Becca was raped but eventually had a son by Homelander, who spirited her away by Vought. A few days after this encounter, the Super assaulted her. Even though the entire show shows examples of Homelander doing whatever he wants with controlling and destructive behaviour. 9 can defeat Captain Marvel. Top 5 most gruesome acts committed by Homelander in The Boys Archived post. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But Billy and Homelander discovered that she had .

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