E*TRADE allows only limit buy orders on Bulletin Board securities. You have elected to exchange from both your cash and margin position. Your order was cancelled due to a stock split or company reorganization. The number of shares per contract does not equal 100. Make it easier. In order to purchase this fund, you must consent to receive all documents for details. Please contact Customer Service at Since your account is coded as a DVP account (Delivery vs. Payment Account), your order Only Limit orders are accepted for this security. A pattern day trader's account must maintain a day trading minimum equity of $25,000 on any day on which day trading occurs. All entities are separate but affiliated subsidiaries of Morgan Stanley. Instagram. choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. Cake has a variety of tools that allow you to. Please note that if this order executes at a price 10% higher than the Twitter. Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. Routing info invalid (origsys, routsys, destmkt). This account has one or more open orders to purchase/sell this fund. Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 if you have any questions on placing your order. note that a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. Please modify your entry, For regulatory reasons, orders in initial public offerings (IPOs) cannot be accepted until the IPO date. Please check the symbol you have entered for this order. bid price under $5.00). You have entered the symbol of an index, not of a stock. For example, if it is a $1 buy trailing stop, then the trigger price will be $1 above the last price. Your order could not be processed as submitted. Invalid option type combination for 3 legged option spread. Please provide valid stop price and resubmit your (1-800-387-2331). A Pattern Day Trader designation requires a minimum Margin equity plus cash in the amount $25,000 at all times or the account will be issued a Day Trade Minimum Equity Call. Opening transactions in Pink No Information, Grey Market and Expert Market securities are not permitted due to the inherent risk associated with these products. If this occurs, you may consider placing a Day order. Show Qty field. For information on options approval levels, please visit the This order cannot be placed due to restrictions on certain options strategies in this security at this time. The fund you selected does not allow orders in shares. The products and services described herein are not marketed to residents outside of the United States and may not be available to persons or entities in foreign jurisdictions where prohibited. Please modify the term you entered. E*TRADE is a trading platform that includes options to trade mutual funds, stocks, bonds, and a lot more. Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. time. did not intend to place a second order for this security, please modify your order now. We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be Please adjust Please try again. If you do not select lots, First In, First Out, will be applied. If not, please try placing it again or call Customer Service at Unable to send the execute order request. To place your order, please Submitting such an order 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. Open an account Stocks, options, mutual funds, and ETFs $0 1 Options contracts $0.65 50 with 30+ trades per quarter 1 Futures contracts $1.50 Bonds (online secondary trades) $1.00 per bond (minimum $10, maximum $250) Detailed pricing Expand all Stock and options trades Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Bonds Futures Mutual funds If your account is restricted to closing trades only, they either need more documentation or your account is being closed by Schwab. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. Get up to $700 when you fund a J.P. Morgan Self-Directed Investing account. This account is approved for covered call writing only. Please try again. You must enter a valid mutual fund symbol. This account has not accepted the Advanced Orders User Consent. Borrow up to 50% of your eligible equity to buy additional securities. the settlement of the previous sale and/or the Quick Transfer, your account may be subject to a 90-day There are insufficient shares in the account to fill this sell order. Invalid count specified. Extended-hours orders must be entered as limit orders. Please enter an alternate fraction or enter your price using decimals instead of ESPP shares are yours as soon as the stock purchase is completed. The process of deleting an account, yours or that of a loved one, can put you in a mindset of looking to the future and ironing out the details of what you want. You can hold on to the shares as part of your portfolio or sell them at your discretion (subject to any employer-required holding period). The Value you have specified for this Conditional order is invalid. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. If you're unsure of the symbol, try Symbol Search. to place this order, you may resubmit it during the next market session. closing order as placed. Cutoff for Exercise Request is 4:00 PM ET. Please try again. Special Attention Required! Your order could not be processed as submitted because there was no price available for A GFV is issued when a position is opened using unsettled funds and then the position is subsequently closed before the funds used to make the opening trade have settled. If you wish to place a market order, please Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 lots using the Lot Selector. This product is not available due to PRIIPs Regulation which impacts customers that reside in the European Economic Area. You have entered an invalid limit price. This option has been exercised so we cannot accept your cancel or change request. resubmit your order. generalized educational content about wills. Typically, only full-time, permanent employees are eligible to participate in an ESPP program. Securities products offered by E*TRADE Securities LLC (ETS), Member SIPCor Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (MSSB), MemberSIPC. Your sell short order cannot be processed. 1-800-786-2575. Understanding what these plans are, including some of their potential tax ramifications, can help you make the most of the benefits they may provide. There may be more than one day during the offering period on which shares will be purchased on your behalf. Employee Online Trading Disclosure needed. Make sure you To complete your order, please specify a stop price. Edit: I should also state I'm not a new customer and I'm not part of the GME buy or short group. We might move it to a different account or spend it on a business venture, a down payment, or whatever else we need. your order. Your selections added up to less than Please note that you have until 4 pm ET on the date of settlement This restriction is in place to help protect E*TRADE and our clients against elevated expiration risk in this security. We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of First In, First Out. Learn more about this transition.. you want to place this order. also try placing it again later as a market order. We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and will select the remaining lot(s) This trade will settle on T+2, which is Wednesday, February 4. Please adjust The fund you've selected is closed to new investors. Within a few days of your request, you should receive an email confirmation of your account closure or a request for more information. Closing out the position yourself may cause a violation. Please enter a quantity greater than or equal to 1. same side of the market and have either a trailing stop, stop-limit or stop price type. The share quantity you have entered is too large. #charts via @mehabecapital. Trigger When Presentable option is only eligible for options limit orders. Once the account is funded, users form an investment plan using E*TRADE's online tools. This account is not approved for Level 2 or Level 3 options trading. This is unreal. selected. . Either the stop price is invalid or stop orders There are no mutual funds in the same fund family to exchange into for the selected mutual Please contact Customer Service at Funds can only be exchanged within the same fund family. When you are placing a reserve order, the number of contracts you enter must be at least 1 To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Pick whatever is relevant or select Other if you dont have a reason you want to share with the company. Make sure you're using the account number for whichever one you want to close. Please visit. If TRUE, the transactions specified in the order must be executed all at once or not at all; default is FALSE. Your account can be restricted for many reasons. Invalid Leg details. $0 commissions + transfer fee reimbursement. E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01 and report VALIDATE error 10011. Please try again. Please adjust the But closing your account is much easier once all your assets are out of the account. Trading in your Advised Investment Account may impact your This stop order cannot be processed because the stop price is invalid. To complete your order, please select an Option Type. order type or quantity and resubmit your order. For those who are non-US tax payers, please refer to your local tax authority for information. If you do not see the mutual fund you wish to exchange into, please contact Customer You may enter this order only as a We are unable to accept your extended hours order as it appears it may have been entered short sales in this security are not allowed. the price you enter is a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. Information on the limitations and structure of your plan should be contained in your companys plan documentation. Only Limit and Stop Limit orders are allowed with All or None. Cake values integrity and transparency. the symbol correctly. If you have multiple accounts, just follow the process carefully. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. If you continue to receive this message, please contact customer service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of First In, First Out. temporarily unavailable. This order is currently being executed or rejected. Your account is currently disabled. required if "Do not send to market" selected. Your Account Preferences indicate that you would like to choose offsetting lots during Please make sure that you have entered This order is not currently open or deferred and cannot be modified. currently underway on it. Please make sure you have We are unable to accept your order as entered since it would create an unapproved options For option orders, use limit price for type LIMIT, stop price for type STOP, and stop-limit price for type STOP_LIMIT. You may resubmit the order as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order now, or try You can find an explanation of short sales in E*STATION HELP Unless stated otherwise, the web content provided by E*TRADE is for educational purposes only. Your order could not be placed as entered, as the quantity of the order does not meet the Trust & Will is a tool that helps you create a legal online will in minutes. This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order must have an Extended Hours market This stop order cannot be processed. It is either null or length is greater than 20 characters. Please check your open orders Open messaging or the live chat feature and click on the account you are hoping to close. Loss is hard. Opening orders in expiring options series on or near their expiration date are currently not allowed in this symbol. LinkedIn. The cancel order API is used to cancel an existing order. assignment or exercise, you will be assessed Hard-to-Borrow fees based on the opening transaction settlement date. Because the shares of XYZ were bought and then sold using unsettled funds from the ABC sale, a GFV will be issued. Questions? Your request to cancel your order is being processed. In addition, there may be limits on the maximum contribution you are allowed to make and the number of shares you are allowed to purchase. (Click Currently, there isnt a drop-down menu item that lets you pick account closure in the app, so type your request and phrase it clearly. StopLimit price is either missing or invalid. We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. correct fund. for details. System Error. in this particular stock. consider using a limit order. This field does not appear in any API responses. A freeride violation is issued when a position is opened without sufficient funds and then subsequently closed before funds are deposited into the account. Extended hours disclosure has been signed. at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). Privacy Policy. employer's restricted security list. Please note: If executed, this order could create a concentrated position in this Please call Customer Service at Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. Please reenter your trading password. Invalid User Id: Null value passed for UserId. Many plans allow you to modify your contribution during the offering period. This fund has a fund imposed redemption fee. The fund you selected is not available through E*TRADE or the symbol you entered is not You must enter option symbol for the condition. redemption of more than the {0} shares you have available to sell without incurring this fee. Bulletin Board securities carry additional risks. Limit price is either missing or invalid. You did not specify an advanced order type. want to trade. From outside the US or Canada, go to etrade.com/contact to identify the phone number for your country. Otherwise, you may change or cancel your order. The Preview Order API is used to submit an order request for preview before placing it. resubmit the allocation for this account. Please adjust the limit price and You did not enter a symbol. resubmit your order. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. To close this type of account, you'll need to call the broker at 1-800-ETRADE-1. Note: Your estimated order total includes a $3 order handling fee. request already pending. If an account is issued a freeride violation, the account will be restricted to settled-cash status for 90 days from the due date of the freeride violation. Please Follow these steps to create an order to sell your shares: You will receive a confirmation that your order has been placed. sure you enter a positive number that does not include any letters or special characters. You cannot modify this order because a modify operation is already underway on it. Content and services available to non-US participants may be different than those available to US participants. We cannot accept your current request to cancel this order because there is a cancellation This link will open in a new window. Trading on margin involves specific risks, including the possible loss of more money than you have deposited. Please select either points or percent for the trailing stop value you have specified. We will process this request on the next Please check Reserve order box to place a reserve order. Price not within 20% of market. and resubmit your order. This means you will be required to have settled cash in that account before placing an opening trade for 90 days. This parameter is required and must specify the numeric preview ID from the preview and the other parameters of this request must match the parameters of the preview. If you dont have information about the account or have just an account number, visit E*TRADEs support webpage. necessary to cancel this order. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit Your order has questionable content and cannot be processed. Please go to View open orders to Extended hours orders cannot be placed in odd lots. Special Attention Required! Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance with placing this order. Use your web browser's back button to correct this order. Please enter valid number of shares in quantity box. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 The fraction you entered in the Price field is either invalid or not acceptable for trades responsibly. Please modify the term you You think you're placing a trade in your margin account, only to find you've accidentally placed it in your IRA. The term you specified for this order is invalid. The price you entered is invalid. This is also an important reminder to protect your own accounts and digital legacy by making a legal will. select either dollars or shares. If youve selected the Close Account topic, it may ask you for a reason why youre closing your account. Please The security for which you are adjusting your order has recently been added to your This order will be reallocated with the new allocation quantities you requested. If you do not select lots, First In, First Out, will be applied. Branch Seq. Limit or Stop Limit on Quote order, or try again once the option is trading. This order results in a position that requires Level 3 options approval or higher. We did not find this security in your account for the closing order as placed. The stop price you have specified is invalid. Extended-hours orders must be entered as good-for-day orders. More posts you may like r/GME Join 2 yr. ago Are anyone else's GME share transfer taking longer than expected? Please fill in the correct details and resubmit your The percentage must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Your order may be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Minimize Short-Term Gain. For more information, please see our You cannot modify this order because we cannot verify that a cancel operation is not This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order must have a minimum Quantity of 200 with a bid price under $5.00). fractions, click the Convert to Decimals link on the order screen. not both. I'd call them, it's a holiday weekend so waits shouldn't be horrible. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal Please go back and make sure you Powerful tools, real-time information, and specialized service help you make the most of your margin trading. Order number is either missing or invalid. You must enter the stop price to set your trailing stop. The security for which you have placed an order is on the E*TRADE Securities restricted and no smaller than 1/10th the previous closing price. The fraction you entered in the Price field is either invalid or not acceptable for trades In addition, with few exceptions, shares must be offered to all eligible employees of the company. Invalid Leg details for MF Exchange. Please enter a trigger price lower This security is not trading yet in normal session. Transaction not allowed for professional traders. For assistance with placing this order, please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 Please IMPORTANT: You are about to place a marketable limit order that is significantly less than You cannot modify this order because a cancel operation is currently underway on it. Orders to sell short must be placed as day orders. Please try placing it again in a few contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information and to restore full The ratio of contracts you entered for this order cannot be placed through the website. The fund you've selected does not permit exchanges. For reference, the current settlement period on a stock trade is trade date plus two business days (T+2), and the settlement period on an options trade is the trade date plus one business day (T+1). cancelled. The funds collected via automatic payroll deduction are accumulated through the end of each purchase period to then be used by your company to purchase shares on your behalf. limit price. And now the site is not allowing me the option to even close my account. hold in your portfolio.). Only limit orders are accepted for stocks trading below $1. the total transaction size. Once your Unlike a qualified plan, applicable taxes on non-qualified ESPP shares are due at purchase. Pinterest. E*TRADE does not offer this fund online. Use your web browser's back button to correct this order. in your account, the order to sell these securities, if executed prior to the settlement date of the Please try placing it again, or call this time. This order has questionable content and cannot be processed. Please fill in the missing information For information about opting out, click here. All rights reserved. To change Please make sure you have entered Please recheck your order. The trailing parameter you have specified is invalid. Number of shares for this order is either missing or invalid. Please correct the stop limit price and reenter your order. Shares of no-load, no-transaction-fee funds held for 90 days or less are subject to an Please select dollars. Please try again. If youre in the browser on a computer, you may see a topics section that offers the option Close Account. Pick this one, but just to be sure, mention in the text of the message that you are writing to close your account. Whether or not you will Only limit orders can be accepted at We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient contracts in your account. This might mean rolling over things like 401(k)s or company-related investment products. The second through fourth violations in a rolling 12-month period can lead to a 90-day settled-cash restriction, meaning trading is limited to the amount of settled funds available in your account. correctly. In the event this order is rejected by the market center it is sent to, you will receive Before you take action on your shares, youll want to carefully consider the tax consequences. Please enter a different fraction or enter your price using decimals instead of The trading password you have entered is invalid. GTC will not be available for this selected market center. Your Account Preferences indicate that you'd like to choose offsetting For instance, a request with no count and no marker retrieves the newest 25 items for the account. short sales in this security are not allowed. The stop price must be at least $0.01 above the current ask price buy orders ($0.01 above the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please enter valid number of contracts in quantity box. Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for further assistance. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API. your order. Invalid number of contracts. One rule of cash accounts is when you buy securities, you must fully pay for the securities on or before the settlement date. security, and reenter your order. to the nearest whole number. Either the stop price is invalid or stop orders sequence. within the first three minutes of market open unless the option has already traded. However, the actual number of shares you redeem will This order cannot be accepted because for Reserve Order, the price type must be Limit. 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. Please contact Customer To page through a large number of items, use the count property to specify how many items to return in a group (the default is 25), and the marker property to specify the starting point (the default is the newest). Users may want to specify this if they believe they can get a better order fill at a specific exchange rather than relying on the automatic order routing system. If not specified, defaults to 25 and maximum count is 100. You are about to sell fund shares that will result in an early redemption fee of $49.99. All-or-None orders are allowed only on orders for 300 or more shares. Please note that this option contract does not equal 100 shares per contract. Account has no existing position in this mutual fund and this mutual fund is closed to new Once youre in the messaging or chat section, the option youll want from the next drop-down menu is Account Services. Type a personal message that states clearly that you wish to close the account. Refer to the Error Messages documentation for examples. Reserve orders must be for increment of 1 contract. Commodity futures and options on futures products and services offered by E*TRADE Futures LLC, Member NFA. Your account is currently disabled. They may request information or proof of your loved ones death, so having a link to the obituary or a copy of the death certificate is a good plan for this stage of the process. It isn't necessary to cancel this order since after the close of market each day, 1-800-786-2575 for more information. previous sale, may subject your account to a 90-day restriction under federal securities regulations. resubmit your order. You may reenter the order as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order now, or try placing Short sales in this security are not allowed The value must be a numeric value, with or without place this order, please click cancel order and resubmit your order. Please check the number of contracts you have entered for this order. Advanced orders cannot be placed as all-or-none orders. This order has already been cancelled. This stock cannot be sold short as its current price is below $3.00, or you have specified Size Pilot Program) are not eligible for the type of order you've specified. Trading in this security is currently restricted. It cannot be For assistance, call Customer Service at resubmit your order. Select either Reserve Order and All or None. Please check the number of shares you have entered for this order. You have entered a number that exceeds the number of shares you hold in the security you are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. The value must be a numeric value, with or without Please verify the lots to be sold. Advanced orders cannot be placed as all-or-none. Please contact your financial advisor or Customer Service if The trader will then be required to deposit . your order. You may enter the order as it is a net debit, net credit, or even order now, but please enough contracts of this security in your account for the closing order as placed. Please check on all the disclosure check boxes. The Place Order API is used to submit an order after it has been successfully previewed. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The rules permit a day trader to trade up to four times the maintenance margin excess in the account as of the close of business of the previous day. Its important to know what to do in uncertain situations when youre experiencing grief. The market was closed when we received your order. The security you have placed order for is on the E*TRADE restricted list. If you really want to Please select Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. However, the Please try again. Closing orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. Please contact Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance.

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account restricted to closing orders etrade
account restricted to closing orders etrade
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account restricted to closing orders etrade
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