Barney Live! In New York City (1994) - YouTube Oh-ho-ho!" Music played as Barney started singing. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact; Jobs; Volunteer; People . The Winkster: Wahoo!, You-Hoo!, Barney!, Children!, Characters!, Alex Bratten!, I'm Up Here!, Just as Quick as A Wink! BJ: (Laughs), Nope!, It's Coming from, Over Here! Baby Bop: Hi, Barney!, Hi, Friends!, Wow, Barney!, Oh!, There are Alot of Friends Out There!, I Think There are More Than 10! The Winkster: It's Coming from Up Here, BJ!, (Laughs), Barney: Oh!, There You Are, Winkster!, (Laughs). Thank you, Winkster:Star light, star bright, first star I'd see tonight. Just then, some clowns bring a dumbbell and drop in on Baby Bop's blankey! English. Baby Bop: But I'm Still Glad I Brought My Blankie!, I'm So Glad, I'm GonnaSing About It! Barney's Greatest Hits - Live On Stage Tommy: Guys!, How Can We Catch The Winkster? Nick Jr. Face: Hi, There, Everyone!, Face Here! El Concierto en Vivo! The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) There Was A Branch! Barney Live Curtain Call (1991-1994) - Archive Barney: Oh, I Think I Can See It from Here!, (Laughs), Barney: Little Ladies and Little Gentleman!, Welcome to, Barney's Imagination Circus!, (Laughs). Baby Bop: Oh!, That Looked Like Fun!, Toot-Toot!, (Laughs). The two kids Johnny and Elissa were brought in to round out the cast much like Carlos and Kelly, however unlike Carlos and Kelly they have a bigger role in the show (for instance Elissa sings "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and Johnny is in the entire show). Let's Go to the Beach Barney's Book Fair Fun on Wheels Mother Goose Collection, Tours: Barney's Big Surprise Barney's Musical Castle Barney's Colorful World! ET. You know, I've got a lot of friends that I play with. Barney: Franklin the Turtle, Emily Elizabeth, and Her Dog Clifford! Barney Live! In New York City (Script) | Barney&Friends Wiki | Fandom The Moment you all had been waiting is finally here, Here's the PBS airing of Barney Live! You know I'm not even scared of the dark. Barney: Oh, My!, (Laughs), Well, I Guess I am Getting A Little Bit Too Wet. But then they can't do anything like my teddy, 'Cause my teddy, he is the one. Non-US tours: El Parque Musical de Barney y sus Amigos Barney's Let's Imagine Barney's Dino-Mite Birthday! They all work together to make their special surprise for the audience using items from "The Barney Bag". Everyone in his or her own way, Barney: Wait a minute You can't all leave without a kiss goodbye so here it comes. ""Wah, wah, wah! - The Let's Go Tour Barney Live in Concert - Birthday Bash! BJ and the clowns exit the stage*. Barney: Okay!, Ready, You're Not?, Here I Come!, (Laughs). The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?, Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?, Giddy and Foolish The Whole Day Through!, Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy? The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) There Was A Bird! Barney Live! In New York City (1994) - Archive Me and my teddy, gettin' all ready Gettin' all ready for bed. But the Winkster is too fast, and they can't catch him. But he doesn't mind, and that's cool. The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) The Prettiest Tree! Barney: Hi, Everybody!, Are You All Ready for Lots of Fun and Surprises? He then asks everyone to use their imaginations to help make the heart bigger. ADDITIONAL TICKETS TO GO ON SALE MAIL ORDER DRAWING ANNOUNCED, MONSTER OF A BATTLE TO BE WAGED OVER BARNEY'S SONG, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Barney: I love you,you love me we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ,won't you say you love me too? The Winkster: (Singing) You Can't Catch Me!, You Can't Catch Me! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Bear: Hi, Everybody!, It's Great to See You! The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) There Was A Hole! is a stage show that was directed and choreographed by Penny Wilson, written by Stephen White with songs in the show written by various individuals. Barney: Well, I've Got an Idea!, But We're Going to Need Help from Everyone!, Will You Help Us? Creators of Barney & Friends, Sheryl Leach, Kathy Parker and Dennis DeShazer, planned to write the show themselves, however, given the little time to spare, they assigned Stephen White to write the show from scratch. This is a transcript of Barney Live! Taylor Fishbowl: We'll Catch Him!, We've Got Lots of Friends Helping Us Shout When We See Him! Barbara Angeline, Joe Bowerman, Tina Bush, Garland Days, David DeCooman, Vivien Eng, Raymond Harris, Steven Petriollo, Carolyn Ockert, Michelle Robinson, Amy Shure, Kristin Willits and Dana Zell. Baby Bop: One fell off and bumped his head Mommy called the Doctor and the Doctor said. The cast: Cause it's a great way to be polite. Barney: OK I might have made up the last part *laughs* but here he comes now to lift a barbell "Charles The Incredable", Charles: Greetings I'm Charles the incredible, Baby Bop: This big thing is on my blanket, Charles: Not to worry just give me a few minutes and this barbell will be off your blanket, Baby Bop: Ok then come on Charles you can do it, Baby Bop: Excuse me my blankey is still stuck, Charles: I've noticed..i'm going to try again, Baby Bop: Bu- but my blankey is stuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkk. 75 minutes. Audience: Hey!, Where's Barney?, Why Isn't He Here? Barney: (Singing) If All The Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gum Drops, Oh, What A Rain That Would Be! Why Low-Ranking Soldiers Have Access to Top Secret Documents Tosha: (Singing) A Horse and A Flea and Three Blind Mice! Barney, Baby Bop, The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) With A Hat That's Neat, and Sneakers on His Feet, He's Always Ready for Fun!, Yes, BJ is The One! Barney, The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?, Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?, Giddy and Foolish The Whole Day Through!, Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy? The Winkster doesn't know how to make friends. (The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten appear as clowns). Then, Barney arrives, much to the audience's delight. Barney:That was Karen and her amazing dance bears ..although one of those bears looked a bit filmiler ..anyway we have lots more animals to showcase at this circus in fact we're going to need all of you to help us during this next act let's hear all of you quack like a duck, Barney:Wow all of you sounded so real I almost thought there was real ducks at our circus..actually here they come now, Barney:Four little ducks went out one day Over the hills and far away Mother Duck said, Barney and the kids:"Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack! Barney, The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) Well, The Egg in The Nest, and The Nest on The Branch, and The Branch on The Tree, and The Tree in The Hole, and The Hole in The Ground!, And The Green Grass Grows All Around, All Around, and The Green Grass Grows All Around! Shawn: (Singing) Way Down South Where Bananas Grow! Fred: But where are we going to get peanuts? Barney Live! Barney: And Here Come The Characters!, Elmo, Big Bird, and Friends! Barney and his friends take the stage to delight and entertain everyone. The kids:Toot toot! Also, a unique sound effect is used when the. The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: Surprise! April 14, 2023. In New York City. Re-releases: Barney's ABC's and 123's Barney's Outdoor Fun! The Winkster then confesses that he took the bag in order to make friends. Barney: Hi, BJ!, I'm So Glad You Could Come Out and Play Today! After that, Baby Bop sings "My Yellow Blankey" before the kids get an idea to make something for the audience: a special surprise! Barney takes the stage to bring you a musical extravaganza filled with mystery and imagination. [11] Prior to the ticket scalpers, a few tickets were offered to Barney Fan Club Members in advance. One performance sold out in twenty-one minutes. he's waiting outside the teather as we speak so let's just guide him in, BJ: Wow it's great flying and all of you can fly during this next song just watch my friends and do what we do. Barney: (Laughs), Now You've Really Got The Hang of It!, One More Time! The babies on the bus go "Wah, wah, wah!" Gold and silver I have none, My fair lady. It turns out to be Baby Bop riding her tricycle she got from Barney and his friends for are it, a new visitor, The Winkster to join Barney and the kids! But wait. Barney and the kids: Boom, boom,Ain't it great to be crazy? Barney Live In New York City (Script) - Custom Barney Wiki In December 1994, before tickets to BarneyLive at Radio City! The audience gets settled in before they hear a voice saying the magic words, "Shimbaree, Shimbarah". He soon ends up making a wrong turn as he ends up all the way across from the Winkster, who laughs and makes fun. Barney: Neither Can I!, But You Know?, I Think They're Just About, Done! PEANUTS and Barney Live! In NYC Chapter 1: The Show of the Year Begins Barney: Oh, Splash!, (Laughs), Oh, Boy!, Why, This Isn't So Bad!, Hey!, Come On Out, Everybody!, Oh, Come Out and Play with Me in The Rain!, We Can All Splash and (The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten come out with sad faces). Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. In New York City later aired on PBS in 1995, being the second Barney Home Video to be televised. and Baby Bop understudy - Carol Farabee, This page was last edited on 26 April 2023, at 06:19. It turns out that he was right! Barney: Oh!, Whew!, Well, That's The First Row!, Oh, Gee!, This is Going to Take A Long Time!, No, Wait!, I Have an Idea!, Maybe You Can All Help Me to Say Thank You to Everyone Here!, I'll Count to 3, and Then I Wanna Hear Everybody Shout Out "Thank You for Coming! Baby Bop: (Singing) For It's Root, Root, Root for The Home Team! Edited by Liz O. Baylen and Mike Benoist. Then, Barney tells the audience to point and shout "There he is!" She sings "Three Little Monkeys" with the help of Doctor Shawn. The Winkster thinks that the stuffed heart will need to be bigger to share with everyone. Barney: So, What are You Going to Make for All of Our Friends Here? The country has become the world's most populous, but there are doubts about whether that title heralds a growth in wealth and influence. ", Ready?, 1, 2, 3 Barney and Audience: Thank You for Coming! Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise. Barney: It Is!, Sha'll We Show All of Our New Friends The Way to The Backyard? This is also the one and rarest times that the "Barney Theme Song" wasn't sung/edited out during the Pledge Drives. [10] It was later discovered that the $30 tickets to the show was being sold for as high as $200 through ticket scalpers. Doc Owl: "Whoops! Child: For Barney to Come and Play, You've Got to Use Your Imagination! The Ballad of 'Deepfake Drake' - The New York Times Barney: Oh, Me, Too!, and The First Very Nice Surprise is That So Many of My Friends and All Characters are Here!, I Can't Think of Anything More Fun Than Getting Together Like This! Language. Barney Live! A crossover done with brycewade1013. Barney: (Laughs), That's A Great Idea!, Suit Up, Everybody!, (Laughs), Oh, Boy! She admits that there are a lot of friends in the audience (and that there are much more than 10). Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Cast:London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down. The kids want the rain to go away, but Barney seems to be enjoying it as he dances around. Barney:Build it up with iron bars, Iron bars, Iron bars.Build it up with iron bars, My fair lady. Jake: Way down south where bananas grow A flea stepped on an elephant's toe.The elephant cried,with tears in his eyes,"Why don't you pick on someone your size?". Throughout the show, the gang tries to catch The Winkster and teach him that it is important to have friends and to share. Me and my teddy, gettin' all ready Gettin' all ready to play. Advertisement. For more fun with Barney and all his friends, visit the Official Barney YouTube Channel at everything else, go to http://. The Winkster: (Singing) Oh, Yes!, My Name's "The Winkster", That Should Come as No Surprise!, I Come, I Go, I am So Quick, You Won't Believe Your Eyes!, I Like to Have Some Fun, I Like to Play My Little Jokes!, Sometimes I Try to Take Things, That Belong to Other Folks!, As You Can See, I'm Nimble as Can Be!, So If Somebody's Chasing, They Will Never Catch Me!, Oh, Yes!, My Name's "The Winkster", That Should Come as No Surprise!, I Play Each Day from Sun Up, 'Til The Moon is in The Skies!, To Me, My Tricks are Fun!, It's Kind of What I Like to Do!, And If You are Not Careful, I Will Play A Trick on You!, As You Can See, I'm Nimble as Can Be!, So If Somebody's Chasing, They Will Never Catch Me!, I Don't Try to Be Mean, That is Not How I Think!, I Just Play My Tricks and Off I Go, As Quick as A Wink!, Oh, Yes!, My Name's "The Winkster", That Should Come as No Surprise!, I Come, I Go, I am So Quick, You Won't Believe Your Eyes!, I Like to Have Some Fun, I Like to Play My Little Jokes!, Sometimes I Try to Take Things, That Belong to Other Folks!, As You Can See, I'm Nimble as Can Be!, So If Somebody's Chasing, They Will Never Catch Me!, So If Somebody's Chasing, They Will Never Catch Me! The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) The Prettiest Bird! Barney, The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain When She Comes!, Toot-Toot!, She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain When She Comes!, Toot-Toot!, She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain, She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain, She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain When She Comes!, Toot-Toot!, She'll Be Driving Six White Horses When She Comes!, Whoa Back!, She'll Be Driving Six White Horses When She Comes!, Whoa Back!, She'll Be Driving Six White Horses, She'll Be Driving Six White Horses, She'll Be Driving Six White Horses When She Comes!, Whoa Back!, Toot-Toot!, And We'll All Get Out to Meet Her When She Comes!, Hi, There!, And We'll All Get Out to Meet Her When She Comes!, Hi, There!, And We'll All Get Out to Meet Her, We'll All Get Out to Meet Her, And We'll All Get Out to Meet Her When She Comes!, Hi, There!, Whoa Back!, Toot-Toot!, And We'll All Have Cake and Ice Cream When She Comes!, Yum-Yum!, And We'll All Have Cake and Ice Cream When She Comes!, Yum-Yum!, And We'll All Have Cake and Ice Cream, We'll All Have Cake and Ice Cream, And We'll All Have Cake and Ice Cream When She Comes!, Yum-Yum!, Hi, There!, Whoa Back!, Toot-Toot!, And We'll All Have A Great Big Party When She Comes!, Yahoo!, And We'll All Have A Great Big Party When She Comes!, Yahoo!, And We'll All Have A Great Big Party, We'll All Have A Great Big Party, And We'll All Have A Great Big Party When She Comes!, Yahoo!, Yum-Yum!, Hi, There!, Whoa Back!, Toot-Toot! Barney: Hey.where'd you get the peanuts? Kristy: We'd like to Barney but it looks like we might have to go home soon. Barney - Everyone Is Special (Live In NYC Instrumental) Search the history of over 806 billion Maybe I Should Go Inside The Clubhouse. Barney: (Laughs), I Can Tell Everyone Knows How to Do This Now!, Hey!, Let's Try Snowflakes! They then all get together to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" before Baby Bop makes a wish on a star. The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) Rain, Rain, Go Away. Produced by Will Reid and Michael Simon Johnson. "And the first very nice surprise is that so many of my friends are here! The show was exclusively performed at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, New York, making it's premiere on March 5, 1994 and running until March 13, 1994. Meanwhile, BJ waits for his cannon to arrive, but when it turns out to be . Barney: Ring Around The Rosie?, Oh, Sure!, Okay!, Here We Go! Una Tarde con Barney y Sus Amigos Barney Live! would you like to singa silly song to cheer up my friends? The Kids, The Characters, and Alex Bratten: (Singing) Come Again Another Day. Then, after greeting the audience, Barney sings "The More We Get Together" before thanking the audience for coming to play. Barney;She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes. Please read the blog for why this was necessary. Can India Become the Next Global Superpower? - New York Times The story of "Phantom of the Opera's" meteoric rise and bittersweet closing. Barney: Oh!, We'll Get It Out!, It's Okay! (Barney says thank you so many times in the first row). ! As a merry chase develops, Barney becomes the ringmaster at an \"Imagination Circus.\" To retrieve their bag, Barney and his friends must help The Winkster learn how important it is to have friends and to share.Songs:00:02:19 \"Barney Theme Song\"00:03:11 \"The More We Get Together\"00:06:24 \"Mr. Knickerbocker\"00:08:14 \"Ring Around the Rosie\"00:10:40 \"My Yellow Blankey\"00:12:40 \"The Barney Bag\"00:15:56 \"The Winkster's Song\"00:20:28 \"She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain\"00:22:40 \"BJ's Song\"00:26:48 \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\"00:29:37 \"Rain Medley\"00:31:09 \"If All the Raindrops\"00:33:17 \"And the Green Grass Grows All Around\"00:38:20 \"I Am a Fine Musician\"00:42:01 \"Boom, Boom, Ain't It Great to Be Crazy?\"00:44:13 \"The Wheels on the Bus\"00:46:35 \"Three Little Monkeys\"00:49:11 \"Do Your Ears Hang Low?\"00:53:26 \"The Airplane Song\"00:55:25 \"Me and My Teddy\"00:58:29 \"Four Little Ducks\"01:03:58 \"My Aunt Came Back\"01:05:22 \"London Bridge\"01:06:44 \"Star Medley\"01:10:07 \"Please and Thank You\"01:13:17 \"Everyone is Special\" Tickety: Barney!, Maybe We Can Make Something Special to Show to All Our New Friends! Flying in an airplane, Lookin' out the window, Up so very high. Also, the chase takes everyone to "Barney's Imagination Circus" with fun-loving clowns and some dancing bears. Can you tie 'em in a knot? Uploaded by Town, DVD only: Barney's Night Before Christmas More Barney Songs Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm Barney's Super Singing Circus Come on Over to Barney's House I Love My Friends Julie: (Singing) Way Up North Where There's Ice and Snow! Barney: It is now but it won't be if we use our imaginations Come on everybody imagine a heart big enough to share with your family,a heart big enough to share with all of your friends ,a heart big enough for everybody everywhere and let's imagine it! Barney Live In New York City (Script) View source History Talk (0) (AT; Categories Categories: Custom Scripts . Tosha: (Singing) The Horse, He Slipped and Fell on The Flea! Then the kids grab some instruments and perform "I Am a Fine Musician". I got lots of friends out there And they're lots of fun, But they're not my teddy bear He's my favorite one. Barney: (Singing) It's Raining, It's Pouring! It is based on the American live-action educational children's television series Barney & Friends.After a soft run in Memphis, Tennessee, the show made its world premiere on January 23, 2003 at Radio City Music Hall in New . With Nina Feldman. English. you will? He then explains his act, before pushing the button on his remote control, causing the act to go horribly wrong, as the Winkster flies out of the cannon, ending the circus with another chase. Barney: Get Him!, Hurry!, Run, Everybody! Live in your own home. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. On opening night, the show became the second fastest sell-out in Radio City history, coming behind Bette Midler's[1] show at Radio City Music Hall that performed a year prior. Kristy: Hey Barney let me take this backstage, Barney: And now next at our Super Dee Duper circus we like to present to you Karen and her amazing dancing bears. As a merry chase develops, Barney becomes the ringmaster at an "Imagination Circus." Baby Bop: I'm Listening!, But I Cannot Guess What They are Making! Barney: (Singing) Well, I've Been Looking in My Barney Bag!, and I Found Alot of Things!, Gizmos and Gadgets, and Odds and Ends!, and Even Some Old String! Afterwards, he returned to Texas and immediately went to the library seeking out books on how to stage a school play, given that he knew nothing about writing live performances. Barney Live: The Search For The Barney Bag Act 2 (Script) Announcer: Oh!, (Clears Throat), Boys and Girls, Ladies and Gentleman, Let's All Use Our Imaginations and Welcome Barney! When the show first premiered however, the show went smoothly. 1 Cast: 2 Songs: 2.1 Act 1; 2.2 Act 2; 3 Gallery: Cast: Barney - Bob Parr (The Incredibles) . Barney: Oh, Baseball!, The Great American Pass Time!, The Only Game Where You Can Find A Diamond in The Dirt, See Bats in Brod Daylight, and Find People Wearing Gloves in The Summer!, (Laughs), Hey!, Let's All Stand Up and Have A Stretch Together!, Come On, Stand Up, Everybody!, Come On!, Everybody Up and Stretch with Me!, Here We Go! Come on in monkeys! In New York City. Barney: Huh?, What's That?, It Sounds Like A Tricycle Bell!, Who Do You Think It Could Be? The Kids:Toot Toot. BJ: Yes I'm BJ thehuman cannon ball and i'm going to launch myself out of this cannon, Barney: Uhhh BJ maybe we should talk about this because there's some saftey regulations to thi-, BJ: And when I'm high up in the air I'll wave some flags ,then i'll hum the french national anthem say the alphabet backwards whiledoing morse code with my feet, Barney: BJ Maybe third time isn't alwaysthe charm, BJ: After that I'll make a paper airplane, BJ: and launch it just in time for me to land, Barney:That sounds very entertaining and all but you can't shoot yourself out of a canon that's not a safe thing to try and saftey is very important, BJ: I guess you're beats trying my magic act again tough. Tutter: (Singing) That's What People Say! Grover: It's Fun to Have So Many Friends to Sing and Play With! Winkster:Waitwho's that going on the stage? Grandma Flutter: (Singing) Sat on A Curbstone Covered with Ice! prior to the video release) is a stage show that was directed by Bruce Deck, performance directed and choreographed by Penny Wilson, written by Stephen White with songs by Philip Parker alongside traditional tunes.

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