Twilight had her suspicions that Cadence Mi Amore Cadenza wasnt herself, but after she caught her brainwashing Shining Amor, she had no choice but to speak up. Every second of her absence is killing me. When they did enter, she wasted no time leaving the game before getting up off her beanie bag to face Shining, who had just walked in behind his vanguard. One of the guards said gruffly. Shinings heart sank deeper into his stomach. Hah! The music for Equestria Girls played in place of the theme song "How can this be?Why didn't he tell me?" Queen Chrysalis: You were saying? Whatever Celestia wanted her for, it certainly wasn't anything light-hearted. He'll always make time for you. Silver: Alright, you did it! As quietly as she could, she made her way back to her bedroom. "You are in charge of the armory. One could even dare say the latter was no longer her favourite princess as well. Before long, she had reached her old quarters from when she was living in the castle, still in her early days as Celestia's protege. Said Pinkie. Princess Luna: Rest, my sister. We all know you had only the best of intentions. Sonic: Yeah maybe he finally accepted that he can't beat the power of teamwork and friendship, but then again, he's never exactly been the giving up type. Rarity had a point; Twilight did upset the bride, even though she was an impostor. Now the Royal guards gets it, one unicorn after another flying across the screen. "Princess, I don't know about this. Applejack: We didn't even find out about the Changelings until much later. ", "No ma'am. I think I need to lie down". Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. Mom. [Chrysalis suddenly lands in front of them]. Silver: A changeling? [Twilight stomp her hoof on the table in frustration]. Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. It was only now that everypony in the castle had learned of the caves, and ever since, Celestia had sent a scouting party of Royal Guards to investigate them, in order to find out how Chrysalis had managed to imprison both Cadance and Twilight in them, while taking measures to ensure they are never used in such a manner ever again. All around her, ponies were picking each other off the ground and hugging as they were reunited with their friends and families. ", Hearing that made Cadence even more skeptical about whether or not she should really marry Shining Armor. If Your Royal Highnesses would follow me? Rarity started herding the princesses out of the wedding hall. It's almost like she's the threat. ", "Thank you Cadance. Until Black Panther, Shuri and Mordecai's Crew show up to see Princess Celestia. "Next stop, Ponyville! ", Luna was dismayed. Furthermore, we find it impossible to understand how the group failed to grasp the realization that Twilight had a very close and personal relationship with Cadance, something that we are very keenly aware of, and therefore could not connect the dots that would have exposed the usurper from her veil. [looks at Team Sonic, Twilight's friends and Spike] Who are you guys? Indeed, it had been 1000 years since I last saw Equestria, and much has changed. "With pleasure sir!" Shining Armour and Cadance use the power of love as they form a heart shape and their power grew stronger and spread across the room, blasting Chrysalis out the window screaming], [The power spread through Canterlot, also blasting all the changelings and freeing the royal guards from their gooey bonds], [Chrysalis and the changelings got thrown backwards through the sky and disappear in a beam of light. I mean, it's been a good while since we've last seen Eggman. ", "Lieutenant Fang, let it be known that this operation will be enacted on a size and scale greater than that of the first. "I guess things will never be the same between us ever again." Twilight's face was tear-stained and her friends took notice of a puddle near the sofa, to which they surmised was a result of her crying quite a bit. Snapped Spike. Queen Chrysalis: And I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as captain of the Royal Guard. What plan, and who's he helping? All this was as per Shining Armor's orders to get Canterlot back to working capacity. Before she could say anything, Celestia continued. After Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings have been defeated, all of Canterlot was finally at ease. Twilight shook her head. Robots, here? No ah will not stay out of it! "Nothing sinister darling. She probably doesnt even want to be at the wedding with the attitude she has toward my fianc!, Pinkie Pie sprang up, Are you kidding me? After taking a look in the mirror to check her face (and after briefly washing it), that's when it clicked. You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". Nothing! Twilight said, jolted out of her thoughts. With authority, the baby dragon approached the Princess of Love to state his business. He even refused to recall what he did to her, considering the price his actions carried placed a heavy weight of shame on himself. They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. ", "No Fluttershy, I haven't. ", "Okay Twilight." Shining Armor: She's been completely stressed out because it's really important to her that our big day be perfect! Twilight Sparkle: Glad you agree, Fluttershy. Asked Applejack. As was customary with the rules of war, both parties would first try to talk each other out of it. Amy Rose: Twilight, whatever are you talking about? The unicorn mare, bearing a mane almost similar to Twilight's, raced to the door to greet her son. I knew I couldn't trust you, yet I let my merciful nature get the better of me! Sonic: [to the Mane Five] You better go with her, don't worry, we'll tell the princess you've arrived. I understand why you are upset." Cream: Oh, goodness Miss Twilight! Applejack couldn't help but notice the way they were looking at her. NOW!!!" That was the way things were for the time being. They had a fight similar to this, but never in 1 million years would her older brother disinvite her to anything because of a silly little accusation. How can there be two of 'em? Smiling evilly as she watched the villagers flee for their lives, Chrysalis gave her troops the command they had fought for. Not that anypony noticed. Many of my unicorns will experience an incredibly tough battle initially, given the Princesses' powers, but over time they will weaken, and my troops will gain the upper hoof. A Canterlot Apology - Fimfiction Two wrongs never make a right and when I say that, I meant it doesnt matter how out of order Twilight was when she confronted the queen. Everypony in the room was standing in awe of her. Her throne possessed the ability to channel the love from her prisoners into her body, giving her extra magic power and increased strength, a much needed boost considering the toll Cadance and Shining's spell took on her. The only thing she couldn't imagine happening, however, was a second invasion. Twilight Sparkle: And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. Until Mordecai kicks Shining Armor on the leg and they are there to remind them: with their fists. Now ah' know it may seem pointless to be getting upset about trashed muffins, but the point ah'm making here is that the real Cadance would have loved what we did for the wedding. Can you say "best wedding ever"?! "Hello Twilight." With the defeat of the princesses, the pegasi and unicorns will then exit the castle through the main entrance and over the walls, so as to engage the Royal Guards from behind. Do you have any idea..?". "No ma'am. Why was Twilight not corrupted by these Nightmare Forces you speak of? "Iknew Twilight trusted me. It was obvious to the cowpony that Big Mac had been busy. Now they were ready to stand before her and say they were sorry. I know I am guilty of nearly letting my subjects, my ponies meet their doom, I know I am guilty of nearly letting Canterlot be wiped off the face of Equestria, and I am especially sorry for betraying my student, who holds so much faith for me and has given everything to both ourselves and Equestria. Velvet and Night could barely comprehend the news given to them. That would mean telling his mother and father, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, of the events that had transpired since the rehearsal, and by the Creator, they would not take it well. What an honor! [The laugh echoes as the heroes run off. "I guess I didn't sleep well last night.". She fooled everypony.. "Shh, it's OK big sister." "Then you are ready." We thought leavin' her alone to think about what she had done would be best for her.". Nopony seemed to be paying any attention to her anyway. What's he doing here? Aside from that, there's nothing else to report. We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" And Im pretty sure Cadance would like a new wedding dress., Why of course, darling! Rarity said, completely overshadowing whatever it was that Cadance had meant to say. "After all, we need you to lead the Elements of-mmph!". Cadance asked inquisitively. The Mane 5 were left speechless. Around her, some of her Changelings were also coming to, but their numbers had been severely depleted following the massive pulse of magic released unto them by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Cadence began to dish out fake tears, Why are you doing this to me? she began to run away while Twilight gloated. "Yes Luna. Her expression was calm, but serious. "I'm not sure darling. At some point during her internal argument, she had developed a headache. "I don't think there's much we can do Shining. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy With a reciprocating nod and salute (respectively), the two ponies proceeded through the halls of the castle up to Celestia's private bedchambers, two rows of guards watching over the hall leading to both Celestia and Luna's rooms. Twilight Sparkle: She sure has a way of sneaking up on people. Clever. What if she really was just going through a hard time? "No, thank you. Worse still, she couldn't comprehend just how little she cared for Twilight, compared to the amount of love and attention she gives to her animal friends daily. The Mane Six get shocked by this. But we did, so in all honesty, we can chalk that up to being a big fat lie. During her embrace, she casts her magical heart emitting from her horn. They will no doubt be complemented by cavalry and supported by archers from the castle's parapets. Rarity: It is gorgeous out. I want to make up for my actions at the rehearsal. Interestingly enough, neither Granny Smith nor Big Mac were anywhere to be seen, but that mattered little to Applejack. Said Cadance, her usual mirth waning when she saw how the girls had fared since the previous night. Beside him at the war room table was Commander Alkaios of the pegasi, and Commander Maugrim of the unicorns. Why did you all push her aside for your own wedding and Cadence? As Shining Armor stared into Cadances eyes and held her tightly, neither of them noticed Twilight standing off to the side. I don't care how you do it, just get out of Ponyville, but only when we have Cadance. The lavender unicorn looked at him, having snapped out of her trance. "Of course! Unlike you, I would never leave Twilight unless the circumstances demanded it, but were all so caught up in the wedding that it became all that mattered to you! "Come in, Spike.". Something he couldn't quite put his claw on. Greater matters such as this always overruled the minor details, a fact Cadance did not forget. She must know that her resignation spells doom for Equestria and life as we know it". You see, before I became Nightmare Moon, I shared rule of Equestria with my dear sister. ), (Turn down to show Ponyville Hospital; inside, Black Panther, Shuri/Black Panther and Mordecai's Crew are in the lobby, looking apologetically up at the camera. "That is correct sister. In the meantime, Celestia turned to Cadance. Too bad everyone else was too caught up in your wedding planning to realize those suspicions were correct! However, they were completely harvested. Shining Armor: This was my favorite uncle's. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? That was all it took for Celestia to collapse into Shining, sobbing in despair. Captain, may I talk to you in private?". Princess Cadance: [muffled] I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that. "Yes Aunt Celestia. Whatever perils lay inside did little to faze the nerves of the Changelings. Amy Rose: Break it up you two, now's not the time for arguing! From the numerous cracks and windows that dotted the structure, a sickly green light glowed, with trace amounts of smoke rising from them. Perform your spell! Let's start getting this party kickin!" "Your Majesty, we have created a new plan formed from the coordinates of the previous assault on Canterlot." Celestia did mention something about betraying somepony when she was crying in the former's embrace, but it was only after she put two and two together did she see the horrible picture that was painted in her mind. I have to go and find Twilight. However, he was met with no answer as it turned out Celestia had fallen asleep. Her mane was half-inflated, a sign of her misery, and her eyes had bags, an obvious indicator she did not sleep well. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile. Take care of yourself." The wedding wagon sets off]. As she began pushing down the right trigger using her magic, there were three knocks on the door. Behind him, the door closed and locked again, sealing him away from the outside world. Not to mention saving Shining from making the biggest mistake of his life! To complicate matters, nopony knew the truth at the time, so by a technicality Twilight was as much at fault as the girls were. Please, you have to believe me. [Twilight smiles warmly at her brother's choice and reason for marrying Cadance. But after what he had said while we defeated the Changelings, it was like he had not cared what he had done to me, like he acted that it never happened, hoping that I'd forget it. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. Twilight Sparkle: Big Brother Best Friend Forever? The Princess of Love, accompanied by the other five Element Bearers were heading to Ponyville in order to mend relations with the lavender unicorn, leaving Canterlot vulnerable to attack. You had no right to berate her like that and that goes double for her friends and the Princess herself. All of the signs of fatigue and stress that had clouded his past few weeks had vanished as he shone of the love he shared with Cadance. The room full of celebrating ponies suddenly seemed claustrophobic. "What is the matter dear sister? The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. Princess Celestia: I now pronounce you mare and colt! There was no known reports or rumours of a wedding or any other high-security event this time, according to reports from her spies, thus there wouldn't be a shield to deal with. Spike: [deep voice] Do you? Pinkie chimed, albeit half-heartedly. Cadance's face produced a frank expression. Cut to Princess Celestia, who lifts her face up from lying down. To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. When I was just a filly, I found it rather silly, To see how many other ponies I could meet, I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need, Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together, He taught me how to fly a kite (Best friend forever! ", "Please Twilight, I want to make it up to you. My sister needs me.". Meanwhile, Luna was first to break the ice between herself and Celestia. She could feel her eyebrows and face contort into a mask of pure disappointment, even anger at her sister for doing such a thing, and she had no intention of relinquishing the emotions that were taking over at present. ", "I understand how you feel, it's just that I was afraid I would get kicked out of the wedding too. "Just hang in there. What you are about to hear is top secret, and absolutely nopony can know of it." Don't come back until you're ready to be Twilight's friends again.". Cadance took a moment to consider Rarity's offer. Shining Armor: And I think I should wear it. With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. We must get in enough practice in before the main event!, That can wait cant it? Staff Rook Blonko drags Shining Armor offscreen, as he leaves a wet trail. "In the event the second echelon goes rogue, our Changelings will enclose and crush them, while hunting down any stragglers. Unbeknownst to Shining, the Solar Princess was entering a nightmare. Rainbow added. This was General Skoula, and his physical form was as intimidating and dominating as his reputation among even his own men. Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. But how did you escape my bridesmaids? "Attention everypony! Tone replied, convinced. The army is in need of replenishment. Last time we merely harvested the love from the ponies and kept attacking. With no time to lose, he headed off to carry out his orders. "Why?" You're his sister. Replied Shining sadly. The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie. ), (Mordecai's Crew bites Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Princess Celestia's tushies three times), (Several things get thrown at Royal Guards, Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Princess Celestia, including guns, swords, daggers, bazookas, lightsabers, cannons, blasters and everything. They were perfectly content to leave me to fade out of existence like I was nothing to them, and then, after risking my neck once more to save both you, them and Equestria, they expect me to put together the wedding?! Spike: Oh, wait! What kind of creature is that? I'm..I'm here to say sorry. The heart floats by and lands on the stallion's face. "Girls, remember what you learned. "Y-yeah, sure." Preceded by a chorus of gasps from the Mane 5, Spike turned to face them, his face contorted into one of outrage. Please wake up! ", With that, Twilight galloped back upstairs, utterly offended. It was because of this her mind was made up already. Replied Velvet. "Luna, guards, I wish to talk with Captain Armor alone.". And for Luna's sake, I nearly lost my life because of them! That's when Twilight's irises started to expand and return to normal. I may fall, but I will fight you to the bitter end, because that is the reason I am a Royal Guard! That I just got from a wedding invitation! Worse still, and we did not know this at the time either, but the impostor returned and sealed Twilight in the caves below the castle. Twilight Sparkle: [inhales] Oh, I didn't kno-. Replied the alabaster unicorn. Chrysalis, on the other hoof, was not quite finished. Rainbow cut in. "Gentlecolts, it pleases me immensely to announce the Element Bearers will be of no concern to our operation." Princess Cadance: A changeling is a creature that feeds on love to gain power. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. "Is this true?". Twilight headed towards the open doors, hoping a stroll through the gardens would help clear her mind. Knuckles: [looks at the Mane Six] Uh, you coming? Thus far, they had tasked their forces with the mission to raid every single one of Canterlot's outlying towns and villages, taking everypony residing in them prisoner and killing those who tried to resist, as per Chrysalis's new policy. Pinkie Pie: [yawns] We'II think of one in the morning. They would act as a second echelon, coming in from behind to support the main force. What is that?" Could this be the most important moment in our lives? Eventually, she reached the door to her room and opened it. I'm sorry Cadance, but it just isn't that simple. ", "Look Spike, I really don't know what to think, I'm just so mad and angry right now, and the fact that you did exactly what they did. They followed behind her, closing the doors as they left. Shining Armor's love for you is even stronger than I thought! Rainbow Dash: Could this day get any worse? "Maybe you're right, I probably had went a little to far with that. The aura around the room and the three ponies inside it shattered to pieces like a sonic boom. Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, great news. "Thank you General." May I come in?" Twilight was your own sister, your own flesh and blood! Twilight had eventually stopped sobbing, her emotional wounds partially healed by the warmth handed unto her by the Mane 5. I'm sorry if this interrogation caused you any inconvenience. Both Velvet and Night were awestruck. However, Cadance did take into account that while upsetting a bride before her wedding is an undeniably despicable act, the knowledge that the fate of Equestria was at stake managed to outweigh her crime, but only a little. You have a wedding to plan!". In fact, Twilight even saw her dump a bag of muffins ah' gave her in the trash! Everypony that is, besides the bestmare, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle: Wait, he- he has a transformation from the negative power of the Emeralds as well? ", "Listen Twilight, I know how much you feel they betrayed you, and I fully understand how much they hurt you. "Which is why I suggest we hide in the Everfree Forest. She and Shining Armor look at their parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet who smiles at them proudly while Velvet tries to control her tears], [birds whistling Wagner's "Bridal Chorus"], [Fluttershy smiles and she began conducting the birds to sing Bridal Chorus. I don't understand. Now, he felt like the world's worst brother. "Transparently.". Queen Chrysalis: Ah! Princess Cadance: [starts crying] Why are you doing this to me?! He had no idea that Chrysalis had imprisoned her in the caves, or that her life was in danger, but now that he did, it was taking a bad toll on him. Replied Pinkie, trying her best to make her reply sound genuine. Princess Cadance: The other Cadance is an impostor, a Changeling in disguise. Ok, then. Twilight said, shaking her head. Shadow: For the record, I knew that Cadance we were with was a faker all along. Applejack: Have ya'll seriously not been paying attention, her behavior with us was disgraceful! "Please Captain, lead the way. Snake grinned. Twilight Sparkle: We have to get out of here. Twilight Sparkle: Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and[gasp] My brother?! I know we did try but it's just not enough. The Cadance who brought you all down here was an imposter. Alone. It is revealed that Summer Solstice is Princess Celestia's daughter. Once that is done, my unicorns will then teleport into the castle en masse, where they will begin to harvest the Princesses' love simultaneously, so as to increase their powers and give them extra strength in close combat. "It was I and Alkaios who came up with a separate plan of attack to deal with the princesses, your Majesty." Shining Armor: Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride. Can they all find a way to reconcile, or will their lives go on full of misery and regret? [thinks about it for a moment before running back to the castle], [The scene changes to the next morning at the wedding pavilion as Spike, Team Sonic, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and Cadance were waiting for the Mane Six so they can practice the rehearsal].

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